Doom 2016 rejuvenated my love for the franchise. Doom Eternal destroyed it. Can't even finish it with all the stupid platforming. Not because its difficult, but because it's not what Doom was ever about. Felt like a Mario 64 mod for Doom 2016.
Massive DOOM fan until the end, and I get that feeling. Did I enjoy the platforming? Not really, but I enjoyed everything else about the game so much that the platforming stuff paled in comparison.
I feel bad for anyone that can't finish it because I personally think it's very worth it to do so. Sure, I loved 2016 more as a whole, but Eternal was so much bigger and bombastic in ways that it was hard to not love. Not only did I love 2016's vibe more, I just felt like it had more game. Between Snapmap and multiplayer, it felt more like a full package we hadn't seen in awhile. Eternal just had that asymmetrical multiplayer that was not good whatsoever. Hell it was hard to find matches on launch day on PC, lol.
They've said that Dark Ages will be "more grounded" and more like 2016, so I'm sure a lot of the platforming and that kind of thing will be no more. I say that because I know that was a negative among a large chunk of their community that was brought up frequently. But they also mentioned a stronger focus on melee combat, so it'll be really neat to see how it pans out.
I'd love to see them return to multiplayer again, not the silly asymmetrical multiplayer thing. I just wish we could return to a world where a AAA FPS could house a single player campaign, multiplayer with various modes, and coop.