Axe really is my favorite hero. I wish they would make his ult % based so he had more teamfight late game
I went out for a bit. How hard did EG throw?
New on my list of things to hate about Dota: people who don't say a word all game and them complain about a lack of teamwork
They really are the worst.They didn't throw. They got crushed. Embarrassing stuff.
thats a lot of lich games.......So I finally know that I am better with Puck than with Lich. Or so it seems. I almost have the dendi level.
Been playing Storn Spirit and I intend to pick him up but I'm having trouble understanding his role and utility in a team. Is he a ganker or a semi- or hard-carry? I see in the September competitive hero tier list that he is picked or banned more than the average hero. But how is he played in those games?
Finally, in most cases, is the Bloodstone rush the most effective item build for him?
He is a ganker/semi-carry. He can carry provided he gets far enough ahead. The most popular build that you will see in competitive games is usually picking up an orchid first, then moving on to either BKB, Linkens, Bloodstone, or Sheep depending on what you need/your preferences.
You usually don't pick up bloodstone unless you are just absolutely crushing and know that you will be able to use it to its fullest extent.
Orchid allows you to solo kill pretty much anyone that is caught out alone, which is what storm excels at.
thats a lot of lich games.......
in other news, best couple dota?
Neat, got a victory item.
So how long before this thread gets thrown into purgatory for the rest of the year?
What? We're already in community.
I just played a game where someone on my team called gg 5 mins in when the score was 0-0. We even got first blood. The thing that pisses me off is rather take their fucking abandon, they milled around doing nothing, circling close enough to fights and creep wave pushes to sponge in enough exp and avoid the abandon they rightfully deserve. People like that ruin this game.
Edit: Here's the matchID:
It was Huskar who quit 5 mins in, called GG, earned that Shadow Blade through passive gold and the occasional killsteal. I was Venomancer, tried to build semi-carry, didn't make enough of a difference.
Dota profile may be private but his Steam profile isn't.
I have been hit with the fact again that early morning/late night is the most absolutely awful time to play Dota. I should just slap myself if I think about playing around this time ever again.
kore wa kawaii desu
I am laughing right now, go for him DP
Night Stalker
Brew Master
AA is also up there for Aghs holders. And thank goodness we'll only have to put up with this for 200 more posts.
the fuck is that]
isnt this customary
Doom, if you've got retardo farm
Pugna - one of the best IMO. 0 cooldown life drain makes you an absolute menace
Global range Calldown can be pretty useful. I wouldn't buy it in every match but it's a pretty good effect.
Please enlighten me. What possible reason could you have aside from global farming?