why does the liquipedia page for team secret have EG symbols next to arteezy and zai. are americans just that salty or what
It's been changed and reverted at least twice. No idea why it keeps being changed back though.
why does the liquipedia page for team secret have EG symbols next to arteezy and zai. are americans just that salty or what
Sniper with repel is broken.
Gyro works well as a support early, and with all that tower gold, you'll have no problems transitioning into a carry. I'm 5-0 with him in this event.
Same thing for jugg.
I still don't see warlock as a great pick, he needs solo exp to be relevant.
I found heros that focus on keeping the beast alive to be terrible picks, you simply need to work around the beast split pushing or as just a giant tank for you, you dont need overwhelming odds because you already have tower flak and you need to get dual wins to get strong but since everyone is always going to be 5 man its not worth it.Beat snipers with omni on their teams as well. Really just overwhelmed them from start and they can't do anything. I'm meaning having 3 towers pushed with first beast. Really didn't give the snipers any time to play smart at all.
One guy on a YB team picked LC and it was legit. LC can heal and speed up the attack speed of the beast. Also troll is decent to take down other towers where the beast isn't at.
we lost yesterday to a team with a sniper on it that also had the world's most annoying nightstalker
no exaggeration, the guy deserves some kind of award for services in the pursuit of being an annoying dota player
shadowblade, phase boots, using his ult just to escape, he was pretty much impossible to pin down
Dont stress
Its a stupid P2W mode
I know cause i P2W and am 7 wins 2 losses
It's been changed and reverted at least twice. No idea why it keeps being changed back though.
just fumes i guess
Bamboe is fine, that team just isn't good enough to make a difference in any LAN. It's just a bunch of rejects grouped together.Whats wrong with Bamboe?
I was under the impression he was considered talented back when he was with sing before.
To be honest I feel Slark is to weak right now.Is it just me or is Slark op at the moment? Hate Slark and Void.
Rat strats are also really effective from what I have seen.
Is it just me or is Slark op at the moment? Hate Slark and Void.
6k trapped in a 3.5k shell
everyone is 7k trapped in a 2.5K body.
Would building a bot to do guild invites be useful at all? I could maybe set up a web portal and you could just plug in the steamID and it would send out an invite.
I've been complaining about no drops for months and now with YB I've gotten like 14 sets and outside of a necro one I think they all suck ass. I've been checking out a lot of sets and there like 5 or 7 in total that I think look good, I should just shut up and buy them instead of hoping for drops or a trade but it seems like a dangerous path.
Swedish people in dota are barely one step abowe Russians IMO.
just fumes i guess
Arteezy and zai have not been officially released from EG. Until there is an announcement to that effect, those flags will remain.
can someone with db plus lemme know if they bought 3 gems or 2
Not how DB Plus works. You have to have someone with DB Plus in the match to see the extra stuff.
Can you just watch the replay?
Is it just me or is Slark op at the moment? Hate Slark and Void.
I'll put up what I have when the event is over, maybe someone will consider trading something good for multiple sets =I I guess I could just unpack them and use item recycling but only play solo and know of maybe 50 heroes so I have no idea when my team would have gotten off a good draft so predicting stuff is hard. If I do have something you want I'll probably trade it, did it once with someone here even though I wasn't that hot about the set but it's better someone gets something they want instead of sitting on stuff I'm not gonna use.Post them here if you'd like to see you can grab something better. I make offers to people but no one wants my sets.
I have only played Necro in least played but is he considered a good mid hero? Even in games where we have a clear support I've gotten plenty of verbal abuse for even thinking of last hitting creeps or not suiciding myself in the quest for first blood =/I really feel that Necro is as broken/more broken than pre nerf Jugg
If you can go mid and get a 10 minute treads + mek your team is almost unstoppable for the next 15 minutes
Spam heals and mek in fights till youre at 1/2 mana. Ulti a support on low HP. Regen back to full mana with Sadist. Spam more heals. Win fights with sheer sustain
I have solo carried so many games with aghs refresher Necro. Hero is stupid. Glad people stopped playing his as a support
53% WR so it clearly worksbeat this guy in my YB game
I don't get how people like this exist, bloodstone scepter shadowblade every single game? I remember I played with a TA and Tiny that went shadowblade, I checked their DB's and its something they've been doing since they started playing dota :/
Get fast levels for heal/sadist, quick mek, walk around killing everything and healing whole team, push all towers down, Ulti carry dead for 90 seconds. Pretty good. Always a threat.I have only played Necro in least played but is he considered a good mid hero? Even in games where we have a clear support I've gotten plenty of verbal abuse for even thinking of last hitting creeps or not suiciding myself in the quest for first blood =/
Dusa gud hero
That's the reason I guess.
Picked up a beige Terrorblade Arcana, and damn does it look good!
Shame the hero sucks dick this meta.
guys whats better
uguu or tuturu
I take everything back.Say what you will about Year Beast but I'm swimming in hats and some are pretty bloody good.![]()
guys whats better
uguu or tuturu
KeepoI take everything back.
Pick Sniper duhI can't win this shit no matter how hard I try anymore
I want to earn my jadehorn and I only have two more wins but now it seems impossible to win