Finished the movie. It was pretty great.
I don't enjoy carrying because I find it so stressful but damn, I'm so good at farming and CSing. wat do
I don't enjoy carrying because I find it so stressful but damn, I'm so good at farming and CSing. wat do[IMG][/QUOTE]
I also enjoy Hylian7's escapades in the upper 3k bracket so I know I'm weird.
[quote="Dreams-Visions, post: 105045077"]I'm not even sure what the value of ranked is until you reach the threshold of MMR where you can mostly escape ragers and people that really just don't give a shit.[/QUOTE]
There isn't any, really, other than to have a number to flap about.
mix and match brothe totem is pretty cool, but sorry guys, those long ass horns are pretty fucking shit.
I don't enjoy carrying because I find it so stressful but damn, I'm so good at farming and CSing. wat do
I'm sorry, what? Bots??
mix and match bro
Play mid?
I play all roles equally. It's just that I find carrying the most stressful but I farm extremely efficient (can't get below 500 gpm even in losing games to save my life) and my item choices are perfect. Then again, I'm not sure if I am a great carry because I tend to lose more than win when I get the safe lane farm. I think I'm a tad too greedy and join fights too rarely, I dunno. If I were this good, I'd probably cracked 4k by now.
I'm really good at farming and CSing, that's about it probably.
If you are all about the farm but fear not being enough, just play Naga, tb or morph. Rat all over with illusions (or the other way around with morph) at like 0 risk of diying, and when you get your core up, just go there yourself and take racks.
Ez games providing you have a good support.
Finished the movie. It was pretty great.
Watching the movie now, holy shit. I was not expecting the feels. The scene with HYHY outside smoking combined with knowing how the tournament ends. =( =( =(
Live Q&A with the players and makers of the movie on Twitch.
Starting now.
You guys are weird. Playing support means last hitting is even more pivotal than if you're carrying. You get very few chances to last hit, so you have to make sure you get those last hits so you can get some farm. As a carry you're going to have unhindered access to the jungle and lane as long as your team is playing well, so a few missed last hits mean nothing in the long run, whilst as a support if you miss 1-2 last hits, that's gonna be a bigger toll on your economy.
And if anyone even tries to rebuke this by saying they never take last hits and end a game with no cs, download one of your replays and notice every time you could've made farm while you were roaming and doing nothing, or failing a gank, or standing by. Its astonishing how many people complain about having no items as support when they dont take opportunities to get farm when their carry can't feasibly be there.
You guys are weird. Playing support means last hitting is even more pivotal than if you're carrying. You get very few chances to last hit, so you have to make sure you get those last hits so you can get some farm. As a carry you're going to have unhindered access to the jungle and lane as long as your team is playing well, so a few missed last hits mean nothing in the long run, whilst as a support if you miss 1-2 last hits, that's gonna be a bigger toll on your economy.
And if anyone even tries to rebuke this by saying they never take last hits and end a game with no cs, download one of your replays and notice every time you could've made farm while you were roaming and doing nothing, or failing a gank, or standing by. Its astonishing how many people complain about having no items as support when they dont take opportunities to get farm when their carry can't feasibly be there.
I try to get some gold when the carry isn't on the lane or when I occasionally rotate to mid lane because mid went somewhere that isn't my lane to gank, but I'm not good at it![]()
You guys are weird. Playing support means last hitting is even more pivotal than if you're carrying. You get very few chances to last hit, so you have to make sure you get those last hits so you can get some farm. As a carry you're going to have unhindered access to the jungle and lane as long as your team is playing well, so a few missed last hits mean nothing in the long run, whilst as a support if you miss 1-2 last hits, that's gonna be a bigger toll on your economy.
And if anyone even tries to rebuke this by saying they never take last hits and end a game with no cs, download one of your replays and notice every time you could've made farm while you were roaming and doing nothing, or failing a gank, or standing by. Its astonishing how many people complain about having no items as support when they dont take opportunities to get farm when their carry can't feasibly be there.
Shit I'd love to play DOTA right now but
I heard that show stops being dogshit after the first season.
I heard that show stops being dogshit after the first season.
Yeah I'm at the stage in my Dota development where its really clear that the next frontier is not just map awareness but maximizing map positioning, making sure that if I'm roaming its actually feasible to get a kill and not just wasting time.
Yeah I'm at the stage in my Dota development where its really clear that the next frontier is not just map awareness but maximizing map positioning, making sure that if I'm roaming its actually feasible to get a kill and not just wasting time.
100% confirmed
first half of season 1: good (IMO), but there are a few shortfalls (like kard I still absolutely love the first few episodes, but some people have issues with them)
second half of season 1: best comic book hero TV adaptation, really entertaining television overall
season 2: holy fuck this is the best comic book film adaptation in general, puts a lot of the films to shame.
It's like Nolan batman but made better--better action, more interesting characters, a much better overall plot, and you have the television format that allows for a more prolonged story and fleshing out of characters. If you like comic books or comic book films, you have to watch this show. It's phenomenal. The show also does a great job of avoiding the sluggish pace of serialized television and the typical format of "first 3 episodes = fast paced main story |||| insert 15 episodes of filler here ||| last 3 episodes = fast paced main story with a frustrating cliff hanger." Every season of Arrow is like a 24 hour film, very little filler here, and the fast-pace of the show is absolutely awesome and rewarding.
EG earthshaker. It's drooling lava????????//
Seems like a dangerous bit of business to have lava-drooling rock dragons on one's back.
Finished the movie. Been waiting a year. Fucking so well made. The way they did the cinematic fights was fucking awesome. And dat dendi dream coil.
Haly, we can't see the kill feed or them dying! Worst gif maker NA.
I feel one of the best supports to help you learn this is CM, you can just jungle inbetween roams and other instances of downtime, at least it was how I practiced and I feel it improved my support work a lot.
Dream Coil is the $1 million ult.
In other news:
Still the best Earth Spirit NA.
bounchfx' set (not depicted in replay mode for some reason) is FIERCE.
You didn't have to style on em like that.
Was tempted to go since it's a 10 min walk from work but then ...well priorities..Last call. Anyone headed to the LA showing?