These money hats are full of money.Dahbomb gave this an 8? The hell is now officially frozen and the impossible has happened ladies and gentlemen.
These money hats are full of money.Dahbomb gave this an 8? The hell is now officially frozen and the impossible has happened ladies and gentlemen.
Giving reviews after watching a playthrough? What the fuck is this place? GameFAQs?
Plus he gave me a 10 gallon hat full of Benjamins.These money hats are full of money.
These money hats are full of money.
So what's with the Union Jack on Dante's uniform? Is he British? Or is that a hipster thing I don't know about?
So what's with the Union Jack on Dante's uniform? Is he British? Or is that a hipster thing I don't know about?
So what's with the Union Jack on Dante's uniform? Is he British? Or is that a hipster thing I don't know about?
I read the Monocle review and although I feel that he's selling the game a bit short he does bring up some valid points. Game IS a bit rough around the edges and it has quite a few bugs/glitches in it though nothing game breaking at least. DT is very buggy sometimes it works and sometimes it completely doesn't. This is especially true on Draks who can sometimes walk through DT like it's nothing while other times they can be launched by it.
The ones I played were quite easy so I don't know. I haven't played all of them yet. I might do that today.What's the deal with these secret door challenges? Are they tied to the difficulty you're playing on or are they simply just not "challenging" at all?
What's the deal with these secret door challenges? Are they tied to the difficulty you're playing on or are they simply just not "challenging" at all?
Draks even recover if they do manage to get launched on DT. Whatever the mechanics behind it are it's very inconsistent.
They are not too hard. Copper challenges are the easiest, and they get harder and harder - or at least they should. There is one or two that I was too tired to do last night (like the only enemies only taking damage in green zones, or kill all without damage, lol), but they are not too hard. But good to fire it up for practice from the main menu anyway.
"My assumption was right about a particular video game, so any assumptions that I will ever make about future video games will be 100% accurate. Forever."I disagree about that as well. If you did enough homework on something then you can make as good of an argument on the game as someone who played it. The only thing that would be different is talking about secrets that a walkthrough or review wouldn't touch, but discussing something on the core level and what works/doesn't work is entirely possible. I know because I did it. Playing Hitman Absolution and beating it in the last couple of weeks didn't expose me to anything that I did not already know beforehand on a level design or mechanics level, so all of a sudden my old arguments before the game came out suddenly become "valid" just because I played it? Even though nothing changed or was proven wrong? That doesn't make any sense to me.
I was hoping that those DLC costumes would be unlockable by doing the harder requirements in the game (finishing Hell and Hell or whatever) but they're not. What a shame, I want that DMC3 Dante skin.
So wait you can only get the extra costumes from pre-order? Or do you have to buy them? I kinda like what I've seen from this game, I'm not a huge DMC buff and I'm not a fan of the Dante redesign or the 30fps but hey it kinda looks cool and I haven't played a good action game in awhile. Darksiders 2 wasnt it.
This made me want to play DMC4. So I did. OMG feel of 60. Game is stunningly beautiful. OMG.
Now that I've finished watching a full playthrough, I want to share my thoughts.
Devil May Cry definitely needs to return to MT Framework. Devil May Cry 4 still looks stunning. I reckon there are some nice ideas that can be transferred from DmC to a new Devil May Cry but I also wouldn't mind seeing a DmC2 (though this will almost certainly be on Unreal still unless Ninja Theory end up learning how to use MT Framework).
They would have to learn Japanese first. MT Framework is solely in Japanese.
There is no way they could have used it for this game.
So essentially not that different from game journalists then:Writing reviews for games after watching videos
Now I've seen it all
So essentially not that different from game journalists then:
*Cue review of Dark/Demon Souls where reviewer admits to reviewing the game before finishing it*
Writing reviews for games after watching videos
Now I've seen it all
Writing reviews for games after watching videos
Now I've seen it all
Just curious guys... do these mean anything to you?
Just curious guys... do these mean anything to you?
I'm wondering because apparently it's no longer possible to make inferences from gameplay footage.
I like how everyone is bashing the guy who reviewed the YouTube playthrough when most of his comments were about janky camera, linearity, poor platforming, etc. rather than the feel of the core gameplay. All of that can easily be gotten from watching a playthrough.
I'm pretty sure most of you skipped his post before criticizing it.
I like how everyone is bashing the guy who reviewed the YouTube playthrough when most of his comments were about janky camera, linearity, poor platforming, etc. rather than the feel of the core gameplay. All of that can easily be gotten from watching a playthrough.
I'm pretty sure most of you skipped his post before criticizing it.
Devil May Cry definitely needs to return to MT Framework. Devil May Cry 4 still looks stunning. I reckon there are some nice ideas that can be transferred from DmC to a new Devil May Cry but I also wouldn't mind seeing a DmC2 (though this will almost certainly be on Unreal still unless Ninja Theory end up learning how to use MT Framework).
First off. What DMC game isn't linear? No offense but backtracking can GTFO of most games. Camera being janky, I found it quite opposite. I never had a huge issue with the camera. Poor platforming. While it's not amazing platforming, I felt it was def serviceable and I enjoyed it. This coming from someone who DID play the game, and not watch the videos. Just saying.
Just curious guys... do these mean anything to you?
I'm wondering because apparently it's no longer possible to make inferences from gameplay footage.
Whatever happened to all the insane asylum stuff from the announcement trailer?
Maybe 1/6th of my post discussed combat, and that small paragraph wasn't meant to be an exhaustive analysis of what's possible in the game. I've noticed that the people who keep piling on have had nothing to say about the majority of my impressions, which concern the story, level design, visuals, and other elements that can be plainly observed without playing. Instead there's this idea that I purposefully posted a "review" that was meant to be an authoritative evaluation of the game. And weirdly—you'd think there would be a contradiction in here somewhere—there are also jeers about the fact that I announced ahead of time precisely where I was coming from and why my thoughts on the gameplay should be read skeptically.I could easily produce something better in DmC than the left gif of yours, with more speed, more hits and more movementThe right one is awesome, as it should be.
You are, however, making a point against yourself. Only by PLAYING the game can one actually determine what and what is not possible in the game. Unless you suddenly jumped ahead of time, and instead of looking at random youtube playthroughs, you bathed in hours of delicate, high level DmC combo video footage, made on DmD difficulty.
1) I'm not giving my impressions. Don't try and argue his points with me.
2) Games are not rated relative to the previous games in the series. Linearity isn't excusable because the DMC games were linear.
However, I think you'll notice that DMC was far less linear than DmC3, which was far less linear than DMC4, which is supposedly less linear than DmC.
There is an equivalent of that DMC4 "throw sword back at boss" in DmC. You can do that on the Hunter. Too bad there is no Table Hopper or Taunt in DmC.