GAF, please tell me if I was in the wrong here and what should I do when something like this happens next time
My friend and I were playing all random, he got Abaddon and I got Riki. Now, I only played him once and don't really like him, plus I didn't think he would be good against their lineup and didn't think I'd have a good lane against anyone on their line up.
I repicked and got Sven, which is not my favorite hero but he's alright.
Me and my friend were safelane against a Luna and a Windrunner, we had a horrible lane.
They are both ranged and both have cheap nukes with low CD, and the fact that we were both melee didn't help.
When I see were losing the lane so hard and the tower is getting low at about 4 minutes, I asked someone to come in top to try to help control the lane better or at least try to get a kill on one of them
No one came, and then when the tower falls like 5 or 6 minutes in, this Tidehunter who gave me crap from the start for repicking Riki (No one ever repicks Riki, he's a card carry! He made him sound like the best hero in the game) starts talking shit and saying how bad I am, and the Broodmother is like sigh and gg
They pushed even further and also took the second tower, but then I guess they went 5 man mod against my team and I started farming the lane and the jungle, grabbed 2 kills and went Midas to catch up. Rest of the team continued to fight when I farmed a lot of the time or pushed the lanes, and I showed up for some of the more important fights I guess
We did win, but it felt really shitty for me. I'd rather have a fun game with a nice team and lose than win a game like this.
Honestly, I wish I could say I'm 100% better then that guy, but I do act like a dick sometimes too, mostly when I think people don't do their job
This is the match