I wish I could watch everything with a Twitch chat sidebar.
I wish I could watch everything with a Twitch chat sidebar.
Sounds like you hate America broI wonder how many name tags will be wasted on this new BM Eagle about beating Russians or communism or some other dumb uncreative thing.
Fun fact, there is currently no way to get more name tags, they were in every vermilion chest post new bloom, but last patch took them out with the chest revamp, and they still aren't in the store.I wonder how many name tags will be wasted on this new BM Eagle about beating Russians or communism or some other dumb uncreative thing.
Sometimes I feel like I should give less of a fuck about team composition when I play by myself. Invariably I always have to choose a support hero otherwise it will be 5 carries.
But if I do that then I am just as bad as everyone else
Single draft is my favorite.just play ar
This is why I play unranked RD exclusively. If I am picking first, I pick a support, if I am picking late, I either grab a support if we need one or grab a hero to fill the role we are missing. I play a lot of support but I really don't mind at all. Winning the game is always more fun for me than being a sick pro mid or whatever. I really can't even understand the mentality of people who only play mid, unless they are actually really great at it. I don't see babysitting as a chore, it is hard to do well.
Yes, we saw it at TI. I haven't watched this version. I assume it has some additional edits that were not in the screening we saw. I'll watch it today and report back.Didn't they play the movie at TI3?
If so it's been done for like year. It just wasn't out?
As someone who used to share your mentality, I can tell you why I play almost exclusively mid these days when I solo Q. Fact of the matter is that at my skill level, most people have problems farming up properly even when given space to and an early level advantage playing a high impact hero gives you both mid-late game strength and the ability to give your carry space to farm. It's super frustrating when you do your job early game as support but because your carry and mid have no game sense, the game drags on to the point where you have little to no impact outside of your relatively weaker spells and eventually their late game carry gets farmed just because the game dragged out.
Sometimes I feel like I should give less of a fuck about team composition when I play by myself. Invariably I always have to choose a support hero otherwise it will be 5 carries.
But if I do that then I am just as bad as everyone else
Yeah, I can totally see this. It is probably a lack of confidence in my abilities as a mid that keeps me away from it and I hate to lose and feel like it is my fault entirely (which has happened to me when playing mid).
I played StarCraft a bit, so I couldn't even imagine edge panning in Dota so I started with WASD for camera, CAPS for ATTACK, SPACE for stop. Tab,Q,E,R for skills. Ctrl+Tab for Steam overlay so I can shift queue. The only problem is using Tab to cycle units so unit micro is harder for stuff like visage birds, but 2,tab,3tab isn't so bad.Kind of on topic of this (and the other post). I still feel like I always have trouble with camera control, especially when things get frantic.
Honestly, I think that is the root of all my problems.
It's why I don't look at other lanes much because I'm afraid I'll lose control of the camera and whiff last hits, or even worse, die.
So I guess my question is how the hell do you get to where controlling the camera doesn't feel cumbersome?
what items should i check for when im deciding whether to gank a lane or not?
I think people puts too much emphasis on the perfect draft composition (2 supports, 1 carry, 1 offlane, 1 mid) on pubs.
I dont really follow any competitive gaming scenes until recently (well I was in the scene for cod1 and 2 but those games were essentially insignificant at their respective times due to the scene being so small). So what exactly happened to the might of the chinese gaming scene? I started following the dota 2 scene not too long ago just looking for ideas to become better(everyone hates to suck). However, the current top of the scene is just alliance , Na'vi, and etc (I can name a bunch of teams and only a couple are asian).
This sentence doesn't make any sense.I played StarCraft a bit, so I couldn't even imagine edge panning in Dota so I started with WASD for camera, CAPS for ATTACK, SPACE for stop. Tab,Q,E,R for skills. Ctrl+Tab for Steam overlay so I can shift queue. The only problem is using Tab to cycle units so unit micro is harder for stuff like visage birds, but 2,tab,3tab isn't so bad.
Camera control and having my mouse where it always should be feels too important.
Once I remember how to play dotes, I'm gonna stream so that I can get some of this criticism. I'm rather jealous.Hylian man I hate to dogpile on you but you have to pull your head out of your ass. We were watching your stream last night when you played pudge mid against a TA, and the end of the game just before. You had absolutely NO IDEA how to play that match up or how strong that hero is against you. You hooked her at level 5 when she had a dd and were surprised she killed you, you hooked her earlier in the game and she should've killed you. To make the whole thing better you complained the entire game how top lane lost when you got completely dominated mid yourself. Yeah, that matchup is really bad but you run the risk of strong counterpicks when you select Pudge before anyone on the enemy team picks a hero in AP ranked. You should've known that your goal in that lane is not to die, steal last hits when you can, but most importantly get your level 6 at around the same time TA does because after that you can't really go back, as you found out. Except you were level 5 when she was level 8. You let your dumb pubs convince you to roam early, you got nothing done and were completely out of the game.
I dont really follow any competitive gaming scenes until recently (well I was in the scene for cod1 and 2 but those games were essentially insignificant at their respective times due to the scene being so small). So what exactly happened to the might of the chinese gaming scene? I started following the dota 2 scene not too long ago just looking for ideas to become better(everyone hates to suck). However, the current top of the scene is just alliance , Na'vi, and etc (I can name a bunch of teams and only a couple are asian).
I do focus on improvement, you just have no idea how incredibly frustrating it is when you get boneheaded teams that make it impossible to win, even if you were Dendi.
Hylian man I hate to dogpile on you but you have to pull your head out of your ass. We were watching your stream last night when you played pudge mid against a TA, and the end of the game just before. You had absolutely NO IDEA how to play that match up or how strong that hero is against you. You hooked her at level 5 when she had a dd and were surprised she killed you, you hooked her earlier in the game and she should've killed you. To make the whole thing better you complained the entire game how top lane lost when you got completely dominated mid yourself. Yeah, that matchup is really bad but you run the risk of strong counterpicks when you select Pudge before anyone on the enemy team picks a hero in AP ranked. You should've known that your goal in that lane is not to die, steal last hits when you can, but most importantly get your level 6 at around the same time TA does because after that you can't really go back, as you found out. Except you were level 5 when she was level 8. You let your dumb pubs convince you to roam early, you got nothing done and were completely out of the game.
VP getting that ass tapped.
It's really easy to lose track of your team composition while drafting if you listen too much to your friends, in my experience.
Outside of Na'Vi and Alliance, I didn't see the European teams all of a sudden trashing Asian teams left and right.
I think n0b has some idea of how frustrating that is, I mean he plays with me a lot.
edit: Also how come I never see you in IHs Hylian?
A. You guys always start them when I'm in a 5-stack.
B. I'm not around for whatever reason (something IRL usually)
C. I do sometimes.
has team empire played any asian teams lately?
Sometimes I feel like I should give less of a fuck about team composition when I play by myself. Invariably I always have to choose a support hero otherwise it will be 5 carries.
But if I do that then I am just as bad as everyone else
Venge's third head style is the best
this Dreamleague commentary is really bad, it only worked before because PyrionFlax is actually funny
I almost always play support, but last night I wanted to mix it up so I decided to play QoP since I finally leveled her Premier League set and wanted to use it. Of course, I ended up with five carries and had to play 'support' anyway.
Once my inventory filled up I even bought wards and asked for someone else to place them, still no luck.
The struggle is real.We won.
I have gotten advice on what to do in times like those. You need to swap out your weakest item for a short time for the wards, then put them back in base. Its a pain in the ass though, but its true you really don't need to lug observers around 24/7.
I think n0b has some idea of how frustrating that is, I mean he plays with me a lot.