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Dungeon Siege III |OT| Obsidian plus complete lack of ambition equals...


I am enjoying the varied atmosphere that that game gives me. Plenty of dank dungeons, creepy houses and spider infested woodlands to see. Put a couple of hours in and I am enjoying it. Combat is pretty simplistic but learning the ranges of attacks takes a little while.

One thing I really appreciated is how the game knows I am shooting barrels, so it makes sure it locks on to all of them. :D


Who do y'all like playing as thus far?

I have tried everyone except the sword user and am generally unimpressed.

There is an annoying lack of impact to the way the characters play.


Jerk said:
Who do y'all like playing as thus far?

I have tried everyone except the sword user and am generally unimpressed.

There is an annoying lack of impact to the way the characters play.

The Gun Gal is pretty fun to play with.
So does this POS not work with a controller or what?
Tried playing with the mouse but no click to move (in a dungeon crawler, what the hell?) and terrible camera make it unplayable.

I heard it's better with a controller, so I plug in my ps3 controller with motioninjoy, set it to 360 pad emulation mode in ds3 tool but nada.

(I get the xbox button icons in the main menu but not once I actually start playing).

First game that apparently doesn't work with ps3 controller for me...

The dialog and 'story' are ridiculously generic as well.


Jerk said:
Who do y'all like playing as thus far?

I have tried everyone except the sword user and am generally unimpressed.

There is an annoying lack of impact to the way the characters play.
What, Lucas' two handed sword hits hard. Are you doing the 3-hit combos?


I wish there was more option for the camera. Close or far is not enough, plus it would be nice to be able to tilt the camera further back when you're in close up mode.


SneakyStephan said:
So does this POS not work with a controller or what?
Tried playing with the mouse but no click to move (in a dungeon crawler, what the hell?) and terrible camera make it unplayable.

I heard it's better with a controller, so I plug in my ps3 controller with motioninjoy, set it to 360 pad emulation mode in ds3 tool but nada.

(I get the xbox button icons in the main menu but not once I actually start playing).

First game that apparently doesn't work with ps3 controller for me...

The dialog and 'story' are ridiculously generic as well.

I'm using my PS3 Sixaxis with latest MotionJoy drivers and set as emulated 360 controller. No issues. So I know it works, might just need to troubleshoot yours.


Dudebro, My Shit is Fucked Up So I Got to Shoot/Slice You II: It's Straight-Up Dawg Time
Weird to see so many praising a controller to play this. I tried the demo on the PS3, but a controller with a hack n' slash just seems weird and archaic after after 40+ hours of Torchlight with mouse and keyboard.


fappenmeister said:
Steam just downloaded an update, it may be the keybind patch Obsidian hinted at earlier in the week.
Nope, just checked. It was a really small patch, probably some Steamwork fixes as I can look at the achievement list now.


cuyahoga said:
Weird to see so many praising a controller to play this. I tried the demo on the PS3, but a controller with a hack n' slash just seems weird and archaic after after 40+ hours of Torchlight with mouse and keyboard.

I would say the complete opposite personally, you can have up to 9 abilities mapped to the buttons (3 in one form, 3 in a another and 3 whilst blocking), works really well, story is generic but its not that bad and picks up a bit after the first couple of hours.
cuyahoga said:
Weird to see so many praising a controller to play this. I tried the demo on the PS3, but a controller with a hack n' slash just seems weird and archaic after after 40+ hours of Torchlight with mouse and keyboard.

These kinds of games aren't good with a controller, but the game was designed for one anyhow.

Movement with m/k is hopeless as there is no click to move and camera control is akward as hell (moving mouse to edge of screen to turn or use A and D keys...

Artadius said:
I'm using my PS3 Sixaxis with latest MotionJoy drivers and set as emulated 360 controller. No issues. So I know it works, might just need to troubleshoot yours.
Yeah I figured it out now, Hadn't updated ds3 tool in AGES, and now that I did, the latest update seems to bork the profile switching.

Before you just had to select the 360 emulation from the list on the main page, but doing that no longer actually activates it unless you go into the options menu for it, manually select 360 from some dropdown menu then click enable.
Not sure what they were thinking with that change...
It's pure chance that I even figured it out.

What did everyone do for the wayward soul quest btw?
You can destroy the heart thing or not, I left it intact but the quest didn't complete, the lady thanked me for keeping it though (not that that did anything) , is it bugged or what.
robut said:
Anyone know if the game has newgame+? If so, can you carry over a leveled character into it, like Borderlands?

This would be cool. Haven't heard anything on this front.

Stallion Free said:
Is there same screen co-op on PC?

I don't really trust the generic store page description.

Yup, even in the demo there is.
I found the PC demo to be enjoyable after I started using my 360 pad but I still have 1 major concern over this game. Once you finish the campaign can you continue playing your character in harder difficulties? The major factor that kept me playing Diablo/Titan's Quest for so long was the the fact that they were nearly endless with the number of difficulties. I'd wait for a sale if all you can do is run the campaign and then start over fresh.

No new game+ I heard.

Bleh, looks like I'll wait on this one then.


For an arpg, these are fantastic scores.

It's nice to see Obsidian finally come through in regards to polish, also.
Okie Dokie.

I'm uh... actually kind of enjoying this. Quite a bit. Maybe the demo classes just didn't click with me, Katarina is basically a simplified version of the Vanquisher from Torchlight which was my main class though so I'm feeling far more at home now.
Gameplay is kinda dull, there's no flow to the combat at all, nor do there seem to be interesting abilities that are fun to use (so far, haven't unlocked the last row).

