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Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle |OT| Rerolling is over 9000

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man the SBKK kicks my ass lol guess I won't be awakening my SBKK :/

To be honest a number of the DA events are like this. The lower tier ones are generally fine, but anything that is either demi-god or god tier typically relies on you having another god lead already. For SSBKK I think your best options without either Teq GF or Godtenks, is going to be Skinnytenks.


Global is def going slower than jp was around this time. A complaint people had was that JP was going to fast around this time. But imo 2 weeks for dokkan fests are way slow when it's not supplemented with something else.

2 dokkanfest per month is terrible for the players but great for Bandai's income. I feel like we get less story events and we havent had any new story quests in ages. The problem is that if global go any slower, they'll need to skip something before 2 year anniversary.


To be honest a number of the DA events are like this. The lower tier ones are generally fine, but anything that is either demi-god or god tier typically relies on you having another god lead already. For SSBKK I think your best options without either Teq GF or Godtenks, is going to be Skinnytenks.

I have a dokkan awakenned Godtenks just not really anything to support him to stun supers


Sonic handles my blue balls
Haha yes! It's so fucking good. I recently got into Hamilton because of the Gaf thread in OT and got tickets to the London showing next year. XD

On a related note, here's Frieza's version of that song by Team Four Star: https://youtu.be/byYi9mGfigY :p

I really gotta see the show, bummer I can't see the original cast anymore. I went to the Tony's last year as part of the audience for the outside performances and was positioned right by the door where the talent would rush out from. Got to meet the cast and hear them perform some of the more popular songs but still haven't seen the show. :-/

Can't wait to get home and listen to the Frieza version haha
I don't have any Elder Kai medals, can't Z-awaken GF.... pls give us a semi-consistent way of earning these namco pls

edit: I've decided to grind out 35 GF medals on Z-hard, 2 at a time. PLease pray for me.
Still rolling for Super Vegito and I just pulled Super Gogeta and SSJ3 GT Goku, along with pan. Still not got SV however, but damn my SSJ4 Goku team is really taking shape too.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I was just checking out videos of the omega shenron fight in anticipation of me being totally butthurt and not pulling him. It actually doesn't look too bad, and the amount of damage added by GT link is crazy.


I find fighting SSBKK with LR Goku on the team quite cathartic. I'm using a Skinnytenks-lead Mono TEQ team, and just having LR Goku pop up and decide to drop nukes throughout the fight feels so damn good.

Or maybe it's just because after months of farming, I finally got my LR Goku last weekend.
Super Vegito
Super Saiyan God Goku
Golden Frieza
Super Saiyan Blue Goku
Saiyaman/Androids(If they have links at that level, can't remember)

Tank it out!

oki, and I assume SV as friend too? Or should I do a SSBKK if I find one?

Edit: Ughhhhh dying in TEQ phase god make it stop pls

edit: Okay managed to do it on Z-HARD and only used a baba. How much harder is Super? I feel like I should be going in with INT Turles &I NT Bardock to stun/seal supers and help tank a bit during TEQ phase.


TEQ phase is definitely the worst for me.

SSBKK fight is such a drag in general, though.

I need 77 medals but I think i'm gonna stop at 7, don't really feel like grinding this.


edit: Okay managed to do it on Z-HARD and only used a baba. How much harder is Super? I feel like I should be going in with INT Turles &I NT Bardock to stun/seal supers and help tank a bit during TEQ phase.

Quite a bit harder / more boring since you get the actual SSBKK Goku with 5 health bars and reduced damage as an extra fight at the end.
TEQ phase is definitely the worst for me.

SSBKK fight is such a drag in general, though.

I need 77 medals but I think i'm gonna stop at 7, don't really feel like grinding this.

Quite a bit harder / more boring since you get the actual SSBKK Goku with 5 health bars and reduced damage as an extra fight at the end.

UGHHHHHH! I need 77 for Androids and 35 for my SSB. How much reduced damage? Like how much would SV do is he supered? less than half a bar?


UGHHHHHH! I need 77 for Androids and 35 for my SSB. How much reduced damage? Like how much would SV do is he supered? less than half a bar?

I never really understood the mechanics of that last fight but he starts off getting almost zero damage from anything but as you start hitting him with supers, he begins taking more damage, or something like that?

