I was a strong opponent of DmC since its announcement. When it finally came out, I thought it looked like a good game, but a poor DMC game. I refused to buy or play it in principle. I didn't want to send a message to Capcom that I was okay with this being the new direction for Devil May Cry.
However, I am totally on-board for buying the Definitive Edition. It shows they actually DO listen to fans, and this version looks like they put in a lot of work to satisfy fans of the old DMC games. Manual lock-on? Helllll yeah.
I know a lot of people have probably backed off on this term, but it really does feel like, "Apology Edition," and I actually like that.
So I will proudly purchase DMC

E and DMC4:SE and look forward to what will be happening to the series in the future.
...it still disappoints me that the press can't drop the "Dante didn't have white hair" thing, focusing on "HEY, THERE'S A DMC1 COSTUME NOW!" Are there any media outlets that actually touch upon the actual changes of substance to the game? I really wanna get a look at that Capcom changelog.