hey look at this circle jerk still going on
Being unable to swap in Single Draft is a dumb idea. There, happy?
hey look at this circle jerk still going on
thanks for getting it.It can easily be made into something actually pretty free. People choose their role, and select one ( or even better, multiple ) team composition(s) ( with ancient/jungle/hardlane/easylane/mid ( say with a support/carry/either variant for each )).
It actually wouldn't stop anyone from choosing a 5 jungle compo ( but enjoy the 2 month wait to find 4 other people who also wish to do that ).
Not saying it would cover every possible thing you would come up with in a 5 man premade in other more 'free' game mods, but it really could be far less restricted than most people seems to think. Even restricted I don't really see how it's bad to have more options, people could very well say "what ? all random ? Forced chaos ? no thanks".
Ok you caught mehey look at this circle jerk still going on
Well I already shared this kind of reflexion when it came to surrender in dota 2; seems like it's not the only subject were people don't seems to look further than "it's done in a way I don't like in some other game so it shouldn't be done at all in dota 2". It's kind of sad because there is so much to win from not focusing on how something is 'bad', but how with some work it could actually lead to something really good.thanks for getting it.
in implementation you can even make the team comp more free by having a captain determine one. or you can let players build the different team comps theyd be willing to play their desired position(s) in and let the MM search it.
for a game with so many different pick modes, i dont see why a mode with more order should be frowned upon
Have fun, REALLY awesome movie.
Damn, whenwatch ASAP
I miss the Wednesdays, rapidly refreshing the dev forums waiting for test client updates~
Speaking of which, why do we still have test client..
Remember new heroes? Yeah, good times.
Damn, whenshows up I was like WTF is this Carebear bullshit, fucking CG bullshit Armageddon, bullshit science, waste of $$$/evening, then 10s later I was like fuck me!Clooney
Cuaron is Beyond Godlike.![]()
I'm pretty fucking picky on Movie-GAF, but this is a legit movie. If you haven't seen it watch it ASAP. Packed house was silent for the whole thing.
The person who made Dreams-Visions' Drow avatar has been reworking their stuff. Some of the noses look a bit weird, but some of the designs look pretty good.
New Drow:
Even dead updates. Halloween needs to come pronto
when are we getting a moba mega thread
cause a new one came out on early access
I hate Ayeese almost as much as Sheeveralmost
Merlini is cool though
I hate Ayeese almost as much as Sheeveralmost
Merlini is cool though
He has the voice of God. How can you hate him?I hate Ayeese almost as much as Sheeveralmost
Merlini is cool though
Playing again GAF, come watch if you'd like! No scrims tonight though.. ;P. My body can't take that!
Your stream is awesome. Definitely taking a few pointers from this.
No one in the game I was watching was willing to buy wards for the 10+ minutes period I was watching :/Thanks! It isn't mine, but I will pass it on to the guy who runs it
Edit: Trav said if you ever wanted help making stuff(transition,backgrounds,whatever) to send him a message and he will gladly help.
No one in the game I was watching was willing to buy wards for the 10+ minutes period I was watching :/
Yeah, I don't play support too much anymore, still working on the ward buying aspect :X.
Doesn't help I suck with Io :/
With the situation your team is in, I think Trav could have helped with warding, even if you also have a Jakiro on the team. A force staff is nice, but a few key wards would help prevent pick offs.
Yeah, I ended up buying a decent amount when they were in stock, lol.
You know, while normally I would say scepter on Gyro is a bad idea, I actually do think it will help you guys counter initiate.
I was super skeptical and rolling my eyes up till "that point" - its such a huge release, because afterwards the science didn't matter. The focus becomes all about the determination and motives. Perfectly directed, acted, and scripted.And then you read Neil deGrasse Tyson's tweets and realize the most tense moments are pretty much bullshit and have no basis in actual physics.
Still a good movie though.
Playing again GAF, come watch if you'd like! No scrims tonight though.. ;P. My body can't take that!
I was super skeptical and rolling my eyes up till "that point" - its such a huge release, because afterwards the science didn't matter. The focus becomes all about the determination and motives. Perfectly directed, acted, and scripted.
agree, good stream
Aw, thanks! We aren't doing great atm, someone put it on captain's draft without the rest of us noticing, haha.
real talk, that Juggernaut announcer is twice as loud as you or your friends. It doesn't help that the announcer pack itself is annoying as all hell. Not sure if the annoucer's volume can be turned down a little at all, but it'd be worth looking into. It's probably 15-20db louder than you.
Where can I find more of his work?The person who made Dreams-Visions' Drow avatar has been reworking their stuff. Some of the noses look a bit weird, but some of the designs look pretty good.
New Drow: