Hmm, so I guess I can use the SSJ Gohan Baba sells to level up INT Gohan's SA, right? Otherwise I don't have any more for my other charactersYup two good teams is plenty if they're in the meta.
Check the wiki. in the search bar type the name of the character (eg. Goku) and go to the disambiguation page. Any units under the same header (eg. Super Saiyan God Goku) can raise the SA of another unit under that header. Oftentimes the specific pages of the cards will also tell you if they have a farmable SA (almost always, actually)
Lol that nicknameAfter a whole fucking week of grinding...
Come at me Goku!
First stage 4 clear, got a card right away. Most excellent. Only, what, 23 more?
What team y'all using for stage 4? I need a good linking buddy for LR Frieza and I don't have the STR Buuhan
also pls put your pictures in quotes ^ <3
First stage 4 clear, got a card right away. Most excellent. Only, what, 23 more?
What team y'all using for stage 4? I need a good linking buddy for LR Frieza and I don't have the STR Buuhan
also pls put your pictures in quotes ^ <3
Edit: I guess STR Vegeta does have the Big Bad Bosses link if you want to use him but he has a chance to get his attack to 100%.
wait, which STR Vegeta?
So far I've done it with Drilldo linking with LR Frieza, they at least share a 15% attack link. He hits pretty hard with his 18ki super.
Also already got 2 cards in 3 runs.
Using TEQ Super Buu because I don't have anything better that is awakened.
I just wanna say damn you people who suggested not investing in TEQ Bulma's criticals and focusing on evading
I just wanna say damn you people who suggested not investing in TEQ Bulma's criticals and focusing on evading
Got another one now just one way ..![]()
Not bad just need another one like this and I can 100% him
Already have him lr and sa20 sense x-mas
I would say "my bad" but my Bulma is a tank.I just wanna say damn you people who suggested not investing in TEQ Bulma's criticals and focusing on evading
TEQ really is surprisingly strong with a maxed TEQ Bulma. Here's the team I'm using:
Using TEQ Super Buu because I don't have anything better that is awakened.
And here's the STR team I have for stage 4:
But it's funny that the TEQ does almost as well as the mono STR team on stage 4, once I put some orbs into the TUR Goku (that turns into LR) I think that team will definitely run better.
Gives less medals than stage 3Wait stage 4 gives you medals and dupes? So it's the best to run for Stamina?
I'm working my way to LR goku and, just to have everything clear...
-The best way to raise is SA is to farm 10 cards on stage 4 right?
-then get 4 more of those cards to open the potential paths
-Dokkan Awaken
-feed the 10 elder kais or fark 10 more cards and awaken then feed?
holy shit
Definitely not, the drop rate is <5% on the cards in stage 4 and <1% on stage 1. The best way to level his SA would be to Farm the epic Showdown Goku and dokkan him, you can get a 100% SA up chance if you awaken him. The Epic Showdown Goku card has a really high drop rate in stage 1 and the dokkan medals come from stage 2 IIRC.
You'll still have to farm 4 more cards to open the paths, unfortunately, but you'll be getting medals along the way so it's not a total waste even if you're unlucky. Then from there you can either spend 10 Elder Kais to reach SA20 or level a second card using the method I mentioned earlier, then grind out all the medals again. Keep in mind that there's a mission for getting LR Goku to SA20 that gives you 10 Elder Kais, so you'll break even if you spend 10 Elder Kais there.
It's 15% drop chance on stage 4. That's what I'm doing since I'm farming the medals from scratch anyway and I literally can't afford to awaken and train all the epic showdown Gokus.
Damn how do yall have such amazing cards and decks? Do you spend money on this game or have you been playing for a while? I started maybe 2 weeks ago and I'm on level 91 and right now I'm finding ways to get more stones and level my dudes out.
Help a brother out, what did you do?
Damn how do yall have such amazing cards and decks? Do you spend money on this game or have you been playing for a while? I started maybe 2 weeks ago and I'm on level 91 and right now I'm finding ways to get more stones and level my dudes out.
Help a brother out, what did you do?
been playing for 300 days and spent too much money. You either live the F2P life and get lucky on summons (and know which banners to save stones for) or you open your wallet. There is no secret.
Damn how do yall have such amazing cards and decks? Do you spend money on this game or have you been playing for a while? I started maybe 2 weeks ago and I'm on level 91 and right now I'm finding ways to get more stones and level my dudes out.
Help a brother out, what did you do?
I just started recently actually. I did spend some money on stones (took all the cheaper sales and did buy a few of the 91 sets). Been getting stones burning through the Quests too. But some of this is just pure luck that I don't understand as I generally don't get lucky with this sort of thing. I did a couple a pulls early on then just saved and blitzed on the two banners before that Summon 3 Get 1 Free offer expired. The fact I was off work this week also helped as I ended up pouring a lot of time.
been playing for 300 days and spent too much money. You either live the F2P life and get lucky on summons (and know which banners to save stones for) or you open your wallet. There is no secret.
It's any combination of spending some, playing a long time, or just plain ol'luck.
Anyway, I wonder if I should use these SSR Buuhans for the LR Goku Grind or if I should use them to up the super attack for my INT Buuhan.
I've finished 16 and King Vegeta for that. I'm probably gonna finish another one of available Strikes (maybe Mecha Fireza or Chilled?) later today as it only takes 22 Runs to get a SA15 TUR version of one.