So, question about the last strech of Beast's quest in aAct 4:
Rogue is fun to play. I'm a bit OP right now though, but if I ever struggle against a boss or anyhting, I'll respec my rogue into a ranger though, because I think I would double or tripple my damage output quite easily.
Did you check the inventory of your companions?
is it normal I let Justinia walk, but she just wandered into some deathfog and died?
Wow! Nice one! I've found 2x20%crit crossbows, but nothing nearly as powerful like that(still five levels behind you though) I was considering respeccing my 2h-"tank"/warfare into Rogue. Maybe I should just go with a second ranger? I think I might try that actually, even if rangers aren't a blast to play (never tried rogue and heard they're very fun to play, although not nearly as strong)
Aye, I clearly see it in your screenshot, but I don't have the recipe in my game (yet). Also thank you for the info about where the item should show up with Autosort. Sadly it doesn't, so I must have lost it somehow. Ah, I'll manage, can't be arsed to reload 20 hours of Act 2 for redoing "Kiss of Death". Again, thanks for your time and clarification though!
edit: What does "+x% Cleave damage" on 2h-weapons do? Maybe I'm stupid or missing something but I've never found a skill called Cleave.
Rogue is fun to play. I'm a bit OP right now though, but if I ever struggle against a boss or anyhting, I'll respec my rogue into a ranger though, because I think I would double or tripple my damage output quite easily.
Did you check the inventory of your companions?