Is that the Angel glide jump trick? I thought that was an intended feature. Looks kinda cool.
So it is not Bloody Palace then?
Nope, used it to get a key on mission 18
End of Feb.Any idea when?
Any idea when?
What's the intended way to get that? I ended up alternating between doing Fireworks and firing normally with the shotgun in the air to inch myself upwards before realizing that there's probably a much easier way...
You can fall down a gap to see a hidden path that goes up there. I bullshitted some way up there but if you follow the tunnel it ends up at the path you were supposed to fall on.
Yeah, I did that but was thoroughly turned around on how you were ever supposed to get there. I thought the main tunnel sloped down towards the generator, and the key was above you.
Nope, used it to get a key on mission 18
Just finished it. Loved everything about it. I'm confused why I'm supposed to hate it. Oh, well.
The hallways have arrow signs pointing towards where you are supposed to go.Yeah, you see the key above you from there. The level design can loop you around pretty good...I had that issue on mission 4 or whatever in the factory as well. Damn hallways.
Ya, it's better than half of them.Because it's called Devil May Cry. If it was named something else, it probably would be considered a decent action game. Since they changed the story, characters, and gameplay mechanics, it simply isn't like the old DMC games.
The hallways have arrow signs pointing towards where you are supposed to go.
Jesus christ if we don't get official news on this patch soon I'm gunna explode. It's so weird (but so awesome) to have made this change to the style system.
ATM, I'm playing on an ol' Macbook Pro with a [email protected]/Nvidia 8600GTM config. I average 45-55fps on a 720p/medium--Vysync on--no tearing.
I'm entirely impressed with what QLOC did.
Yes for above S rank.Hold up! They patched in style grade degradation???
Yes for above S rank.
How do you get 44-55 fps with Vsync on, you use Triple Buffering with D3DOverider I presume?
I would say over 1/4th approaching 1/3rd of the game.I'm a little curious how far into the game I am:I know Ninja Theory is notorious for having super short games, so I want to know if DMC follows the same pattern.I defeated the succubus.
I would say over 1/4th approaching 1/3rd of the game.
The game is decent length for an action game, it's not long but it's not that short either.
That is quite a delightful surprise.
I'm not sure if it was the patch or the Nvidia beta drivers but up until today the game kept dropping my fps in the graphics setting to 25fps instead of 120fps. I had been forcing v-sync using N-inspector but now the game settings show 120fps as soon as I launch it.
I'm a little curious how far into the game I am:I know Ninja Theory is notorious for having super short games, so I want to know if DMC follows the same pattern.I defeated the succubus.
Alright someone teach me how to use custom soundtracks on PC version for DmC. This wub dub/screaming heavy metal stufr is getting old fast.
What, you don't like racking up style points to songs with shakespearean lyrics like "Hey you, what the fuck is wrong with you?"Alright someone teach me how to use custom soundtracks on PC version for DmC. This wub dub/screaming heavy metal stufr is getting old fast.
Or I can just turn off the music sound in the game and play something else in the background. I was asking if I could just replace some of the music tracks completely or somethingLook in the bottom right of your taskbar, click the speaker, open the volume mixer, turn down DMC, turn up swag.
Or I can just turn off the music sound in the game and play something else in the background. I was asking if I could just replace some of the music tracks completely or something
Or I can just turn off the music sound in the game and play something else in the background. I was asking if I could just replace some of the music tracks completely or something
Dreamrunners and Drekavac are hella cool enemies to fight.
OK someone please, please tell me what the fuck is going on before I go crazy!!!
Endboss spoilers
I've been fighting Virgil for like a half an hour. I had him down to his last sliver of energy 25 minutes ago but he won't go down! Is this a glitch? I looked all around the environment to see if there's something I'm supposed to trigger but there's nothing. How do I end this?
Probably the most interesting enemy in the game
There's this one room in mission 8 where you have to fight 2 of them. Camera does absolutely no favours. It's horrible
Probably the most interesting enemy in the game
There's this one room in mission 8 where you have to fight 2 of them. Camera does absolutely no favours. It's horrible
Devil Trigger when you get his health as low as you can before he summons the clone
Took me a while to figure out too. It's not obvious, but when you do's like "Oh". I think it took me like 15 minutes.
Oh my god, I must have killed the clone or something because he's been gone for the majority of the fight. It's just been me fighting Virgil endlessly with him at almost zero health. It has to be a glitch.
Hey, I'm curious, are you a fan of the previous DMC series?