Take this one for example. Sure, I made mistakes, sure, I missed a hook here and there. But all things considered, I think I did pretty well myself. Now look at the team. Vanguard Doom, Invoker who doesn't know how to Invoke things, the Axe...There was no way I could salvage this one by myself. Don't tell meit doesn't happen.
-You instalocked pudge and rushed for solo mid.
+you get a good creep block
-Despite creep block lane advantage, you give away HALF of your health as pudge in order to use rot to attempt to contest last hits. (and get none of them)
+you properly look at the situation bottom (luna had regen) and just return to lane, and get a messy kill
-you don't commit to your first storm kill attempt (you should have died because of that)
+you observe that the storm is awful and take the kill he gives you
+you rotate bottom and help weaver kill luna
-you haven't bought the flying courier or any wards despite being able to observe that nobody on your team is going to get them if they haven't by now.
-starting at around the 4.5 minute mark you start spending too much time roaming without first clicking on a lane or rune and seeing what can be achieved
-6 minutes in you've only clicked on top and bottom lanes once
+you again pick on two absent minded players
-you don't make the obvious advantage out of your first pickoff top (which your team obviously thought you would) when you have a double damage and a creep wave
+you get a few more kills
-you literally miss two last hits on a double creep wave then give up, guess rune wrong (while a catapult is attacking your tower, after having killed your lane opponent) and then run all the way back to the other rune
-8 minutes in you still haven't even attempted to rectify the warding and courier situation
-you don't even go TRY for the kill on storm when he uses all of his mana to try to zip away from you and axe, even though you have creep aggro so there is literally no way you couldn't get the deny after attempting the kill
-continue wandering aimlessly, without ever clicking on enemy lanes to see whether a lane can or should be ganked
- after a minute of ass walking till you decide to tp for a solo gank on three heroes change your mind, and then wander mid (without even looking at what is happening with your two teammates that followed you there at full health and mana against a set of three low hp pool heroes with no ults or disables left, which should have been food for you, when you could have at the very least dropped a lane ward behind the luna to keep tabs on her since she had been steamrolling,
- again spend more time mindlessly wandering, get back to bot lane, then hook elder titan 1v4 (when two of his teammates have ults back up in all the time you were wandering, when he has the same hp pool as you, when he actually will die slower to your rot than you will because of his aura, when he is the only hero in the lane WITHOUT a long range disable.)
- storm caught back up to you at 12 minutes because he actually used his time on the map efficiently
- you drop a lane control ward mid after you've lost your tower and the laning stage is over, instead of warding the jungle where luna will be spending 80% of her time because she 1.took down bottom tower so can't safely farm lane when its not pushed out and 2. because you would have noticed she had helm and therefore intended to farm jungle stacks if you ever clicked on her
-after walking into lane blindly (to a lane in which one of the tankiest heroes on your team just died to a multi-person gank) you manage to get one assist (so what, the "invoker who doesn't know how to invoke" got two kills)
- I have yet to see you use your time dead to actually look at the map
- you spend 30 seconds sitting in base doing nothing and looking at nothing, you haven't change the item build you're going for (blink, when the enemy, obviously is coming AT you, and when they have veno luna storm titan; you know things that building a pipe might be useful for, or hell at least a casual cloak)
-you walk uphill blindly when the other team had JUST taken your tier one top and your team, seeing you as a leader (because you started the game off well, fancy that) follows YOUR lead once again and dies for it.
- more mindless wandering, you haven't killed a creep in something like 8 minutes
+ you get a kill mid
-you ignore the fact that the teammate of the person you killed was being flanked by your team until its too late, then after they SHOULD be safe you walk river low ground instead of with them to make sure they are ok, walk all the way to the other runespot and get killed for it instead of just retreating with your team
+ you get a kill
+ you kill some creeps! you are almost at the 1 creep a minute mark
- you stare at nothing while your team is fighting RIGHT NEXT TO YOU
- you have been passed by weaver in net worth despite him feeding constantly and you starting 7-0
- while sitting around doing nothing you waste bottle regen that you could have saved for later
- you call G fucking G when your team just pulled out an initially lost fight into a 3-2 trade in your favor, ending a beyond godlike streak
+ you use an urn charge at 24 minutes in! Only 6 to go!
- you queue up aghs (when you should only build it if you are truly steamrolling)
+ you do some great hooks and attempts at pickoffs!
- you try for a rot kill on ET instead of waiting for your ult to come off cooldown; again, you do more damage to yourself than to him, because of his aura, and he hits harder than you
- you wander very slowly down to the rune while your team is dying, even though you bought blink dagger I presume for the easy and free ability to move rapidly around the map as WELL as for initiation
+ with teamwork you blow the aegis, and then get the luna kill to happen again! (hey, the doom made his item choices work!)
- its been 8 minutes again since you've been involved in a creep kill, you are incredibly low level
- you focus so hard on the placement of your hook that you don't notice the spirit on top of you that gets you killed and your team nearly wiped, because you didn't hook to prevent the stomp
- you run away from your team at full health after hooking luna, forcing bkb and eclipse, even though with you there there would have been enough bodies (especially a pudge, with hint hint a skill that gives magic resist) to absorb the eclipse and get the kill
- you call gg for the third time (another g fucking g in fact) from the well and thankfully there's nothing left for me to comment on
so: lets see...
1.You make the most inefficient use of your time on the map imaginable
2. You don't look at anything but yourself
3. You make no effort to work with your team or even pay attention to them
4. You make no attempt to adjust to the game situation, ever
5. You play as if just because you were ahead at one point in the game as a hero you must be ahead always
6. You have a bad attitude
7. You constantly act on no information
8. Your only kills are a result of the enemy team being just as bad at the game as the people you are flaming
9. Dendi could have easily won that game
10. Not one of your problems is missing a hook.
11. Maybe I wouldn't put words in your mouth if you didn't spend 90% of your time whining about your teammates and claiming you are trapped in your bracket by somebody other than yourself