EE truly does answer prayers.
Wait like Price is Right Plinko? Better sub-game than Peggle in WoW right there.
Did Weaver not buy boots that entire game? Is that normal?
Did Weaver not buy boots that entire game? Is that normal?
Did Weaver not buy boots that entire game? Is that normal?
Can lifestealer infest the spirit bear?
Envy Storm, kaipi is done.
Because EVERYONE is afraid of the Astral Spirit.
Edit: Envy Storm is trash here, if not for sk, qop and bat they would have lost.
like clockwork
Speed Gaming 2-0 on Alliance. What am I watching.
ksan = kasane
Allaince such scrubs now, bet the win at TI was pure luck. Might as well disband and save themselves from the embarrassment.
Question: why do you enjoy playing your favourite hero?
I enjoy playing Doom because hauling ass in a teamfight and being a giant unkillable jackass is very enjoyable. Also I like making someone completely useless for at least 15 seconds.
Dead Alliance for a dead game.Does Alliance suck now?
Well that was interesting, I was hoping for Alliance to win but the end result was satisfying anyways.
So as someone who has only been following this scene since TI3 I'm not too familiar with certain things. How exactly does Valve choose who to invite to the next international? How much does winning/ losing starladder season 7 effect Navi/Alliance? Do certain tournaments hold more weight in valve's eyes , i.e is a dreamhack more valuable for judging a team then something else or are they just looking for consistency?
Oh and out of curiosity do most people here buy tickets for every tournament?
Hard to answer but probably because i keep having new 'favorite hero'. Thought the most consistant one ( don't know if I can say it's really my favorite hero, but it's my most played one ) for me is Kotl, for multiple reason, he is really easy to lane ( either to be a mana bitch, or for the illuminate harass ), it's a support and you always lack support... and usually it's a hero I can enjoy even when we loose badly ( no need for item, yet you always have them because you get crazy gold from depush ).Question: why do you enjoy playing your favourite hero?
I enjoy playing Doom because hauling ass in a teamfight and being a giant unkillable jackass is very enjoyable. Also I like making someone completely useless for at least 15 seconds.