As someone who bought the game but has not yet played it (backlog grr), I'm torn on this. On the one hand, it's shitty that Double Fine came out with a long list of potential updates, did some of them, and then just halted development and said "yeah this is pretty much the final product!" when clearly that isn't the case. On the other hand, and again I'm in no position to judge, if the final product IS a reasonable finishing point (we didn't get to everything on the giant list but we can safely call this a "completed product") then the real question becomes whether it's the game you thought it would be when you paid for it.
It seemed unrealistic to expect a lengthy support period if the game didn't sell well or wasn't selling as well as hoped, or if the money just ran out. That's how game development works. On the other hand, Double Fine could have been more upfront about their expectations. The radio silence from a month ago should have been more like what we got today: hey, we're going to prep a v1 release and then wind down, here's what we're planning to include. And they should have telegraphed sooner and more obviously that the end of support was near.
On the one hand, people have no trouble giving money and support to Dwarf Fortress, which has basically never been finished. On the other hand, Dwarf Fortress is free and development continues years (even a decade?) after the first version was released. On the other other hand, Dwarf Fortress is made by two people living a fairly spartan lifestyle, and Double Fine is not.
I don't know. I'm not angry about this. Maybe a little disappointed.
EDIT: back to finish my thought. I'm not angry, maybe a little disappointed. This does seem like a failed experiment, but I don't know if it changes my opinion of Early Access so much. Does it change my opinion of Double Fine? Yeah. I'm more ambivalent about them now. I'm not going to boycott their games or anything, but Broken Age seems pretty clearly a one-off crowdfunding success to me that they will be hard-pressed to repeat, if DF-9 is any indication (I know Early Access isn't crowdfunding in the same way, but it does have similarities). Ironically, it makes me far less inclined to trust them unless it's in the context of a more traditional publishing arrangement--I'm not worried, for example, about Costume Quest 2.