Well that makes it even worse. Especially since you went on than unhinged tangent about Alan Wake 2. Which also failed, despite all the bootlicking.
And that's kind of the point. After 7 years of tokenism and forced inclusivity, I see a grossly ugly black woman on the cover of a game, and I know that videogame is going to fail. I just know it.
You, being super tired of all the woke and anti-woke, play the game, and come to enjoy it and bla bla bla. Which is great for you, I'm happy you found something you liked... but the game still failed.
And when there's a bunch of these games that continue to fail, and when the people making those games rightfully get fired, I'm going to feel like my opinion should have mattered more. You didn't help.
And yes, I am going to feel good about Don't Nod's fate next year, because looking at their next game... oh boy. But I hope you'll continue to like that one too, I'm sure it's going to help
Do you even know bootlicking means? Pretty sure Remedy isn’t on this forum, so way to use a word nonsensically, well done. Also, tangent? Do you live in some alternate reality where Saga isn’t a black woman? Or do you just not like when your grifters get called out on being actually disingenuous, seeing as you didn’t even attempt to retort my points there. That’s to be expected, when disinformation gets called out, all they can do is conveniently not respond, change the subject, or use the laugh emoji to delude themselves into thinking that disproves anything.
Of course, as we know, go woke, go broke…….well, except for:
Baldur’s Gate 3
Barbie (2023)
Black Panther and Wakanda Forever
Get Out
The Last of Us Part II
Spider-man: Into the Spider-verse and Across the Spider-verse
Spider-man 2 (2023)
Wonder Woman (2017)
And spare me the, “uh, some of these aren’t woke!” Fucking puhlease, the fucking anti-woke are so quick to label stuff “woke” that all of the above should easily qualify.
But of course, the grifters and their parrots ignore the many contradictions to their brain dead slogan and attribute stuff that fails purely to “wokeness” and can’t seem to grasp the concept that stuff can fail due to A) bad marketing, B) a poor release window with strong competition, C) bad writing/directing/etc. that are independent of wokeness, etc. Why, it’s almost like business is more complex than something that can be dumbed down to one absolute sentence? Whodathunk?!
After all, if “go woke, go broke” was true, then going anti-woke should be a 100% recipe for success all the time, right?
Well, let’s see what the Daily Wire, a very clear anti-woke site, has to offer:
| TV-Y
| TV-14
3.8 and 3.5, oh man, they’re kicking those wokies’ asses! But I’m confused! They went anti-woke, they should be well loved! Why, it’s not like something could just be shit regardless of “wokeness” levels!
God, people with such a basic mindset they can’t escape from are so unintentionally hilarious. Like, I should feel sad you’ve all been brainwashed by the grifters and don’t realize the illusory truth you’ve fallen for just like the woke have, but at this point, I can’t help but laugh at you all, it’s a way healthier alternative than being mad all the time like all of you enjoy being.
So yes, I’ll continue to have fun. You continue to be angry, scream about your issues with black women, and wish for people to lose their jobs AKA their means of providing for their families (seriously, you’re such a class act). I’m sure you’ll be a huge hit at parties with such an outlook on life.