I don't know, let's wait for someone who actually knows what's going on there lol


Sonic handles my blue balls
I never really understood the mechanics of that last fight but he starts off getting almost zero damage from anything but as you start hitting him with supers, he begins taking more damage, or something like that?

I don't know, let's wait for someone who actually knows what's going on there lol

I've never been able to find proper info on that fight, only that damage that isn't a super is heavily reduced.

...but sometimes SV's counter would hit him for full damage and other times it wouldn't. Also wasn't affected by whether SV was supering that turn or not. I just yolo'd it.
Anyone wanna help me make a team for SSBKK?

Skinnytenks Lead. UR him for bonus stats.
SSJ3 Vegeta Next to SSJ3 Godtenks
Whis Next to Frieza and important that he always attacks for the debuff
Frieza Shocking speed
Future Gohan Your damage dealer and next to Godtenks a majority of the time.
Beerus for your last slot for his shocking Speed.
Friend SA 10 Godtenks.

1 Rotation will be Whis and Frieza or Whis and Beerus.
Other Rotation is Godtenks and Future Gohan. Rotate the 3rd slot with Frieza/Beerus and SSJ3 Vegeta
Skinnytenks Lead. UR him for bonus stats.
SSJ3 Vegeta Next to SSJ3 Godtenks
Whis Next to Frieza and important that he always attacks for the debuff
Frieza Shocking speed
Future Gohan Your damage dealer and next to Godtenks a majority of the time.
Beerus for your last slot for his shocking Speed.
Friend SA 10 Godtenks.

1 Rotation will be Whis and Frieza or Whis and Beerus.
Other Rotation is Godtenks and Future Gohan. Rotate the 3rd slot with Frieza/Beerus and SSJ3 Vegeta

Is that good for Super? Z-hard works very well with the team that got suggested, I've used a baba like once, and a senzu once after three runs. But having 2 drop would make getting the 77 and 35 medals take forever.
Is that good for Super? Z-hard works very well with the team that got suggested, I've used a baba like once, and a senzu once after three runs. But having 2 drop would make getting the 77 and 35 medals take forever.

It is very good for Super because the debuff makes SSBKK hit much lower than he normally does per hit. If you had Pikkon then it would even easier since him and Whis together can debuff over and over till SSBKK is doing damage in the double digits or less lol.


Neo Member
Phew! Cleared the SSBKK fight in Super twice in a row, first time clearing any Super content. For anyone interested I used the following Mono-TEQ:

Godtenks lead (undokkaned)
Dokkaned Perfect Cell (tanks really well)
SSJ Bardock (Seal)
SSJ2 Goku (Ki links)
Jackie Chun (Seal)
3rd Form Frieza (Lowers ATL)

Godtenks friend

Had to use some items, but I'm getting through!


yeh I got him. Okay so would I replace Androids with him? Or Whis? Whis is pretty useful since he fully heals you due to the damage TEQ does.

Replace whoever doesn't link best with the others, probably androids in this case. Make sure he shows up every 2 turns and supers. You'll lock goku to normal attacks and just wreck him with super vegito.
Skinnytenks Lead. UR him for bonus stats.
SSJ3 Vegeta Next to SSJ3 Godtenks
Whis Next to Frieza and important that he always attacks for the debuff
Frieza Shocking speed
Future Gohan Your damage dealer and next to Godtenks a majority of the time.
Beerus for your last slot for his shocking Speed.
Friend SA 10 Godtenks.

1 Rotation will be Whis and Frieza or Whis and Beerus.
Other Rotation is Godtenks and Future Gohan. Rotate the 3rd slot with Frieza/Beerus and SSJ3 Vegeta

My TEQ Beerus isn't DAed :/. I CAN DA him but he's 1 dupe away from SA 10 if it makes a big difference for him. I wish AGL GF had SS so I had that damage reduction :(. But the supers from TEQ Whis should make up for it, right?

Replace whoever doesn't link best with the others, probably androids in this case. Make sure he shows up every 2 turns and supers. You'll lock goku to normal attacks and just wreck him with super vegito.
This team failed hard on super lol :(
Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle |OT2| Do you have the stones to play?

Dbz dokkan battle: dismal future of our wallet.

