No you aren't. You're below 3700 because you aren't aware of what you're doing wrong and because of that you never improve. Stop blaming people until you are perfect at every hero. 90% of the time I watch you you seem ignorant to lessons that I've learned at an mmr hundreds lower than yours.
I'm an average player. I've had less than half the games as you. You would probably beat me in a 1v1. I've spent most of my time in dota spreading my hero pool as wide as possible. There is no way I should have more game sense and knowledge than you but the fact that you don't see anything wrong with how you play and think you can just write it off as out of your control suggests that I do.
I don't know if you're too angry to focus on improvement, or don't watch enough better players to see the difference, but you need to change something about your attitude.
I never said "I'm a perfect player that doesn't make mistakes." I do, and I even admitted that a few posts up that that is the reason I lose some games, because I have bad games myself. I wish you wouldn't put words into my mouth.
I do focus on improvement, you just have no idea how incredibly frustrating it is when you get boneheaded teams that make it impossible to win, even if you were Dendi.
Take this one for example. Sure, I made mistakes, sure, I missed a hook here and there. But all things considered, I think I did pretty well myself. Now look at the team. Vanguard Doom, Invoker who doesn't know how to Invoke things, the Axe...There was no way I could salvage this one by myself. Don't tell meit doesn't happen.
It puts you at a massive disadvantage but it's not a complete dealbreaker. People can and do adapt to high ping.
I played my first gafhouse with a ping of 220 and I did ok in that.
I've had internet issues before and had to play at 200 ping, and I felt completely useless that way and it felt unplayable to me. Didn't really matter whether I was playing something where precision was absolutely necessary (like Pudge) or something that was easier to land (right clickers, targeted stun supports, etc.). I felt like it was unplayable to me at 200 ping.