Oh and 20% hardly sounds like turbo mode, it should have been atleast 50% minimum.
its always been 20% in every single DMC game
Oh and 20% hardly sounds like turbo mode, it should have been atleast 50% minimum.
its always been 20% in every single DMC game
Still, barely an increase.
Still, barely an increase.
I don't think I've ever bought a retail game digitally on PS4; do these go up at midnight EST or PST?
Still, barely an increase.
People who are new to DmC, don't feel intimadated with turbo mode. In fact, it should be the default in my honest opinion since it ramps up the combat to more of the intensity that Dmc3 brought. Turbo mode isn't stupidly fast, it works very well with the game now that its at 60 fps.
Once you go Turbo you never go back.
I'm on Turbo Mode and I swear this shit is so fluid that it's running at beyond 60fps >_>
I'm on Turbo Mode and I swear this shit is so fluid that it's running at beyond 60fps >_>
Yeah, it's fucking great. The game runs like a dream.
Good to hear. Really looking forward to playing this at 60fps.
We did a Let's Play of our pre-release copy, but admittedly, we'd never played a DMC game, and our humor can be a little grating for some people.
If that didn't totally turn you off, check out the first episode.
Interesting. I wonder if there are any other small edits like that.
Is Nephilim the highest available difficulty available at the outset? If it is, I STRONGLY suggest people choose that.
Remember guys you have gold orbs that revive you on the spot, Healing items, infinite checkpoints that are spaced very closely together.
So choosing Nephilim isn't elitist at all, like others have said it's more representative of the 'normal' mode you'd come to expect from a DMC game.
Trust me, it feels like a lot. 50% increase would be like the game was broken.
I'd, short for I would. As in, if it was on PC (or a platform that I own), I would by it day one, which is something I rarely do.that's good because you shouldn't come in to say that when it isn't on PC anyway
Once you go Turbo you never go back.
20% is actually decent speed.
Something that people don't know about DmC is that at high ranks the game becomes even faster. This effect is more pronounced in DE. I saw someone play Turbo mode and when he was getting S+ ranks the game was moving really god damn fast.
TLDR: 20% speed boost is perfectly fine.
Definitely agreed with you there.
Here's a little Turbo+Hardcore+MustSRank combo. A little sneak peak![]()
I disagree with that. While 20% is the standard turbo mode and a fine increase I feel that this game does benefit from a more enhanced turbo. SamD even primarily played on 50% turbo for a period of time.
Where the reviews at?
There are mods that'll apply some of the stuff in the PS4 ver. to the PC/Steam ver.
I personally want to know if there can be a paid upgrade thing to match it with the PS4 ver. :/
20% is actually decent speed.
Something that people don't know about DmC is that at high ranks the game becomes even faster. This effect is more pronounced in DE. I saw someone play Turbo mode and when he was getting S+ ranks the game was moving really god damn fast.
TLDR: 20% speed boost is perfectly fine.
Yeah no one noticed it but the people at NT have sworn by it.I beat the original game at every difficulty easily getting S+ ranks and I never even remotely noticed that.
4 minutes until the game's release.
I guess all those people with crazy fast internet will get to play this early. Just have to get the game first thing in the morning.
Heavily. Nerfs to demon dodge as well. Like that gif that everyone posts with the SSS from the Trinity Smash, it does not work anymore.I forgot, did they balance out the style point outputs for the Demon weapons? Shit was massively OP.