DMC3 vs. Bayo is an interesting discussion. You have arguably still the best action game ever made 8 years ago vs. the current generation "evolved" title. Which one is better is really up to the player.
Accessibility is the biggest difference between the titles. One rewards, one punishes. In that respect DMC3 always feels more like an older Capcom fighter. If you drop you link, you pay a BIG price. Often the game resorts to cheap tactics, much like the difficult brawlers of old. Bayo on the other hand is much more modernized. It's more free-form, open, and just way way easier. The first time I played Bayo I beat both normal and hard in a little over 10 hours combined. I even watched the cut-scenes and didn't speed through it. The enemies are more forgiving, it's less pattern + punish, and you are given many tools for survival. The more RPG feel also emphasizes survivability as opposed to DMC3 which is basically, you aren't going to survive unless you are on the ball.
The other major difference is weapons. DMC3 weapons had a personality, almost literally via the bosses. They all felt unique, were effective, and so balanced I sometimes can't believe it. Not to mention that Nevan is still an absolute gem of action game weapon design, even if it is a cliche' idea. Bayo branched out to have more changed skin type weapons and none of them had a personality. I basically just stuck with a few combinations cause I just wasn't seeing a difference. DMC3 trumps Bayo with its weapons.
Then you have the move list and effective balance. In DMC3 you didn't have a "massive" array of moves at your disposal. Also, they were all wrapped up in style and weapon choice. So you would pick your poison, like picking an FG character, and did what you could. The balance again was impeccable. Bayo opened things up and nothing was really tied tightly to the game features. However, it also had absolutely putrid combo balance. The brilliance of DMC3 was reward for style and diversity. In Bayo you could witch time and just spam to hair finishers.
The above leads me to my next point which is combat reward. DMC3 requires chance to really succeed. Pull just inputs on RG against Vergil is no easy task. However, what is the result? Absolute destruction. Is this available in Bayo? Kind of. It's limited to difficulty scaling and not as impacting. Plus witch time is a joke with triple dodge. You might as well just map it to a button with the telegraphs. The style or combat rewards in Bayo were meaningless though. People think DMC3 combo videos only demonstrate style but they actually show how to "wreck the fuck out of the game." You think enemy step cancels with killer bee's don't obliterate? Now look at Bayo. Why should I use flash and pizazz when I can wreck with ground based attacks? For fun? Sure. But that's not good balance. All of that effort should net something beyond flash. Flash is for broken combos in Marvel titles, not for the trinity.
So Bayo is seriously depleted in difficulty balance, weapon design/implementation, move/combo balance, and finally combat reward. So it sucks. lol J/K. Well the QTE and cut-scenes do.

In all seriousness, Bayo is also brilliant in ways. Dodge offset is just a great feature. It enables a new dynamic in combat diversity and really making players feel like they are wrecking shit. While I would rather have the actual combat engine tuned up then figure out a way to string out somewhat monotonous strings, it is still really well done.
Bayo also is amazing with its forms. It adds a huge dynamic to space control and positional combat. The panther form especially opened things up for me, including making some platforming less painful. I absolutely wish DMC had something similar but it really doesn't. Trickster is the combat implementation of advanced space control but it's not the same as the environmental type control with the Bayo forms.
Whew. Now there is more to compare. The bosses? DMC3 wins. I will not entertain opposing views here.

Platforming? Easily Bayo by a country mile, especially with the forms. RPG system? Bayo just for the expansion of it and for using most of what made DMC3 best. The list goes on but there are just trade-offs all over.
So the checklist:
- Accessibility
- Weapon Design/Implementation
- Move list/balance
- Combat Reward
- Environmental/Space control
To state my opinion, DMC3 is vastly the better title. Bayo "lacks" more then what you "wish for" with DMC3. I don't find myself dying for DMC4 or Bayo features when playing DMC3. Yet, I die for DMC3 when playing both those titles. DMC4 just lacks many areas I'm not talking necessarily about here that DMC3 covers and Bayo just falters a lot from a design standpoint. Simple things like less backtracking can't save a broken combo system. Better graphics can't compensate for re-skinned monotonous weaponry. Even dodge offset and forms can't make up for such poor combat reward. It is part of the trinity, a major success, but it still doesn't measure up to the game that just had a development team in the right state of mind.
DMC3 is a classic. It may be beaten through some opinions but it won't change how it is still fantastic today. There is no nostalgia here people. Go play it.