ShmarthurShmooner said:hm, which is the best snes dragon quest (including the remakes and non-us releases)?
seriously did not expect that answer at allAeana said:I suppose it depends on what your requirements are.
DQ5 is my favorite, but it's a bit primitive compared to later games. DQ6 has better graphics and sound quality. DQ3r is DQ3 made pretty with tons of nice improvements.
I'd still say DQ5.
Himuro said:Currently going through Dragon Warrior/Quest VII. I'm having a blast, and if this pacing keeps up, it may be my favorite Dragon Quest thus far. I'm not entirely sure why folks feel the pacing is slow though. I've played so many games that start off much slower.
Within the past few months, I've been on a DQ high; I've beaten I, II, and V. I will be going through III GBC after VII, and will (probably) wait for IV and VI ds to be released, thus completing the entire series.
Fun games!
Johnas said:More colorful, better graphics (I realize that's somewhat subjective though), larger field of view in the NES games, playing on a TV versus a handheld.
A nitpick is that I hate the white battle backgrounds in the handheld games. I should also make it clear that I have not played the SFAM remakes of the first three games, I'm referring strictly to the GBC titles here.
I'm really hyped for the DS remakes, though.
john tv said:Was thinking today how nice it'd be if they went ahead and remade all the DQs using the current DQ4/5/6 engine. Would love to play through 3 again -- probably my overall favorite in the series thus far.
himuro said:It took me 3 hours to get into my first fight, and what people call "fetch quests" are actually unique adventure elements, which bring an interesting dynamic to the jrpg formula I'm used to.
And even then, who cares if it takes 20 hours for you to unlock the job system? Your characters essentially have jobs, or pre-defined roles, even before the Dharma Temple is unlocked. I'm enjoying and I haven't unlocked the DT. I guess I just have a godly amount of patience.
I forgot how long that game is. I thought I was hardcore sinking 62 hours into SaGa Frontier on my PSP over the summer.Mejilan said:Another bump, another unrelated update.
I'm about 84 hours into DQVII PSP (sorry, Mass Effect and now Knights of the Old Republic have been cutting into my home PSP time) and the game's a true blast when it's portable. I just finished the Ultimate Magic scenario and got Aira (who, sadly, is about 14 levels and 10 mastered classes below Maribel). Getting Melvin and Aira some levels and classes before I proceed too far into the next scenario. That, and grinding away for gold in order to purchase 3 Spirit Armors (I've got 1 already)!
Red Scarlet said:Yeah, those are the Japanese names for the most part.
I've yet to 1-sit DQ1, but I did it with 2 on SNES not long ago. I still fought around in various parts for money or xp.
Stage On said:In only two days of playing I'm also at the tail end of the 2 which I should be able to beat in 1 more session depending on how long it'll take to level up. Still man I wouldn't want to even try the nes version considering how I hear it takes even longer to level up in that one.
BitchTits said:I'm playing DQ5 at the moment, and I wondered if there were any tips or patterns for easy/quick money in the Casino (the first one you reach if there are more than one) - Like there were in DQ8 on the poker tables (I know there's no poker in this one).
It's a shame that DQ5r for PS2 never got translated as it looks really good, but I'm liking the SNES version all the same.![]()
djtiesto said:I was playing the GBC remake of 1 the past few days on my lunch break... just got Garin's Harp and am heading down to Cantlin now. I'm loving this, it flows so nicely and battles go over so quick, I can't wait to see what they did with 2, my least favorite DQ as of now.
Pellham said:Totally agree! Someone should really pitch the idea to them. 3 definately needs a DS remake. The GBC version doesn't do it much justice.
Johnas said:I'm nearing the end of II GBC now (first time to actually finish the GBC version) and I like it a lot, but I also really like the NES version. I don't like it quite as much as I do the GBC version of DWI, but it's still good. The quick battles really are great.
Just won a really cheap III GBC on Ebay today also. Can't wait to dive into it, but gotta finish II first. I still prefer the NES DWs, but I like playing these to see the various differences, and especially to hear the remixed tunes. I've never even played the GBC III before.
Scarlet (or Aeana or anybody really), if you're reading this, is there any way to (spoilered for djtiesto just in case). Not a huge deal, but I was curious.get the Staff of Thunder from Midenhall's jail if Magus killed me the first time I fought him? It makes perfect sense that he'd run away since I opened the door, but I'm pretty sure in the NES version you could go back and fight him again. I also found an Agility Seed in his cell, but I'm sure you knew about that
Mejilan said:Started on 3.71 M33-3 (but using POPS 3.72 via single disc POPSLoader), and continuing on 3.71 M33-4 (but using POPS 3.72 via multi-disc POPSLoader)!
Red Scarlet said:No, I think if you talk to it, win or lose, then save, it never comes back, mainly because you could fight it and get as many Thunder Staves as you wanted in the NES version to abuse for easy money (they also fixed the 2 Water Cloths trick from the NES game..can't do that either). It never comes back after the battle, afaik. You can get another one later when you fight that type of badguy in the final dungeon. Didn't know about an Agility Seed that I can think of.
So many people hate DQ2 and FF2..they're like the black sheep or something. I like 'em both!
STG! said:Are you using a different Game ID when you create the EBOOT, or just the one for DWVII? Curious as I'm about to start this one up and would like to be able to play through both discs without any hangups.![]()
I'll have to start checking out this multi-disc Popsloader, as I've been playing through some of the multi-disc games (the Square games mostly, which allow you to save before swapping) on the PSP loading each disc to memory stick as I need to. Is it necessary to use that program for DWVII?
Thanks in advance!
Aeana said:There's a trick with the slime races... but it involves a lot of weird timing.
Basically, what you do is... go to the monster fights, choose to bet (only bet 1 coin). Bet on ANYTHING. Once the fight starts, cancel out of the fight by holding down a button (B or X, I forget which). You'll lose your 1 coin. Cancel out of the monster fight menus completely, and hurry over to the slime race. 1-2 should be "x10" which means the trick worked. 1-2 will win about 90% of the time here.
Johnas said:How does the? I feel like I faintly remember that from back in the day, but not how to do it.2 Water Flying Cloth trick work in the NES DWII
I think coastal is the last island.Mejilan said:Nice bump.
Finally cracked 90 hours (actually at 90:58, IIRC) and I'm well into the Coastal scenario. The end is in sight! Or is it...?
Mejilan said: