Reizo Ryuu
Gotta say, this training update is pretty swag and long overdue.
Gotta say, this training update is pretty swag and long overdue.
Did 2 multis but didn't snap the first results. Being new to the game I'm not entirely sure how good it is but it seems decent enough. I got Goku Black featured unit in the first one. Also I bought the beginners bundle for the training items and medals mostly. Trying to figure out which card to use the ticket on in Baba's shop, anyone have any opinions?
So for these new orbs, it makes the most sense to get the Max Stamina+1, right? 20 times at 15 each is 300 orbs, and since we only get like... 92, it'll be a while. But I want to make sure I'm not crazy in my thinking here
Reporting for a new page. Just trying to see if there's a disadvantage because someone on reddit said it was a bad investment and to go for elder kais. I just can't see why
So I was sitting at 140 stones and decided I'll do singles on the Cooler banner until I get one SSR then call it quits
I now have 0 stones and a bunch of R's and SSR's to baba
I'm not even mad. My investment in this game has been waning anyway.
Does anyone else LOVE these Kai missions? Since the Super Strike limit was lifted, I haven't had any need for these SR/SSRs. It's so fun making janky-ass teams and beating the crap out of those old story quests. Also since the stamina cost isn't 40 or 50 I can actually play the game for more than 10 minutes a day.
Thought getting an LR account would reinvigorate some of my interest in the game and help me by not having to spend money on the game for a while, but I just spend 100 stones on a double rates banner without a single SSR and honestly I am done chasing cards, we all know what the deal and purpose of the game is, but I can get my Dragon Ball fix from Xenoverse 2 on Switch and soon DBZ:F.
So, I am deleting the app, unsubbing from the YouTubers, the subreddit and finally, this thread to avoid further temptations to pick the game back up.
Either way, best of luck on all your future pulls, I am sure I will see some or all of you around in other threads.
Have 800 stones saved up since SS4 Gogeta dropped. Not falling for any traps until then, keeping my eye on the prize.
I have no idea what the prize is. Int Gogeta I guess?
🤔 The prize is here.
...bloody hell every picture I see has a goddamn SSJ4 Vegeta![]()
Did 3x multi-pulls, against my better judgement, since after spending 1500-ish stones on the SSJ4 banner and not getting a single one of them (or SSJ4 Gogeta and Shenrom for that matter) and really wanting SSJ4 Vegeta, I figured I'd do it.
Nope. This game REALLY doesn't want me to have him. I did get another SV though, of which I have many, as well as SSJ3 Goku, SSj2 Angel Goku, and Android #17 (AGL) + Super #17. I just want my damn SSJ4 Vegeta.
I guess I'll save the rest for Int Gogeta, of which I'm sure I won't get. The only cards I seem to get in this game are when power-creep happens and they're somewhat outdated. It happened to me with Gogeta, it happened to me with SV, and I'm sure it'll happen to me with SSJ4 as well.
There's 3 120% leads on Gogeta's banner. Getting any one of them is good and they will not be outdated by the time that banner comes.
I do have Rose, as well as the LR Androids (still need to farm the rest of the super though), I just really want SSJ4 Vegeta.on the bright side, you have the makings of an optimal Extreme AGL team. If you have Rose and LR Androids you're pretty much there.
200+ stones and I still couldn't pull vegeta once. This game is real close to losing me![]()
🤔 The prize is here.
Didn't you float the idea that it's highly likely they're taking Angel Goku off it? It's looking that way.
Thought getting an LR account would reinvigorate some of my interest in the game and help me by not having to spend money on the game for a while, but I just spend 100 stones on a double rates banner without a single SSR and honestly I am done chasing cards, we all know what the deal and purpose of the game is, but I can get my Dragon Ball fix from Xenoverse 2 on Switch and soon DBZ:F.
So, I am deleting the app, unsubbing from the YouTubers, the subreddit and finally, this thread to avoid further temptations to pick the game back up.
Either way, best of luck on all your future pulls, I am sure I will see some or all of you around in other threads.
Good enough for a Super Difficulty 17 run?
Man what a loss, I used to always see you on this OT hell with your merged zamasu avatar. I'm glad you realized that you don't need this game and I wish you all the best. Honestly speaking, if this game goes downhill fast I'll probably bail as well (but not before selling the account, gotta make that money).
Does those android's super count as a ki attack? If so then the event is incredibly hard for you to do. From this event I feel like you need at least 2 no ki attack characters. You'll blaze through untill you get to Super 17. There's also the fact that the androids only get 2 ki and 100% boost (Rose will need to be with them to super). I struggled with this event with a hero's team but the good thing is that when his shield is down Vegito destroys him.
Thinking about this, if they gave 17 50% tank or the ability to get 150-170 attack boost, he would've been more worth it. It's weird that gotenks got a massive boost when people complained but they went silent on 17 and Buu.
Neither their SA, Rose's, or SV SA count as a ki attack. And yes, this event is still hard to do even with my Hero/Extreme team, but on the plus side, even though they are waaaays away to reaching LR status. This was the best I could do to Super 17 using 17&18 on Rotation with the team posted.
how much orbs have you spend on them?
I take all +Super atk nodes with Rose lead, it they did 2mil on crit with the barrier on.
Guess the other def reducing unit do really cause big impact to increase the damage from 1.2->2m with teh same 50% lead.My Droids are at 93% Activation. The lower left path has been finally unlocked and needs a few more orbs to it to be 100%'d, just can't spare the little amount I have left at the moment. One other problem is like a fool, I had focused on Evasion, when I should of been more focused on AA and Crits. So their stats are: Eva is lv12, Crits at lv 9, and AA is lv 5. Not enough stones to change this around.
Thing like this always happened in mobile games.Man I really have it when I'm so close to leveling up but I need to sleep :/. Literally need 6k XP for a level up but it'd take wayy to long for natural stamina to refill enough to do a stage.
Guess the other def reducing unit do really cause big impact to increase the damage from 1.2->2m with teh same 50% lead.
Luckily it is pretty easy to reset those nodes without using gem.
Should do it when the half sta dokkan event come.
I wonder if this means we'll start seeing more from the current Super arc. I know we've already gotten some, but there's a few others that seem to be missing.
We're getting Kale and Cauliflower soon. So you can damn well bet, this TOP arc is a gravy Train for Bamco and Dokkan. Question becomes, how bad you want the cards to pay for them?