OH DAMN! Turns out that the SS4 Gogeta teams may not count Fusion by earrings (so no SV or VB), but only Fusion by fusion dance.
OH DAMN! Turns out that the SS4 Gogeta teams may not count Fusion by earrings (so no SV or VB), but only Fusion by fusion dance.
They're both in the same banner right?Awesome. Going for Omega then. Got my buddy SSJ4 Vegeta on JPN. Please please please also have cooler in the banner.
LOLOH DAMN! Turns out that the SS4 Gogeta teams may not count Fusion by earrings (so no SV or VB), but only Fusion by fusion dance.
yo make those images smaller
put "L" (lowercase) after the image names (but before .png) so they come out smaller.
No SSJ4 Goku for Omega's leader skill either it looks like. I guess because he didn't debut in that arc? But the Trunks and Pan cards from that banner count? I guess just to add variety.
Also hope for SSj4 Vegeta to be on a banner, but this team doesn't work very well together. Lack of SSj4 Goku really hurts this team IMO
I don't know if there's another fusion dance character that could fit into the team, there's no SSj2 Gotenks or normal/SSj2/SSj3 gogeta. I guess there was some merit to the Dragon Ball Fusions banner after all haha!
You have a lot of food Super units but your best Leader seems to be Rose. I would DOKKAN him and run a Extreme team. With Rose + Goku Black+ Full Power Frieza you have at least 4 hard hitting damage dealer. Add in Buutenks as a sealer and you have a nice core team.Thank you.
They added the categories to the select screen, but did not add any characters to the categories yet in my game. So not sure where that guy got his screenshot from.
Really wonder how many people will run those new leads... Rose and especially VB are still very popular. SS4 Goku and Végéta dominate the meta.... Those new leads are nice but with their limited leader skills I can see many properties just sticking to their current teams.
damn the vegito fusions dont countoh well it would 100% break the game with them anyway so i can live with it
i can make a team like this
gogeta ssj4
super gogeta
teq gotenks
phy gotenks
teq vegito for that boost
str gotenks for stuns
ssj4 gogeta friend
this is a gotenks team lol
str gogeta is gonna be a monster...and INT super gogeta is just broken now
Phy Gotenks and STR Gotenks share the same name. You cant.
Phy Gotenks and STR Gotenks share the same name. You cant.
There's an STR Gotenks and an STR Super Gotenks, if he's using STR Gotenks and PHY Super Gotenks then that would work fine.
i wish i could go back in time and not skip the shitty fusion banner
edit:who am i kidding i aint even gonna be able to pull gogeta
What happened to all that hype for these new leads? Looks like they turned out to be straight ass water as expected considering the hush hush on their skills.