Aptly named by TVdotto, Kappa
Aptly named by TVdotto, Kappa
Leshrac had to get a second job huh
Quality link. Not as good as but quality link.
Have some fanart.
Quality link. Not as good as but quality link.
Have some fanart.
I want Terrorblade to be the baddest badass in the dota universe he'll come in like Illidan Stormrage iwth like demon wings and horns and he'll strut and he'll be like i'm here to fuck u up and he'll have like no cd blink and 1 second cd 5 second aoe stun and 65% magic resist and he's got 65% dmg resist cuz he's the anti-life and he'll have 7 dicks so he can fuck all the bitches
didnt know you were australian
ps that goat is ugly
I could swear I've said I was from VIC before. Oh well.didnt know you were australian
ps that goat is ugly
It's EG related. They are never going to be GOATMaybe it means
Aptly named by TVdotto, Kappa
I recommend hating Antimage. He's so hateable.Hi guys!
Is Antimage like, a player in real life or a race you can choose in-game?I recommend hating Antimage. He's so hateable.
Double Necrobook as well.Edit: something I didn't even think about on Arc Warden: there is practically no reason not to go Midas on him. Even if you don't get it by 7-8 minutes, it will pay for itself every time you use your ult.
He's a hero you can choose ingame. 2011 was his year of terror.Is Antimage like, a player in real life or a race you can choose in-game?
What is going on here?I recommend hating Antimage. He's so hateable.
Ok I'm gonna start hating nowHe's a hero you can choose ingame. 2011 was his year of terror.
Are you honestly suggesting not to hate Anti-Mage?What is going on here?
Techies - This hero sounds broken as hell. I guess he could be a mid though. His nukes (understatement) ramp up nicely in a solo lane. 300 damage mines at level 1 is RIDICULOUS though
No, I'm asking why Yoshichan came in here and was randomly told to start hating AM.Are you honestly suggesting not to hate Anti-Mage?
I'm newNo, I'm asking why Yoshichan came in here and was randomly told to start hating AM.
His ability to jungle, need for gold and the +10 damage on his ultimate makes me think he's a jungling semi carry.Legion Commander - 4-5 support, more in the vein of Abaddon. The ult can basically keep someone disabled and is a great banking tool if your team will back you up. I could see going Blademail for those troublesome right clickers.
Fair enough.No, I'm asking why Yoshichan came in here and was randomly told to start hating AM.
He can jungle?! I guess with maxing Moment of Courage first followed by Press the Attack?His ability to jungle, need for gold and the +10 damage on his ultimate makes me think he's a jungling semi carry.
Armlet, Halberd, or AC would be amazing on him. He seems like someone who's job is to continuously gank solo supports, or to disable them in a teamfight.
EDIT: Dazzle + Legion should be the new Dazzle + Huskar
Yes. I've seen people take either of those two at level 1 and basically max them both by level 7.He can jungle?! I guess with maxing Moment of Courage first followed by Press the Attack?
Here is everything you need to know about Anti-Mage:I'm new
Be gentle
Video made me HYPEHere is everything you need to know about Anti-Mage:
1.4 million people can't be wrong
Video made me HYPE
I will play Anti-Mage
Don't forget the one and only true Anti-mage item you must make EVERY.SINGLE.GAME.Video made me HYPE
I will play Anti-Mage
Why is Luna's tiger wearing gauntlets?
The movement speed bonus from Overwhelming Odds is wickedly good, actually (9% per enemy hero, +3% per creep if you can hit creeps within the aoe).I don't think she can mid well either. She's got no proper escape options.
I would take her jungle or offlane if we have a stronger carry in the team, or safelane if we don't.
Don't forget the one and only true Anti-mage item you must make EVERY.SINGLE.GAME.
I want to play the song on the in game mic when I play AM and get Manta. But I'm afraid no one will get it and think I'm griefingWhenever someone pops illusions me and my friend start singing this. ooh ooh ah aah. to keep up with the discussions hereUsing Google to help me out with pretty much everything...
Also this guy is great when you're starting out and learning heroes.Trying to keep up with the discussions hereUsing Google to help me out with pretty much everything...