Yes, they are. Sorry, there's no real way to argue they aren't, whether you partake in them or not.
Maybe they should just start charging $1.99 for "trophy packs".
Yes, they are. Sorry, there's no real way to argue they aren't, whether you partake in them or not.
Maybe they should just start charging $1.99 for "trophy packs".
Like piratepwnsninja said, "Trophies are content?"
And just like some of you are already saying, I'm sharing my opinion. You may want the trophies there, they may add to your experience. I don't want them there, they detract from my experience.
Annoying immersion breaking pop-ups that I can't completely disable. If console makers gave me the option of turning them off, then I would have no problem with you getting your "content".
If that makes me a horrible gamer, and means I'm killing the industry, then I am sorry.
I don't understand this. Why? There are games out there where dlc adds trophies, and games where dlc doesn't. Why isn't it uniform is all anyone is asking. It doesn't matter what anyone's personal views are of them. Why do some games have some features and some not?
Yes, they are. Sorry, there's no real way to argue they aren't, whether you partake in them or not.
I don't understand this. Why? There are games out there where dlc adds trophies, and games where dlc doesn't. Why isn't it uniform is all anyone is asking. It doesn't matter what anyone's personal views are of them. Why do some games have some features and some not?
The fact it's not proper DLC probably muddies the whole thing, especially if either Microsoft and/or Sony are opposed to an updated release getting separate trophies again, especially with saves carrying over. If they had to choose between adding trophies or allowing carryover save data, well, they made the right call.I don't understand this. Why? There are games out there where dlc adds trophies, and games where dlc doesn't. Why isn't it uniform is all anyone is asking. It doesn't matter what anyone's personal views are of them. Why do some games have some features and some not?
I am extremely interested in buying this game in the coming week with one very important point to hinge upon: Is there a way in this re-release to decrease the number of vocal expressions from the pawns? Can you turn off their babbling? Can you at least mute them and not have to mute the entire game? I had to stop playing the original because of them.
The fact it's not proper DLC probably muddies the whole thing, especially if either Microsoft and/or Sony are opposed to an updated release getting separate trophies again, especially with saves carrying over. If they had to choose between adding trophies or allowing carryover save data, well, they made the right call.
That GregaMan blog said that the Arisen talking with Assalam is not enough to raise his affinity points is one of the changes.
This one made me laugh out loud, hahahaha.
There are aggro gaining abilities with the shield but generally, nope, not much point. You'll be doing more damage than your pawns 95% of the time so there's no point in being a "tank".
There is a point in using Sword and Board though. Some classes use them to increase survivability while still being able to output a lot of damage.
edit: I used a Fighter pawn early in the game. It helped, but I soon outgrew that need.
So in anticipation of Dark Arisen, I fired up the Vanilla copy of the game. Slept at an Inn, and when the "Your Pawn has returned from assisting another Arisen message popped up" 10 or so of the entries where it's suppose to show the person that used my Pawn, it says "Invalid Data" and had no Rift Crystals or anything
This happen to anyone else?
Eh, I dunno. The pawns I used that had really good spells sometimes did way more damage than I could depending on the enemy.
Apparently yes, somebody on gamefaqs seemed to confirm this too. I don't know why it's not mentioned much as a selling point.Does Dark Arisen contain all the DLC from the first game?
Apparently yes, somebody on gamefaqs seemed to confirm this too. I don't know why it's not mentioned much as a selling point.
DA gets new DLC in its place though.
What are the DLC other than the expansion thats included?
GAF, help me out here.
I juts picked this up for the PS3 Ive put in a ton of hours on the original for the 360. I really loved how I made my character and main pawn look. I know its obviously not possible to transfer your characters from the 360 to the PS3, but my question is this: can you somehow see your characters stats so I can simply copy what I did from the 360? My friend has my 360 copy so I cant check...and its been ages since I played the game so I cant remember if you can see how you made your characters. If you can't I guess I'll have to just try and copy them the best I can. Thanks.