DBZ Dokkan Battle |OT| The Prince of All Shaftin's

DBZ Dokkan Battle |OT| SR Rated Superstars

DBZ Dokkan Battle |OT| Dragonball GO...ku

Dokkan Battle |OT| Save for SSJ4 God Blue Gogeta

Dokkan Battle |OT| Don't Stop Rerollin'

Alternatively... Dokkan Battle |OT2| Rerollin' rollin' rollin' rollin'


Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle |OT| Find those Dragon Stones!

Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle |OT2| Passing Stones

Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle |OT2| Save your stones for [current JP banner]

Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle |OT2| Bless thy RNGeus

Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle |OT2| Yamcha Simulator

Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle |OT2| No Gods or Kings, only Shugesh (or Champa)

Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle OT2 Where are my dragons(tones)??



I think this one is the best one:

Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle |OT2| Save your stones for [current JP banner]

This basically epitomises the global experience.
I vote for mine

Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle |OT2| Passing Stones
I like mine(obviously) yours, and zyxwvu4321 lol. Most of this thread is hating/loving RNG or alerting global users to save for the current banner in JP.
Omg I have 888 posts in this thread.
most of it is me being mega salty about RNG


I second this, it's a good pun

I'm missing the punny element, but it's definitely very accurate, so it has that going for it.

It's not really punny but the title is the best commentary you can have on the current state of global lol. There's no point pulling until SSJ4 comes out. And when that happens, there'll be even better god leads.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Woo, looks like I'll actually be able to dokkan Super Vegito. I've done 2 runs so far, one with my shitty Gotenks team and one with a haphazard double Gogeta team and both won without stoning. The latter used all items and I only had 8k HP left though.

Basically it seems like as long as you get to the last stage with most of your items and have 2 strong units with the fierce battle link supported by defensive units on the off turn it works out ok.
Woop! Pulled SSJ4 Vegeta on the second pull of a Rose reroll I messed around with.


Think I can roll with this account on JP for a bit now. How do you do the dokkan select stuff then with the god stones? I know the blue one needs to be bought (which pack is it again?). And what about the red one that should let you get the other old mono leaders?

EDIT: Ahhh it's a shop thing with the red DS. Gonna grab me some AGL SSJ3 then. ^^

Skinnytenks Lead. UR him for bonus stats.
SSJ3 Vegeta Next to SSJ3 Godtenks
Whis Next to Frieza and important that he always attacks for the debuff
Frieza Shocking speed
Future Gohan Your damage dealer and next to Godtenks a majority of the time.
Beerus for your last slot for his shocking Speed.
Friend SA 10 Godtenks.

1 Rotation will be Whis and Frieza or Whis and Beerus.
Other Rotation is Godtenks and Future Gohan. Rotate the 3rd slot with Frieza/Beerus and SSJ3 Vegeta

This works sorta well...except lack of a super sealer is not good at all. I don't think I got a TEQ sealer either :/
Edit: beat him. Took all my items(senzu, baba, usher and Yama). I'm gonna put dende in place of Yama, I'm just used to that set up from Godtenks & GF and forgot to change it. I should be fine with that set up. Thanks for the teambuild crimson


Neo Member
This works sorta well...except lack of a super sealer is not good at all. I don't think I got a TEQ sealer either :/
Edit: beat him. Took all my items(senzu, baba, usher and Yama). I'm gonna put dende in place of Yama, I'm just used to that set up from Godtenks & GF and forgot to change it. I should be fine with that set up. Thanks for the teambuild crimson

You should try bringing yama and ox king and just tank out SSBKK, ideally for 4 turns. If you can spare icarus, even better. Save those green orbs for your damage dealers.
You should try bringing yama and ox king and just tank out SSBKK, ideally for 4 turns. If you can spare icarus, even better. Save those green orbs for your damage dealers.

Ox King has pretty much become worthless outside of story. 25% reduction is terrible for all the usual damage you take in Dokkanfest battles. Too bad they patched out the item back when it was the best since it made enemies do 25% of their damage output lol.


So not worth it
40 dragon stones and a shitload of ability orbs for Goku and Vegeta in Japan right now, I guess as compensation for the server overloads. Yay.
JP has #1 grossing app rewards up now with 40 stones, so it's defo a good time to reroll as you'll get over 100 stones.

EDIT: Welp, maintenance. XD
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