The following post will have MAJOR SPOILERS so don't read ahead if you haven't beaten the game.
1.*I don't really care what story angle they use or what gimmick they use to replace the whole "They Live" plot line but they really need to delve more into the Angel side of the lore and the whole rest of the demon kings stuff. There are more powerful demons and entity out there including Sparda who I want to see play a bigger role. I want NT to actually address what the amulets actually do.
2.*Vergil has to come back of course (rule of Vergil etc) but he needs to have new motivations and have a darker character....I want Vergil to be menacing/threatening again and be on Dante's level in terms of power level.
3.*I want a real fucking Devil Trigger this time for both Vergil and Dante... none of this Quicksilver/Doppelganger stuff which are supposed to be styles not DT. I want Dante to experience a near death experience and push himself to the next level. Vergil should've had his DT experience in the Downfall DLC. I know this treads too much in the path of DMC3 but this has to happen because the DT provided in DmC is booty butt cheeks.
4.*They are obviously going to keep the platforming in favor of puzzle, I just want to see more variety and tools added to the platforming. Give me a wall run for starters and add on top of this like temporary flight/gliding etc. Tone down the ratio as well of platforming to combat.
5.* And please delete those god awful color coated enemies from the game. I never want to see that type of enemy in an action game ever again.
6.*More humanoid, middle sized bosses less gimmicky huge size bosses. I want an actual challenge to the bosses this time around along with more complexities to them. Please no cutscene interruptions during bosses. I am fine with one or two of them for when you have to fight different stages of a boss but not when it's the same boss but you bringing it down to 1/4th health and a pseudo QTE pops up where you have to pull its eye or some shit.
7.*I don't mind the return of the Demon/Angel weapon stance stuff but I want more Demon/Angel weapons and I want to see more regular type weapons as well aside from Rebellion. One of the dodge buttons should be replaced by a Lock on. They can keep the universal lock on button to O and a universal dodge button... but give me my ability to lock on. This way we can have Stinger back to R1 + Forward + /\ like it fucking should be. This way a person can play like a scrub if they want and mash buttons to do cool combos but the better players will have access to better moves with more precision and we can actually see how much health enemies have for once.
8.*Bring back Taunts. Easy as fuck to implement, there should be no excuse for this.
9.*60FPS standard on consoles. So Capcom/NT can excuse themselves from the embarrassment of the "feel of 60FPS".
10.*Long shot but I want more open environment design. I feel as a sequel to DmC it's too early for this as they just got their formula down that worked but this is going to be the 5th game in the series and technically it's running on the same formula since DMC1. They have to shake things in this department and they really have to design the whole game around the Devil Hunting mission structure of acquiring missions.
11.*The mission ranking system should incorporate in damage taken as a parameter.
12.*I want more god damn modes in my DMC already. I want Mission Mode, I want customizable arenas, I want replay mode/video uploading feature and a fully featured training mode. I also wouldn't mind co-op option in these modes and Bloody Palace. And please none of this BP DLC bull shit.
13.*The final thing I have to say is that whatever I didn't say here FEATURE wise I want back in DmC and not removed. I want there to be loading screen tips, I want there to be a "Try" function on buying moves, I want secret missions to be available via the menu, I want to see all those various concept arts, I want the rumble/flash function on pause combos, I want "just" charge mechanic, I want Inverse Rainstorm etc. If they can improve any of these then all the better but I don't want any of this to be removed just so they can say "we are making it more like the OG games".
14*Finally they really need to hire some new writers for the story and characters. Please no more juvenile cursing or sex scenes just to be edgy. More serious tone is fine but this try hard shit needs to go. Oh and stylish action cutscenes please... I want Dante to be styling on fools again and getting into an epic duel with Vergil or something.
1. Yeah, I thought the absence of angels was quite odd given their existence in this version of the lore. Seems like a missed opportunity. I do hope they pick this up if Capcom uses NT for another.
2. Rule of Vergil is new to me, lol. Anyway, he indeed should be more of a threat and I hope VD gives us a hint of that.
3. I kinda missed how DT altered some of the properties of certain techniques or give you entirely new moves. They should rectify that. I don't mind that DT launches everything on the screen, but that should be a high cost upgrade and even then it shouldn't hold any enemy in the sky past the initial burst.
4. I was quite sad to see new platforming abilities halt after those angel boost circles were introduced. they should flesh it out more if they plan to use it anywhere near as much. If they do a mission similar to 15 it should be pretty wild in the sequel.
5. I wouldn't mind it if they just had a shield that you only needed to break once. And I think the problem was exacerbated given how low damaging angel weapons are and how "unfun" it is to do combos with just the demonic weapons.
6. Better bosses. That is all. Did quite like Bob Barbas and Vergil though.
7. Yeah, I need dat lock on. Double analogue stick motions me me a sad nephilim.

8. Taunting into demon dodge into angel dodge. I can see the shenanigans already. xD
9. If DmC2 ends up on next gen, which at this point is plausible. PC players already have far more than "the feel".
10. That would be really interesting. I wonder has that ever even been considered though. I could imagine different parts of the town serving as individual hubs you'd return to for various missions, and the plot-heavy/special missions could have areas exclusive to them. Would be cool.
11. Yep. My Dante got smacked around a bit too much for all those S, SS, and SSS's I was receiving. xD
12. What would mission mode be? The secret missions but accessible from the start? I could see customizable arena's and go for some co-op. Dante and Vergil, you assume?
13. Keep what did work. I like how you think.
14. I would be down with Alex Garland actually writing DmC2 as opposed to just supervising again.