Imp the Dimp
I like Draskyl. I also enjoy his private stream.
Hylian man I hate to dogpile on you but you have to pull your head out of your ass. We were watching your stream last night when you played pudge mid against a TA, and the end of the game just before. You had absolutely NO IDEA how to play that match up or how strong that hero is against you. You hooked her at level 5 when she had a dd and were surprised she killed you, you hooked her earlier in the game and she should've killed you. To make the whole thing better you complained the entire game how top lane lost when you got completely dominated mid yourself. Yeah, that matchup is really bad but you run the risk of strong counterpicks when you select Pudge before anyone on the enemy team picks a hero in AP ranked. You should've known that your goal in that lane is not to die, steal last hits when you can, but most importantly get your level 6 at around the same time TA does because after that you can't really go back, as you found out. Except you were level 5 when she was level 8. You let your dumb pubs convince you to roam early, you got nothing done and were completely out of the game.
I love how Pat is so conditioned to be yelled at, he almost always takes your compliments as criticisms for like 10 seconds until you explain to him he did good.These days I try to make sure to compliment and point out good plays as well as point out as politely as possible. (its so hard)
Finally I spent several weeks in various cities in China last month, and pretty much everyone still plays Dota 1
I wish I could watch everything with a Twitch chat sidebar.
I like Draskyl. I also enjoy his private stream.
you mean valve are motivated by making as much as a profit as they can... even using some anti-consumer tactics? hey that sounds a lot like some other company..
Draskyl getting mad when he's streaming is so good. He's like that old man waving a stick and yelling at you when you cross his lawn with a bicycle.
Draskyl with friends is some enjoyable random streaming. Mad dad is best dad.[IMG][/QUOTE]
The first time I watched Draskyl it was him and Brax, that was awesome.
What do you mean?
this Dreamleague commentary is really bad, it only worked before because PyrionFlax is actually funny
The first time I watched Draskyl it was him and Brax, that was awesome.
Didn't they play the movie at TI3?
If so it's been done for like year. It just wasn't out?
I feel like this thread is dedicated to helping Hylian7 improveand get beyond 4k
Good luck man!
But seriously that racism against Peruvians was getting to Thacker levels.
when are we going to 1v1?
In that moving the camera well is extremely important, not the control method.This sentence doesn't make any sense.
I don't know much about him, but I caught his stream a couple of times and I tell ya what: he plays a pretty fucking mean Invoker.
Alright, I just finished watching it. It's the exact same as it was at TI3.
I assume, therefore, that the delay was caused by a combination (if not all of) the following:
- Multi-language subtitle creation (26 languages)
- Securing official permission from Blizzard to allow clips of Dota1 (WC3 engine)
- Securing official permission from the various Chinese e-sports organizations to use their teams
- Creating the Dendi and Fear audio commentary tracks
- Additional sound engineering and mastering
After watching it again, I still think they could and should have spent a little more time explaining either a little more about the core of the game or perhaps just more about what was about to happen in the moments they thought were good enough for CG sequences. Perhaps mentioning somewhere along the line that Enigma and Puck's big abilities are disables that meant they couldn't escape. That sort of thing. It's obvious to all of us, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be so obvious to someone who's never seen the game played before.
Otherwise, it's still just as thoroughly enjoyable as it was at TI3. A very emotional (equal parts funny, disappointing, jubilant, heartbreaking, and hopeful) look into not just the Dota experience, but really into the lives of the 3 men featured and how Dota functioned as their common competitive denominator.
As with many things, this film was much more enjoyable in a group of 2,000 who all love Dota...but it's much more personal and perhaps more powerful when viewed alone. Do recommend.
Also, I think one of those CG shots of Drow is about to replace my current so I'm excite.
As someone who used to share your mentality, I can tell you why I play almost exclusively mid these days when I solo Q. Fact of the matter is that at my skill level, most people have problems farming up properly even when given space to and an early level advantage playing a high impact hero gives you both mid-late game strength and the ability to give your carry space to farm. It's super frustrating when you do your job early game as support but because your carry and mid have no game sense, the game drags on to the point where you have little to no impact outside of your relatively weaker spells and eventually their late game carry gets farmed just because the game dragged out.
