gdt5016 said:Into what?
I just forced a retcon dammit. Who's King then?
If you sacrificed your Warden and then transfer that character to awakening, he shows up alive and well. All your other decisions stay the same though.
gdt5016 said:Into what?
I just forced a retcon dammit. Who's King then?
gdt5016 said:Morrigan tempted me super hard with that Ritual :lol. Would be interesting to see where that goes.
It's just that it's really hard to have a romance with Morrigan if you're a good-ish character. She's always disapproving and shit.
Yep. There is no way to return after it.Najaf said:Question about the end game:
After defeating the archdemon, there is the whole ceremony with Alistar (I chose to use Morrigan to live). After speaking with Alistar, he says we will speak again before I leave but encourages me to go make an appearance for the people. After speaking with my other party members and VIPs, I cannot get any more dialog from Alistar. Once I go to the door and the guard asks if I am ready and I continue, it just goes to the written epilogue screens. Is there no way to return after this? Is there only the 'other campaigns' DLC and Awakenings?
I had the same problem until I got Shale who pretty much needs no curing...even though Wrynne somehow manages to run out of MP no matter what lol.Ledsen said:Yeah I'm having the same problems, although I'm only on Hard. I've done the Mage Tower and the Forest, am currently in Redcliffe. Alistair takes a fuck-ton of damage and has to constantly be healed by Wynne and Morrigan. I'm using two-handed weapons since I think they're pretty cool, but now I'm thinking I should've gone with sword/shield... it's too late now though since I've invested so many points in two-handed skills![]()
You should know the answer to that. The game is frontloaded with story and does a lot of things better than me. The gameplay is like bg, so I don't know why you expect it to be a mindless shooter like Me. Also if diablo was a horrible experience for you, you may want to just skip every wrpg.blizeH said:My girlfriend hates video games (to be fair, she has a genuinely good reason for doing so) but recently has given them a try for my sake. Mass Effect, she's got quite into, but neither of us are really that into sci-fi. I'm wondering just how similar is this to Mass Effect in terms of story, options and characters?
The gameplay is massively offputting to me, I've played some old western RPGs (Baldur's Gate, Diablo, Neverwinter Nights etc) and they've been some of the most horrible gaming experiences of my life - so with that in mind I'm not sure whether to go Dragon Age 1, straight to Dragon Age 2, or just skip both?
vocab said:You should know the answer to that. The game is frontloaded with story and does a lot of things better than me. The gameplay is like bg, so I don't know why you expect it to be a mindless shooter like Me. Also if diablo was a horrible experience for you, you may want to just skip every wrpg.
blizeH said:Thanks, I was kinda thinking/hoping that it would be a lot more accessible than BG, then I think the decent story and overall game world would help me play it, but 40+ hours of BG-esque gameplay doesn't really appeal unfortunately, no matter how good the story and characters are
There's no demo either is there? Will try the DA2 demo tonight at least and see how that is. Thanks again
That is my favorite dungeon as wellStallion Free said:Finally beat the Dalish part of the main quest and I'm pretty sure it has been my favorite part of the game so far. I absolutely loved the side story and the music during the finale was ace.
Kweh said:Just started Awakenings...
When you get the choice of making Anders a Grey Warden, does this have any ramifications on whether Mhairi survives The Joining a little later? Or does she always die in it?
YoungHav said:About to start this today. How many hours on average is each origin story? and when you start a new story do you start from scratch or does anything carry over?
The origins took me each about 1.5 to 2.5 hours. I was very thorough when I played them and really enjoyed playing them all in a row. 'YoungHav said:About to start this today. How many hours on average is each origin story? and when you start a new story do you start from scratch or does anything carry over?
Haha no. The origin stories lead into the intro of the game. The main game itself is easily 40+ hours.YoungHav said:so this game can be beaten in 20hrs??
My complete Origins playthrough with all sidequests except the ones "for certain parties" ran to just over 50.Stallion Free said:Haha no. The origin stories lead into the intro of the game. The main game itself is easily 40+ hours.
Which path did you take?Stallion Free said:Finally beat the Dalish part of the main quest and I'm pretty sure it has been my favorite part of the game so far. I absolutely loved the side story and the music during the finale was ace.
Thnikkaman said:Which path did you take?If you liked the music I'm guessing you ended the curse with Zathrian and Witherfang?
That's the one. Great build up toStallion Free said:I had Zathrian sacrifice himself peacefully. I just wish they had developed that side story a bit more because I thought it was great.
Origins stories are definitely worth playing. Helps a lot in knowing who to hate and what not. Minor spoiler not sure how strict you are so just in case:YoungHav said:About to start this today. How many hours on average is each origin story? and when you start a new story do you start from scratch or does anything carry over?
With the exception of Golems, all of the DLC is pretty easydionysus said:I just started playing witch hunt, and the combat is really easy even on nightmare. I have been through 3 of the areas so far and haven't had to use any strategy so far on nightmare. Does it get harder?
In comparison, I thought vanilla DAO was pretty challenging even on the lower difficulties.
Nope Nightmare is just as piss easy in vanilla as it is in awakenings and other DLC. Once you get high enough level you should be able to rip through anything without trouble. Well maybe except two mages spamming some curses at you or chain lightning.dionysus said:I just started playing witch hunt, and the combat is really easy even on nightmare. I have been through 3 of the areas so far and haven't had to use any strategy so far on nightmare. Does it get harder?
In comparison, I thought vanilla DAO was pretty challenging even on the lower difficulties.
Patryn said:Trust me. If you hate BG and NWN, you would never like DA:O.
But definitely try DA2. It's been designed to appeal to people such as yourself, who were massively turned off by the old-school feeling of DA:O.
YoungHav said:Has anyone here platinum'd this game? If so how many hours did it take?
YoungHav said:Has anyone here platinum'd this game? If so how many hours did it take?
Cedstick said:Y'know, it's already too late since I'm stubborn and accepted the tool-tips notes that alluded to dual-wield Warrior being totally viable, sinking points in to respective talents, but is it absolutely terrible? The aim I'm going for right now is just getting by with strength and self-tanking with a shield right now until I can dual-wield two normal-sized swords. Utter shit? Yes? No?