Kind of on topic of this (and the other post). I still feel like I always have trouble with camera control, especially when things get frantic.
Honestly, I think that is the root of all my problems. It probably wasn't as obvious with Pudge, but on a hero like Storm Spirit or Magnus, I always have trouble with long camera movement fights. Just go watch any Storm game with player perspective and you can see that probably 90% of my fights end with my hero off edge of the screen. I've always found it so cumbersome to move the camera in these kinds of games and I don't know why. When I used to play StarCraft, I was so bad at it. Clicking on the minimal always felt obtuse where I could never do it quick enough and was always "scrambling" to do it.
It's why I don't look at other lanes much because I'm afraid I'll lose control of the camera and whiff last hits, or even worse, die.
So I guess my question is how the hell do you get to where controlling the camera doesn't feel cumbersome?
I don't know if it's because I've played a lot of first person shooters but I always try to place the camera that gives me the most time to react to something which also requires the least amount of character movement.
I'm probably watching my mini-map 90% of the time when in the laning phase whilst I'm playing support so I can call things out immediately, be it players missing on my lane or others, ensuring to see the runes etc.
Say if I'm farming top lane and there's an SB in the game, I'll place the camera so that I'm almost in the opposite corner as to where SB would be charging from.
But also, it's game sense in a way, if you know someone has just tp-ed somewhere you know they're unlikely to walk across the map to follow you if you tp somewhere else. If someone dies in mid or any other lane, I'm almost tp-ing in, not only to stop the creep wave but also wanting to get some xp and gold in the meantime.
What I noticed with you Hylian is that you never click on your opponent in mid, you never check to see how many bottle charges they have for example. If they're using their bottle, I want to know if I can go on them, force a couple of autoattacks on them just to get them low enough that they're out of the lane. It's not necessarily about kills, it's about farming properly and ensuring you have creep control. Or if they're light on regen as they're wanting to rush a fast bottle, you want to hurt them to make it hard for them to get those last hits.
If the dude is low, has no charges and it's coming up for rune time, you have to ensure you're contesting it, be it autoattacks as they go to get it or even taking it yourself.
Sensitivity with the camera is important but that's something you have to practice in game with, hence why I always suggest you play some non-ranked, try a new hero and get used to do some other things that you're not comfortable doing.
Anyway, it's just practice in other roles in other lanes with different settings that will aid you. Banging your head against a brick wall isn't working whatsoever.
I will say this to all of GAF, I think we should do more to support people if they're streaming. If someone posts a link and you're able to do so, have it playing in the background.
If you do watch, offer advice or whatever. Just think it's a shame that we have one of the most active thread on neogaf and no presence on twitch/youtube whatsoever. I'm not suggesting there should be IHL and whatnot, but just seems weird with everyone else creating dota 2 content and the like, we're completely lacking on that front.