2 PHY...with FP Frieza and Goku Black...with Omega Senron my Villian team would have 3 PHY units...thats too much.
More than likely going to have the other two monkeys on it. Notice how their events haven't been added to the dokkan event rotation.
I also can't wait for the new banners to be total fucking trash outside of the new units. More phys pans and nouva shenrons for everyone.
I dunno, Gogeta isn't that strong at all. He's very good but not even top 5 hitters I don't think. So I don't think his leader skill is gonna be totally insane, precisely *because* he's coming out on global and JP simultaneously. The 120% leaders have to be at least somewhat attractive to still pull for after this.
Well it depends on if you take the LRs out of the equation since all 3 of them make up the top aka MV AGL, INT Gohan and STR Broly.
I think Gogeta makes top 5 pretty easy with Shenron after 1 super since it greatly increases his attack. He also does extra 20% to extreme types since they have -20% defense so his passive is basically 140% vs villains.
They should get rid of Shocking Speed for Gogeta since his form is literally OIAF poster child. 10 min fusion lol.
They need to change his passive to include vs everyone.
2 PHY...with FP Frieza and Goku Black...with Omega Senron my Villian team would have 3 PHY units...thats too much.
...why? I had 3 phy units on my super team before switching one out because of better links for super kaioken.
Before that I had 3 AGL units in. It doesn't really matter as long as they work well together.
...why? I had 3 phy units on my super team before switching one out because of better links for super kaioken.
Before that I had 3 AGL units in. It doesn't really matter as long as they work well together.
Stats are here, the SSR rates are normal but look at how low the rates of getting an actually GOOD SSR are, let alone that one that you want
Is there a reason LR Broly is so powerful and has 77 team cost, yet LR Androids are becoming dated and have 99 Cost? I feel like that's a little overkill![]()
Yes, one costs money, and the other is F2P
There are f2p LR units ? Man i need to look this shit up.....
Yes.There are f2p LR units ? Man i need to look this shit up.....
Everybody forgets about Piccolo
Everybody forgets about Piccolo
O right lol. I have him and forgot about him. He's not really shitty he's just not worth uping the SA very much because he's a tank guylmao I literally completely forgot until now despite running him in my mono INT team, in rotation even. He's such a shit card.
-20% defense isn't +20% damage, not even close. Also I was thinking of all the units JP currently has when I considered the best damage dealers, in Global he's top 5, yeah. At least, one assumes.
Goddamit, did a yolo on the otherworld banner and got freeza (dupe), did another because hey why not, got I'm at 3 dupes goku so ofcourse I'm gonna chase the last one for full paths.
100 stones later.
4 pikkons...I mean great but, not what I wat.
final pull because obv not gonna spend all my stones on this.
last goku.
Actually happy with the results, super kaioken gonna be so dumb with full paths.
wtf You spent over 100 stones on the Otherworld banner? One of pulls could have been Gogeta! At least its better than pulling on the current God banner lol.
Also you have a stacked Pikkon and Goku. Though did you farm the medals for Pikkon? Better hurry since it ends soon lol.
I wonder, will the Omega Shenron & SSJ4 Gogeta banners have the 3+1 deal? They're on two different banners like with Rose & VB, right?
Sweet just got two possessed trunk cards in a single drop. Gohan is SA 10 just need 5 more trunks.
How did the ssj4 banners go? 20,30,50 or what? Did the VB/Rose banner do the same thing or was it just 50 from the start? I have a terrible memory D:
Is he maxed out?Hnnnnnnnng
Pretty neat, RIGHT?
I had both supports out
Just entered it for fun with my Villian team yesterday - cleared it to my surprise on my first attempt going in blind
LR Goku, only up on Saturdays, and LR Frieza, only up on Sundays. SR Androids from friend pulls can be raised to LR.
None of these are even close to the gacha LRs, but Frieza and Goku are pretty good. The Androids are decent and at least have the benefit of fitting really well on Extreme AGL thanks to Super 17 being their leader
LR Frieza, LR Goku and LR androids are all free.
You get Androids from the FP banner and go through a long exhausting mission to make em LR because you gotta pretty much do all the Dokkan events except for Goku Black and after.
LR Frieza you get a guaranteed drop the first time you do his first stage then you do his second stage to get medals to DA him then do his third stage to make him LR.
Goku is the same as Frieza but currently you can use only Super Strike characters for Goku while with Frieza almost all farmable characters are usable.
Nice. Who was that SA? I don't recognize it off-hand but that's good numbers for a villain team.
I really hope you meant bottom right.
The Bojack story event is up and all the Bojacks and the AGL SSJ2 Gohan can dokkan awaken now.
Will Gogeta SSj4 be worth to pull?
Do we already know stats/active/passive....?
The Bojack story event is up and all the Bojacks and the AGL SSJ2 Gohan can dokkan awaken now.
Weaker than R Yamcha apparently:
Sweet. Got the AGL SSJ2 Gohan from the Pilaf Box and just finished grinding the last of the Hercule medals for that last EK. Remember when the PHY SSJ Gohan from this event was one of the best units in the game? xD
Weaker than R Yamcha apparently:
Sweet. Got the AGL SSJ2 Gohan from the Pilaf Box and just finished grinding the last of the Hercule medals for that last EK. Remember when the PHY SSJ Gohan from this event was one of the best units in the game? xD