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Dragon Age: Veilguard Announced | Full reveal on June 11th



He changed his profile recently, but my expectations are below ground regardless...

He......HE? How dare you?!!! Think of its feelings please.

I never understood the obsession of gamers that the females need to be as sexy as possible and dressed in minimum clothes.... Im not 12 anymore. If you want to see sexy-dressed sluts, go watch some porn or play a jrpg. Plenty of choice.
It must vex your mind to understand why they have dance teams and cheerleaders on the sidelines of NBA and NFL games.


I thought that was its name, was its a code name or something before reveal?
That's what I thought too, but in can't find where that idea came from? I know the logo was put out there in a weird modern font, so it was tough to believe that was final and i know questions were going around. Also, they did some chat video dev interviews at the time so maybe they mentioned something about the name then?

Its not as catchy a name though, I'm a little suitors surprised that they felt the need to change when Dreadwolf got a lot of traction. Won't be a big deal when the game is out though, and Veilguard had story implications.


This game is DOA. No one knows or cares about Dragon Age lore anymore. It's been far too long. Players might come back if you called it Dragon Age 3 or 4 or whatever. But, and I hate to beat a dead (trans) horse here, the director is a DEI hire. That basically ensures that the commitment and focus required to make a game is not there. You need to have drive, dedication, and a singular focus to make anything great. Someone who is basically unaware of trends and gender studies and politics because all their time and energy is directed towards creating the best product they can imagine. This sterile homunculus of a human probably spends more time putting on makeup and manually dilating their surgical bore holes than playing games, much less creating them.
some of you are spiraling.... We haven't seen a single thing about this game, yet you are already hating like crazy. And only so because the director is trans. Yet the same people keep parroting: "LeAvE pOliTicS oUt oF gAmEs"
Its the bitch eating cracker meme. Not without cause because of Anthem and Me: andromeda. Bioware themselves know the wrpg genre is hitting all sorts of highs they can only try to achieve a fraction of that.

  • “Players will take on the role of an original protagonist, similar to The Warden, Hawke, and The Inquisitor”
His story was about the fade, moving off the inquisitor and the inquisition seems like a bad move, this is big news, the inquisitor was a really good hero, you were basically the king of Skyhold.

Thoughts Neogaf?

Hard to become the hero of Feraldan again
when you only have 1 arm
(dont look until you finish Trespass dlc)


Writes a lot, says very little
I don’t know of it’s going to be good or not. They haven’t shown anything.


I don't even get this desperation of some on here trying to fight people on here or force them to hate a game or something.

If the game looks good, I'm going to buy it.

Some of us still base buying a game based on those impressions as its clear some on here have their own personal reasons for attacking users on this board that simply wish to buy a game lol

I can only judge a game based on what I'm currently seeing, what they did in the past can be subject to change, even against developers I fucking hate. Look at CDPR, ya'll say anything about Cyberpunk and you bet I'm there to trash them lol, but even them...if they show a turn around, if they show something good, if the impressions make sense, I'll buy the game if the reviews and community support it being good.

So nothing is off the table for me to purchase based on the past, things change and I can only judge a game based on what its currently like, not some shit for 10 years ago or something, fuck am I suppose to do with that information? This also isn't 10 years ago so....
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I don't even get this desperation of some on here trying to fight people on here or force them to hate a game or something.

If the game looks good, I'm going to buy it.

Some of us still base buying a game based on those impressions as its clear some on here have their own personal reasons for attacking users on this board that simply wish to buy a game lol

I can only judge a game based on what I'm currently seeing, what they did in the past can be subject to change, even against developers I fucking hate. Look at CDPR, ya'll say anything about Cyberpunk and you bet I'm there to trash them lol, but even them...if they show a turn around, if they show something good, if the impressions make sense, I'll buy the game if the reviews and community support it being good.

So nothing is off the table for me to purchase based on the past, things change and I can only judge a game based on what its currently like, not some shit for 10 years ago or something, fuck am I suppose to do with that information? This also isn't 10 years ago so....
It's not something from ten years ago. It's the track record formed for over ten years. Are you not able to understand the difference between those two sentiments?

I'm not desperate to convince you of anything. And I didn't attack anyone. And if I'm wrong we all win. You're acting like people would hate DAV even if it were amazing. That's not the case. Everyone who is skeptical is actually hoping it's going to be good. But it's not going to be good unless they have gotten rid of everyone at BioWare who made DAI, Andromeda and Anthem, and gotten an entirely new team with different people. To the best of my knowledge that hasn't happened.


Writes a lot, says very little
it's not going to be good unless they have gotten rid of everyone at BioWare who made DAI, Andromeda and Anthem
smh, this is such a childish mindset

How the fuck do you know that everyone who made that game even all agreed with the choices that made it fail?

Soooo 1. They are free to try something and change their minds and do something different. Not all games will be knock outs sir.

2. The higher ups who control the actual direction of the game are likely the ones that determine those massive choices that may have lead to those games doing poorly, so this "everyone at" isn't going to lead to some better game cause its unlikely that "everyone" was at fault.

It makes zero fucking sense.

Thats like saying we can't have Spiderman 2018 be a solid game until "derrrr everyone at Insomniac that worked on FUSE is gone derrrrr" as if the same people that made that, can't change their fucking minds an make something else. Yet the same people that made one of the highest rated and selling Marvel games of all time, made FUSE....

So this whole "gotten an entirely new team" is just too childish and doesn't factor that not all ideas will be amazing and the same team that made a bad game can make a good game.

Regardless, I base all by purchases based on what I see, what is reviewed and previewed etc.

not shit fucking 10 years ago.

That means nothing to me as clearly they are not the same company from 10 years ago, none of us are the same from 10 years ago.

Even more so, I don't even get the point of coming here, you made up your mind, you wish to have a divorce from the company based on some odd ass relationship you had with them (in your mind probably or some weird ass fetish) and should jsut move on.

Most of us are not basing buying a game on some weird shit like this.


I totally did not know that this was coming out on Halloween of this year.

The extra cosmetic armor on the Deluxe Edition looks like crap. The pre-order armor look cool.

So, I pre-ordered the standard edition. I was not amazed by the Deluxe Edition content.

I also got it on Steam because the EA app is crappy.
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