4 major map areas with each having numerous smaller dungeons etc of varying sizes.
Fairly long? It's bloody massive and so incredibly dense.So a fairly long game then, how many "areas"? (if there is such a thing in the game)
Question: Is the quest log updated at all? I see that there's new content, but the quest log in the original (huehue) game was really vague and not at all helpful. I'm not asking for giant pointers or map pings, but damn that thing was useless and really made it impossible to pick up the game if you even put it down for a just a few days.
Between 10.5 and 11GB +~250mb Patch.Can't wait to get this for PS4 later today. Any idea of the install size?
By the way, is the best wizard combo really earth+fire on one and water+air on the other? I don't remember if that was the way to go.
Scrolling through responses, but I don't see the answer.
I backed D:OS 2 on Kickstarter, haven't played OS, awaiting a download code. I would suppose that will be out today as well?
Scrolling through responses, but I don't see the answer.
I backed D:OS 2 on Kickstarter, haven't played OS, awaiting a download code. I would suppose that will be out today as well?
Question: Are there weapons with elemental affinities or weapons that give magic attacks? Just wondering whether to go battle mage or fighter for one of the MCs
I assume you chose the Original Sin pack?
If so, go to the larian vault website and connect your Kickstarter email there. You will receive your codes.
Yes, and you can craft all kinds of stuff on weapons and armor.
Only put like 4-5 hours into the original, looking forward to playing this. I think I rolled a fire mage and a ranger last time around, may give that setup a try again. I also think I had a water mage and 2h warrior in my party. Does anyone know what the max party size is? 4? I think im starting to mix this game of with pillars of eternity lol
Cool, thanks!
Black Cove
Luculla Forest
Dark Forest
Is that right?
Only put like 4-5 hours into the original, looking forward to playing this. I think I rolled a fire mage and a ranger last time around, may give that setup a try again. I also think I had a water mage and 2h warrior in my party. Does anyone know what the max party size is? 4? I think im starting to mix this game of with pillars of eternity lol
Perfect. Thanks!![]()
Yea 4 characters total. You create 2, then recruit 2 more either from the pre-set companions or by making your own in the hall of heroes.
Just a warning though, if i remember right your spell stat (intelligence) doesn't affect sword attacks in any way, whether they are magical or not.
I-I see. That's a ton of customizationYou can attach gems to armor for resistance, use material scraps to reinforce armor, scopes on ranged weapons and all sorts of magic ingredients to give gear stat boosts.
Perfect. Thanks!![]()
Gotcha, thanks!. I also remember spending way too much time pickpocketing everyone i meet since the shops never refreshed what the sold, hopefully its better this time
Ah, right. I remember loving Glass Cannon because I was able to use all that extra AP to have one mage cast a combo all on his own. I wonder if the nerfed version is still good enough for that.
Gotcha, thanks!. I also remember spending way too much time pickpocketing everyone i meet since the shops never refreshed what the sold, hopefully its better this time
- New gameplay difficulty levels:
+4 action points for 50% your life? not worth it. The nerf plus the fact you cannot mix it with lone wolf is pretty much how bad the nerf is.
sorry if this has been asked before, will the editor be in the console versions?
At the same time, the spells AP costs didn't really go down much from what I've seen, so you'll be massively AP starved if you don't get it.It's about 33% to 50%+ weaker than it was depending on your speed(more if the old one doubled Haste bonus AP, not too sure how they interacted) but there aren't really that many other options(both for talents and in terms of AP regen), and the health loss was quite often easy to ignore with correct control.
Welp. Looks like I'm back in.
- Purchased D:OS at launch.
- Thoughouhly enjoyed playing like 10 hours in the opening town, completing all the side quests.
- Went outside the gates for my first real combat experience.
- Must have gone in the wrong direction 'cause I completely got my as kicked. Again. And. Again.
- Didn't try going the other way. Again. And. Again.
- Uninstalled the game.
Can't wait to try again in Baby Mode!!!
Welp. Looks like I'm back in.
- Purchased D:OS at launch.
- Thoughouhly enjoyed playing like 10 hours in the opening town, completing all the side quests.
- Went outside the gates for my first real combat experience.
- Must have gone in the wrong direction 'cause I completely got my as kicked. Again. And. Again.
- Uninstalled the game.
Can't wait to try again in Baby Mode!!!
Welp. Looks like I'm back in.
- Purchased D:OS at launch.
- Thoughouhly enjoyed playing like 10 hours in the opening town, completing all the side quests.
- Went outside the gates for my first real combat experience.
- Must have gone in the wrong direction 'cause I completely got my as kicked. Again. And. Again.
- Uninstalled the game.
Can't wait to try again in Baby Mode!!!
At the same time, the spells AP costs didn't really go down much from what I've seen, so you'll be massively AP starved if you don't get it.It's about 33% to 50%+ weaker than it was depending on your speed(more if the old one doubled Haste bonus AP, not too sure how they interacted) but there aren't really that many other options(both for talents and in terms of AP regen), and the health loss was quite often easy to ignore with correct control. Though they did nerf the best control spell too(earth boulder doesn't knockdown anymore it seems) so...
Welp. Looks like I'm back in.
- Purchased D:OS at launch.
- Thoughouhly enjoyed playing like 10 hours in the opening town, completing all the side quests.
- Went outside the gates for my first real combat experience.
- Must have gone in the wrong direction 'cause I completely got my as kicked. Again. And. Again.
- Uninstalled the game.
Can't wait to try again in Baby Mode!!!
Glass cannon was really strong (maybe OP) in the normal edition but this is beyond ridiculous.
Plus, I'm still curious how mage will be protected now that elemental shield only protect from that specific element and not from general damage.
Let me guess, you did the same thing in Dark Souls, right?
- Thoughouhly enjoyed playing like 10 hours in the opening town, completing all the side quests.
No chance. The editor was already pretty fiddly and it would have to be completely redesigned for a controller interface. I wouldn't be so down on the idea if the editor was even a little popular on PC but it wasn't.
Gotta wait for Divinity 2 and the revamped editor for any chance of a console version.
Sneaking & Lockpick: Are not really useful. You can distract a guard or merchant by having your partner start a conversation. Or simply move the worlds objects to disrupt their line of vision. Magic and Physical attacks can bash locked doors and chests. If it is a special chest, there is usually a key located nearby. Blacksmith can repair any damage to weapons and there is no downside to using magic based attacks.
Let me guess, you did the same thing in Dark Souls, right?
Sneaking is incredibly useful in combat for a rogue. Get 5 sneak, and sneaking only costs 1 AP. Now get behind someone, and deliver a backstab from sneak. Congrats, you just did massive damage for 3 AP!
eh...there's a Scoundrel skill that makes you invisible. Invisibility doesn't have any checks associated with it, you can go dance in front of a boss and he won't see you. I abused the shit out of it for stealing, setting up barrels and scouting.
damn. I have never tried it but the idea of endless user created content is a huge selling point to me. Have there been any worthwille user created campaigns in the pc version?
Oh man the sandstorm part of the desert is going to be fun with nerfed glass cannon.
This is a random question, but does the EE have any form of minimap quest tracking? I tried playing the original but could never figure out where I had to go and eventually gave up on it. Would love to give this version a shot though.