Unspeakable Evil
They retreaded old ground.I never played Enslaved, but I kind of liked the story and characters of Heavenly Sword (even though it was like 4 hours long).
Don't know how they fucked this up.
They retreaded old ground.I never played Enslaved, but I kind of liked the story and characters of Heavenly Sword (even though it was like 4 hours long).
Don't know how they fucked this up.
Why would you do that to yourself and miss out on Vergil? I'm not getting the game but if I were it would be Gamestop, no question.
WTF @ the reactions to the ending on other boards.
People on Gamefaqs are acting like this is ME3 ending bad caliber. Jesus christ...
I really don't think it's that bad... or maybe because I was expecting T-Rex Vergil/tears of a thousand baby bad.
DmC Demo Tips and Tricks for Newcomers
:O I completely missed the part where it said Gamestop in the US. I only saw the Canada logo at first. YAY!
From the videos, Aquila looks pretty awesome. I like that its a 'ranged' melee weapon.
Given the Vergil DLC is Gamestop exclusive, I don't see a reason to pre-order elsewhere.So for those in here actually buying the game, where do you guys have it preordered at? I think I'm leaning towards Best Buy at this point, except I hate how they handle pre-order bonuses![]()
So par for the course? Dmc never really had endings that were anything special to me.
Holy shit at this OT lol. Also, dat ending. What the hell was that? Weaker combat and a weak story too. What was the point? Capcom please....
I have a hard time even calling this garbage an ending. This literally feels like they just cut to a commercial break and will be resuming with the ending afterward.
The ME3 ending is a lot better than this.
Now let that sink in and realize what I said.
Wow, I wasn't expecting much but NT and Capcom were able to make an ending even worse...
Bland, generic, boring. Nothing epic or emotional in the fight and ending.
Wasn't NT some company that was so super-awesome in storytelling and writing ?
...Three to four years. Three to four years and this is the end result. All that time and resources (especially time since we can spend a year on just a redesign; no seriously, Indie developers would KILL to know that they can loligag on just one aspect) and it could have went to something...worthwhile. Not even neccessary DMC5, but...something. And we don't even have the worst of it. Can you imagine what it FEELS like to spend so much time on a project and this is your best? My heart goes out to the staff who begrudgingly stuck with this.
That ending was so boring that I kind of wished the Vergilsaurus Rex was real.
*cancels preorder*
That's not a joke either I really just canceled my preorder after seeing this. Once I was hyped for this game but as more is revealed it just looks worse and worse and if this fight beaten on normal with the standard 3 hit rebellion combo and a stinger here and there is the ultimate challenge I have to look forward to in this game I honestly think I'll be better off just watching a Let's Play of it or something.
Oh my God... this... this is AMAZING. Holy S*** I was not expecting the ending to be this horrible wow lol. Just... wow I just can't believe it was that bad lol.
It's on par with both Ghost Rider movies and Spiderman 3.
This is worse than NG3's. Can't believe I just said that.
Thank goodness NT came in with their super awesome, near legendary, often imitated never duplicated story telling abilities to tell us this new and fresh look into... DMC3 with bonus Mundus! Something no other game studio would be ever to attempt much less achieve.
Given the Vergil DLC is Gamestop exclusive, I don't see a reason to pre-order elsewhere.
It is.
ezeikal and jett being banned when the game comes out soon is unfortunate.![]()
The meltdowns are hysterical!!!
I have a hard time even calling this garbage an ending. This literally feels like they just cut to a commercial break and will be resuming with the ending afterward.
So the ending is literally like the one to 007 Legends?
I never played ME3, but I've heard enough about it on the internet that I might as well have finished it myself.WTF @ the reactions to the ending on other boards.
People on Gamefaqs are acting like this is ME3 ending bad caliber. Jesus christ...
I really don't think it's that bad... or maybe because I was expecting T-Rex Vergil/tears of a thousand baby bad.
You are literally the only one who bought that game on NeoGAF
I really don't understand why people still play games for endings. I stopped years ago. Most endings are terrible...fact.
DMC3's ending was godlike. I have played many games and DMC3's ending is still one of my favorite (among the likes of MGS3's ending). The music, the build up, the co-op sequence, the Jackpot scene, the boss fight at the end, the lines and it all wrapped up very nicely to lead into DMC1 with Dante setting up shop using the line that Lady used. And if that wasn't enough... if you beat 100 enemies in the post credit sequence you got Vergil's side of the story leading into DMC1 as well.So par for the course? Dmc never really had endings that were anything special to me.
I really don't understand why people still play games for endings. I stopped years ago. Most endings are terrible...fact.
I really don't understand why people still play games for endings. I stopped years ago. Most endings are terrible...fact.
I really don't understand why people still play games for endings. I stopped years ago. Most endings are terrible...fact.
SH was so under appreciated. Too bad it will never get a sequelI liked that new Splatterhouse game. That's probably worse than this.
Though that had Municipal Waste in it...
I thought DMC fans were shitting on this thing since its announcement.Similar to that 3 to 4 years comment,
You are a DMC fan and have been waiting for 5 years for this sequel, you are even hyped for DmC
and now you come to the finale...
I never played ME3, but I've heard enough about it on the internet that I might as well have finished it myself.
I don't think DmC is on that level, hardly.
I really don't understand why people still play games for endings. I stopped years ago. Most endings are terrible...fact.
Spec Ops: The Line.I'm trying to think of a good ending that people praised as good.... Fall of Cybertron!
Spec Ops: The Line.
I thought DMC fans were shitting on this thing since its announcement.
SH was so under appreciated. Too bad it will never get a sequel
Spec Ops reached the #1 selling game on Steam several times throughout the last few weeks. It was a slow burn throughout the year.Probably same amount of people played that as 007 Legends![]()
Jett didn't get banned because of this thread, did he?
Um no. DMC3's ending was the best and DMC4's was the worst (IMO DMC4's ending is no different than DmC's). DMC1 ending is not that bad but it is forever tarnished by "FILL YOUR DARK SOUL WITH LIGHT". DMC2's ending is underrated because despite 90% of the game sucking, the end sequence of the game was actually not bad with the fight with Despair Embodied, the final shot that Dante takes to his head and him riding off into Hell like a bad ass.It seems every DMC fan forgot about the endings of the other games.
Jett was banned before this thread ever went up.Wait a minute... Ezekial and Jett were banned?
WTF is going on here?