Gold Member
this is the counter argument... Imagine if Veilguard was its own IP as is, then 10 years down the line it becomes a dumb, crass, macho hack 'n slash with themes similar to the first Gears of War or Duke Nukem. A huge fan of Veilguard would be rightfully insulted. Now imagine new "fans" insulting fans of the original for being insulted and saying that they're acting stupid and that their opinions should be Movies, music, arts in generel, and offcourse video games are made by people. And all of them will always have political ideas, preferences, believes etc. Why is the mere mention of these kind of aspects/topics already enough for you to dismiss the whole product? I really dont get that. Every single medium created has some kind of underlying agenda. Thats how it works.
I could go on about arts vs products and the pandering of initiatives for the sake of pan-handling, but this is the basic gist of it... And then you also got the crazy people on the internet which ofc is something else entirely.