In that moving the camera well is extremely important, not the control method.
WASD enables the mouse to always be on target while the camera is moved.
But I never had any racism against Peruvians.
How do you use your spells then?
Honestly I have always been a QWER + edge pan guy, but I have known for awhile that it's not the most efficient way.
What are some better keybind setups?
I've been running in to a problem lately with people immediately randoming in ranked and landing on a carries, which they inevitability fail to play well and feed. So I'll do the right thing and play support but it's just getting really frustrating losing games like this. Like I really don't think I can trust anyone that does this and I should just play someone I know I can have a bigger impact with, and maybe make up for their poor play. What's right move though? Be a bro and just take the loss or fuck these people and just play what I want?
Looking at the market, I think it is already cheaper to just buy every set of the new chests instead of using keys.
I admit, I'm really, really surprised to see people do things like random in ranked. When I envisioned the mode, I presumed that people who really wanted to win (and try hard) would go there and pick heroes they are confident with and do their best to establish and justify their MMR. I then expected non-ranked to become more of a care-free glorified practice mode where people feel more free to experiment with heroes they may not get to play much or ever and want to learn...or to run risky builds on heroes they enjoy.
I've seen quite the opposite in mid-tier 3k-4500k mmr when viewing people play (I have yet to start my ranked campaign). People still show the same bad habits, bad item purchases, decision-making and understanding of the game. Complete with failing to buy wards or couriers, drafting 3 or 4 carries, randoming, etc. I'm not even sure what the value of ranked is until you reach the threshold of MMR where you can mostly escape ragers and people that really just don't give a shit.
That's always true. It's just a question of whether or not you want your change at the Venge set sweepstakes. Which itself will be down to <$10 in a few days, I'm sure.
It's really easy to lose track of your team composition while drafting if you listen too much to your friends, in my experience.
How do you use your spells then?
Honestly I have always been a QWER + edge pan guy, but I have known for awhile that it's not the most efficient way.
What are some better keybind setups?
I was referring to your comments a few pages back, but honestly it was more of a tease then serious criticism.
I admit, I'm really, really surprised to see people do things like random in ranked.
When ranked was first introduced, it was a haven for coordinated play, but now the dregs have moved in. Couple that with the perceived futility of moving up in MMR (Aka trench hell) and you have a decline in organized play.
I hope you guys are watching this Sigma MYM match.
Good to see these sigma assholes with a huge throw.
dammit hazaro why are you still badI played StarCraft a bit, so I couldn't even imagine edge panning in Dota so I started with WASD for camera, CAPS for ATTACK, SPACE for stop. Tab,Q,E,R for skills. Ctrl+Tab for Steam overlay so I can shift queue. The only problem is using Tab to cycle units so unit micro is harder for stuff like visage birds, but 2,tab,3tab isn't so bad.
Camera control and having my mouse where it always should be feels too important.
trust me, edge pan is better because its 360 degree movement where as WASD camera is 8 way and it locks up two fingers at the same timeHow do you use your spells then?
Honestly I have always been a QWER + edge pan guy, but I have known for awhile that it's not the most efficient way.
EG earthshaker. It's drooling lava????????//
EG earthshaker. It's drooling lava????????//
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ give shagbark plushieStill undefeated on two different Fantasy Leagues after three weeks.
EG earthshaker. It's drooling lava????????//
the totem is pretty cool, but sorry guys, those long ass horns are pretty fucking shit.
You know, its may be unlikely, but does anyone have the lurking feeling that rampant botting may be inflating MMR ranking across the board? Like, the highest ratted account I have seen is a 7.1k MMR Farmer with feeder bots that were rated 4.8k them selves.
EG shaker is cool, but too busy. I think the bits of red on the horns blind with the totem to much making it look off.
dammit hazaro why are you still bad
trust me, edge pan is better because its 360 degree movement where as WASD camera is 8 way and it locks up two fingers at the same time
this is even mroe important in dota where the camera is more zoomed in meaning you have to move the camera a lot more