Yeah, you need to buy a scroll of metamorphosis for 5,000 rift points from the rift store and after that you save and quit. At the title screen there should be a new option edit character to pull up the character creation screen with the details for your character. If you already beat the game you probably have it.
Quick question, is this a game you can just pick up and play, or do you need to study a bit on the mechanics ala the Souls games?
Either way is fine, I'd just like to know in advance.
I believe servers are down for maintenance.
GAF, help me out here.
I just picked this up for the PS3 – I’ve put in a ton of hours on the original for the 360. I really loved how I made my character and main pawn look. I know it’s obviously not possible to transfer your characters from the 360 to the PS3, but my question is this: can you somehow see your characters ‘stats’ so I can simply copy what I did from the 360? My friend has my 360 copy so I can’t check...and it’s been ages since I played the game so I can’t remember if you can see how you made your characters. If you can't I guess I'll have to just try and copy them the best I can. Thanks.
It is. The damage has been done for me, though.
Quick question, is this a game you can just pick up and play, or do you need to study a bit on the mechanics ala the Souls games?
Either way is fine, I'd just like to know in advance.
After I beat Dark Arisen (Bitterblack Isle) with my old Arisen on 360, I'm switching to a PS3 copy myself for a brand new adventure! Woo woo.
My main sorcerer pawn can definantly give my Assassin a run for her money in the damage department.
Never gets old.
Wait is this what you can accomplish being a mage class? MY GOODNESS!
That would be Sorcerer, Mage in the game is Healing, enhancing, and some low level attack spells.
To an extent. If you have your old save on the system you'd want to play this on you'll get an unlimited ferry stone. If not, you can now buy them for 5000 gold instead, and either way there'll be a port crystal network to tap into.At the risk of being thrown rocks at: Does this XP add quick travel options? I tried to get into the original, but the lack of quick travel (along with the repeated mobs over and over again) quickly took care of my interest in the game.
To an extent. If you have your save on the system you'd want to play on you'll get an unlimited ferry stone. If not, you can now buy them for 5000 gold instead, and either way there'll be a port crystal network to tap into.
Just be aware about how the game treats level up in relation to the class system since it *can* screw your character in a bad way if you do not know about it.
Missed this. Huh, I wonder how bad of an idea it is to be a Strider right now? I thought it was nice you had the freedom to mess around, but I guess you don't have as much freedom as I'd have liked.Just be aware about how the game treats level up in relation to the class system since it *can* screw your character in a bad way if you do not know about it.
CTRL+F PC... 1 result...
Know of a good place to learn about this? The game seems really interesting.
Missed this. Huh, I wonder how bad of an idea it is to be a Strider right now? I thought it was nice you had the freedom to mess around, but I guess you don't have as much freedom as I'd have liked.
I was a fighter and warrior beforehand by the way, then went to Strider when I was originally going to be a mage or sorcerer until I realized I kinda lacked the funds to get myself good gear, whereas I could bum some of that off of my pawn that started as a strider.
Random bandits on the road are destroying me.![]()
Love this game.![]()
This actually does make some sense, most other games (DQ for instance) only allow you to join these hybrid classes after mastering two others. So in that instance I'd rather switch to Sorcerer at least until the vocation's maxed, then switch to Mage Knight to build on my Warrior/Knight levels.Basically since the game ups your stat based on the class you're in during the level up--and the game does not allow stat reallocation or even doing stat compensation when you change classes--you need to have an end-goal ready in mind in order to map the most optimum way to get there.
For example, say you want to make your Arisen as a Magick Archer (MA). However, almost all of MA abilities use Magic stat as its damage modifier, and MA only gets IIRC 3 magic every time the Arisen levels up. So if you want to maximize MA's damage potential, it would be tremendously a lot better to actually level up as a Sorcerer since Sorcerer gives 6 magic at levels up. Ironically, leveling up exclusively as a Sorcerer first before turning the Arisen into an MA will give him/her a much more considerable damage boost as an MA when compared to leveling the Arisen as MA exclusively.