Gold Member
Holy shit dude, he is huge.
That weird moment of silence right before he swings was cool as hell.
Never gets old.
One hit kills? OH GOD!
Plsying Dragon's Dogma for the first time with this one. Any consensus on what are some of the most enjoyable class types?
Plsying Dragon's Dogma for the first time with this one. Any consensus on what are some of the most enjoyable class types?
They're all fun. Most popular choices are Assassin and Mystic Knight I think, but you can't go wrong with any of them. You'll eventually try them all anyway.
They're all fun. Most popular choices are Assassin and Mystic Knight I think, but you can't go wrong with any of them. You'll eventually try them all anyway.
Definitely going Ranger again. My most favorite class of the entire game. Makes me feel like a bad-ass Legolas.
GregaMan said:Player

-Various attacks and skills for all weapons have been rebalanced for all weapons.

Cool.I plan on picking up the game but i've been looking at skill videos and Sorcerer damage looks like it outshines everyone else's?
I'm really curious how Sorc is gonna be. Indoors in vanilla they are ridiculous, but I'm not so sure running around solo with a Sorc is all that feasible if Death gets to all your party members. Cast times and mobs of quick enemies didn't go so well together the last time I played.
They're masterworks all, you can't go wrong.
Roll with a whole group of sorcerers and that balance gets thrown out the window.Not really. Assassins and Mystic Knights are the two most OP classes in the game.
High level Sorcerer spells are indeed strong, but they're balanced by how long it takes to activate them.
i'm enjoying the hell out of it but i forgot all the side quest in the first town and running all the way back is already out of question, how is the fast travel implemented here? i might just buy this asap if it will solve the travel problem
There's 1 extra fixed Port Crystal and 4 extra removable Port Crystals added to the game. Ferrystones are also cheaper.
Roll with a whole group of sorcerers and that balance gets thrown out the window.
I'd say the only class that should be avoided is the Mage class. It's not bad when you first start the game, but once you can unlock Sorcerer, do it and forget about being a Mage. Pawns should only be Mages.
Pawns should only be mages, or only pawns should be mages?
So I just looked at the old OT. There's basically fighter and warrior for pure melee classes? Is there any benefit to sword and board tanking in this game? Or is it just better to go all out melee with warrior?
You can play with sword and board if you want. Very versatile game.
My pawn has an ability to call threat so yeah, it can come in handle early on.But is there a point to actually tanking stuff in this game? Is there a threat system in the game? Would you have a tank in your party if you weren't one?
But is there a point to actually tanking stuff in this game? Is there a threat system in the game? Would you have a tank in your party if you weren't one?
I'm kind of in the mood to play a tank, but leaving all the damage to my pawns would suck indeed. Are the stats from weapons/shields enough to make a tank dps viable? No idea if gear even gives you stats like a game like Origins or Souls.
Feels weird playing a starter class all the way through but I might try it. There's a bit of mixing and matching talents from other classes though?
Majorly disappointed about the lack of trophies at all.
I just dont get how you can release content and not have extra achievements or trophies in this day and age. The price is tempting, but I already Plat'd DD.
Maybe just play it for the hours and hours of new content and not worry about trophies?
I'm so glad to hear about "no more trophies". Add-on content should be compelling enough on its own, it should not need (or have) trophies. Dark Souls is a perfect example, Artorias of the Abyss is totally worth playing, fun should be what you want.
I see adding trophies to DLC as a scummy practice to get the OCDs to pay for crap that they don't want and that isn't even good to begin with.
Didnt see this when I posted.
So, you're happy that there is less content in this? What do you gain from them leaving it out?
What exactly are pawns? NPC party members?
Majorly disappointed about the lack of trophies at all.
I just dont get how you can release content and not have extra achievements or trophies in this day and age. The price is tempting, but I already Plat'd DD.
Didnt see this when I posted.
So, you're happy that there is less content in this? What do you gain from them leaving it out?
Trophies are content?
Like piratepwnsninja said, "Trophies are content?"
And just like some of you are already saying, I'm sharing my opinion. You may want the trophies there, they may add to your experience. I don't want them there, they detract from my experience.
Annoying immersion breaking pop-ups that I can't completely disable. If console makers gave me the option of turning them off, then I would have no problem with you getting your "content".