Everything that works on console (and more, of course) works on PC.
This is Larian, not some amateur hour AAA developer![]()
You are LTTP. Actually, most of GAF is. (I can't believe that was over 6 years ago)They are godly. I love them now.
You are LTTP. Actually, most of GAF is. (I can't believe that was over 6 years ago)
But better late than never!
So what you should do is take one of your non-primary henchmen and make them a crafting whore and leave them at homestead. send all your shit to them. If it works the same as the original version at least, it should work well.
This thread is responsible for me getting into Larian's stuff! I was familiar with Divine Divinity thanks to GOG but I never played it for more than a few hours.
You are LTTP. Actually, most of GAF is. (I can't believe that was over 6 years ago)
But better late than never!
Is it recommended to go with controller over mouse for PC or is there really not much of a difference and just a matter of preference? Wondering since i will jump in for the first time in a matter of days on PC...
Also why I'm curious to see if they go with native Steam Controller support (assuming it's not already there and I'm daft.) You could more easily get the best of both with that in I'd think, or at least effectively a mouse with a stick to move the character around manually if you want to do that.I'll play Dragon Commander one day.
One day!
KB/M is still better than a gamepad for this game, but the gamepad controls are still fantastic, somehow Larian managed to do the impossible and make a CRPG playable with gamepad, so it's a matter of preference.
All of them except for Beyond Divinity. Attempt no playing there.This is a question for the Future, but which Larian/divinity games are worth to play? Bought Divine divinity and Eco draconis in a steam sale, don't know whats left.
I am intrigued by the dialogue interplay between the two protagonists meta game, and how people approach it.
There are a couple of ways you can approach it, you can let you main character have their opinion/your opinion and then your partner offer an opposite viewpoint leading to the RPS mini game or you can have your partner be a yesman and agree or you can mix it up.
Obviously if you offer up an opposite viewpoint there is a chance that this viewpoint may win (RPS being random I assume) but does this offer more in the way of traits? is it better to do it this way to have a balanced party? I assume having two protagonists with different traits and outlooks offers up a better spread of experiences rather than having them both think the same?
Nice, has anyone tried the split screen local coop on pc?
Tempted by the PC release over the xb1 as its a lot cheaper and pc is better spec.
This is a question for the Future, but which Larian/divinity games are worth to play? Bought Divine divinity and Eco draconis in a steam sale, don't know whats left.
so who is this raddagoth guy?
Should check to see if you have Divinity II Developers Cut in your library, Enhanced Edition isn't the first time Larian has been awesome with customers about updated versions. That has a bunch of options that are more for replaying or screwing around as I recall however, but the big thing is to play a Dragon Knight Saga version rather than just Eco Draconis.This is a question for the Future, but which Larian/divinity games are worth to play? Bought Divine divinity and Eco draconis in a steam sale, don't know whats left.
Can you elaborate? Maybe spoiler tag.It's nice to see that they've put new companions in town, even though I'm not using them/gonna dump em off later. If I knew they were there, I might've specced my characters a bit differently though.
So I originally made a ranger and quickly started disliking how I never had over 50% chance to hit unless I was really close to whatever I was shooting. Meanwhile these Skeleton Archers can't seem to miss, its pretty annoying.
Are you activating that skill that reduces precision but increases damage if you do hit? I think it's a skill you get when you choose Ranger if you don't modify its skills when creating your character.
Can you elaborate? Maybe spoiler tag.
I'm only aware of four permanent companions you can get in and around Cyseal. There are more now?
Can you elaborate? Maybe spoiler tag.
I'm only aware of four permanent companions you can get in and around Cyseal. There are more now?
Actually, googling it has led me to the conclusion that the two I'm talking about () were patched in a way, way long time ago, I had just played through before that patch came out. The other two were the only ones there when I played. So, nevermind.Wolgraff and Bairdotr
So I originally made a ranger and quickly started disliking how I never had over 50% chance to hit unless I was really close to whatever I was shooting. Meanwhile these Skeleton Archers can't seem to miss, its pretty annoying.
Miss rate is kinda bad early game, having someone with 2pt leadership(which can be obtained with gear only or gear+trait) gives 10% to everyone else, Bless(Geomancer) gives 30% for a few turns, Archers have a self buff in Marksmanship Eagle Eye or something for a few turns(also increases damage iirc) and finally I'd say the most important, you can use Precision Stance which increases accuracy by 30% but reduces movespeed by 50%, a very solid tradeoff considering you're ranged.
Oh and hitting mobs that are CCed is always 100% iirc, at least for melees that's how it works, so knockdown/stun stuff with your other chars then fire away.
Given how awesome elemental environmental interactions are in combat in this game, I'd actually recommend going all-mage (making sure you cover the 4 elements btw your 2 chars). You get grab NPCs if you want a fighter or archer or rogue. Casting spells all the time was so much fun.I'm super indecisive, any suggestions for starting classes/builds?
edit: For clarification, I haven't played D:OS before.