Yes. Much later, after you've bought your primary skills. Your left over points can go to willpower and bodybuilding.
Good point, thanks.
Well 95% isn't 100%, so you'll still fail sometimes. Also they're used in comparison with the caster's modified chance. Example, you know how your skills say +x% from High strength/int/dex? It rolls that versus bodybuild/willpower modifiers, so even with 5bodybuilding, a very strong enemy will still manage to CC you easily, potentially(depends on the ability used too and stuff like that).
They're good as dumps eventually, but wouldn't recommend putting points into them early since you can probably use other stuff. There's a bunch of spells to help with these too, either by removing the status or making you immune to it. You can also prevent falling on ice by moving slowly(as in, don't click the whole way where you want to go, but go 1AP at a time, or if out of combat by clicking close to your character so you walk) or by adding nails to your boots with 5blacksmithing.
Both also come with their own talent once you have 5pt, willpower makes you immune to mute(nice for mages, however you can find items doing it once you get to lvl 12ish+) while body building makes you immune to knockdown which is great for a tank, or anyone really but especially tanks.
Heh, yeah to the 95% failing...I did play a bunch of XCOM, so I understand that, but it balances out with low % hits/success.

I was just curious if it was more like the RNG in Shadowrun...those are some funky percentages IMO.
I didn't know about the slow walking on ice (uhh, in game, I figured that out myself in real life a while ago), so that will be helpful for where I'm at now. I have some spells to help with certain things, but it seems like they love to start encounters with a bunch of status effects directed your way before you can do anything. Like I said in a previous post, classic isn't all that hard, but there are a few things I find annoying. Overall it's very solid.
Oh, and...
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