Graphics are fairly nice, lots of color, but that is about it.

Generic music, generic combat, generic enemies, generic story, generic as shit loot too (so far).
It really IS +x stat and some poison/flame/stun proc chance like the eurogamer review said.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Anyone know how long one playthrough will run you? I could really go for a lengthy experience with character developing, but I really have no urge to play more than one person


Water is not wet!
i dont remember New Game+ being in the first two Dungeon Siege games. Even if it were there i doubt id use it. The Dungeon Siege franchise is kind of its own animal in regards to action-rpgs, imo.


Spent some more time playing as Lucas Montbarron (Sword dude) and he is actually pretty fun to play. For the other 3 characters, they all have some good ranged attacks but Lucas has to sit toe-to-toe with everything. Once I figured out the 2-handed charge he does, it makes it so much easier to remain mobile and get close to ranged targets. I think people forget about blocking, especially when you have loads of enemies around you.

I do wish you had the option to make custom classes. Gun-slinger Flame Girl would be fun. :D

water_wendi said:
i dont remember New Game+ being in the first two Dungeon Siege games. Even if it were there i doubt id use it. The Dungeon Siege franchise is kind of its own animal in regards to action-rpgs, imo.

It was more an MP option, where you started a new world and everything re-spawned. NG+ is always nice, just as long as you keep all your gear and all teh quests and story starts again but with more challenge.


I'm really enjoying this 3 hours in. The dual-wielding chick is a lot of fun to play. The games reception has been way too harsh, like pretty much every other Obsidian game.

Baka Zeitgeist

pluck my tasty grapes
Got the game on Wednesday, beat it with Katarina and can confirm it took me 13 hours to hit level 30, complete all side quests, and beat the game. Restarting with Lucas now, and while I think it can retain my interest a second time through making different choices, playing it up close an personal instead of far away, a third or forth play through doesn't feel likley. (When my buddies get the game on Tuesday I'm sure I'll be playing through again with one of 'em)

I only ran into one bug (360 version), at some point when going to save my game the save screen was blank and I while I could create a new save, it wouldn't show up on the screen. Dashboarding and reloading the game fixed it, so the bug just turns your saves invisible for whatever reason. Also I received the deeds for 100,000 gold for items sold to shops, and 100,000 damage received in one play through but neither gave me the achievements.

If you play the game on it's terms it's as fun and addicting as it can be, as you progress through the story the writing picks up, the environments keep changing, the combat gets more intense and the decisions you make all get paid off in the end (good or bad).
The deeds (especially those 100k damage ones you mention) seem totally pointless without new game+ though.

How is the game being received too harshly , when for once a 7/10 average but servicable game actually gets 7-8/10 scores.


SneakyStephan said:
The deeds (especially those 100k damage ones you mention) seem totally pointless without new game+ though.

How is the game being received too harshly , when for once a 7/10 average but servicable game actually gets 7-8/10 scores.

The scores are spot on, imo. It's more the rancid reception of the demo, and what felt like an inevitable failure projected upon the final release by those expecting a Diablo clone, and fans of the older DS games. It felt like the vast majority of people on forums were shitting on this game, even on GAF, which pretty much has a love affair with Obsidian.

That's not to say that those folks didn't have legitimate complaints, but on the whole, the game is turning out much better than many expect, I believe.


Raide said:
360 version? Fancy doing some co-op later? I would love to see what 4 player looks like. :D
Sorry, PC version :)

I just noticed that you can master abilities and if you do that, fill that bar, you can use an advanced version of that ability (just like the main attack). I have to use them more often, then.
FGMPR said:
The scores are spot on, imo. It's more the rancid reception of the demo, and what felt like a inevitable failure projected upon the final release by those expecting a Diablo clone, and fans of the older DS games. It felt like the vast majority of people on forums were shitting on this game, even on GAF, which pretty much has a love affair with Obsidian.

That's not to say that those folks didn't have legitimate complaints, but on a whole, the game is turning out much better than many expect, I believe.

My one gripe was how the multiplayer co op was handled, game does look good tho and after reading the reviews im compelled to at least give it a go.


kyo_daikun said:
My one gripe was how the multiplayer co op was handled, game does look good tho and after reading the reviews im compelled to at least give it a go.

Yeah, I really can understand the co-op complaints. I understand what they were going for, also, but they probably needed to do a little better in that regard.


One of the shops I went to today had it but I didn't get it =P
I've never played anything from Obsidian I think but looking at a gameplay vid I am reminded of DeathSpank.
Would you recommend for me to get it next time I hit the shop?


Tizoc said:
One of the shops I went to today had it but I didn't get it =P
I've never played anything from Obsidian I think but looking at a gameplay vid I am reminded of DeathSpank.
Would you recommend for me to get it next time I hit the shop?

I've never actually played deathspank. If you enjoyed games like Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance and Champions of Norrath on ps2 though, I'd say jump right in. It's like an evolution (a small one) of that type of console style a-rpg from last gen.


Played it for a bit today, I'm somewhat impressed by the presentation. Will get back to it once I'm completely done with Portal 2 which is taking longer than I thought to complete. :p


I played a couple of hours co-op last night with my girlfriend and we both really enjoyed it. Story doesn't seem too great so far so I'm hoping that will pick up a bit.
Just defeated the first proper boss and I'm still having fun. Once you get a few abilities for each stance and get used to mixing it up in combat it's pretty fun in a mindless action kind of way.

Also the engine is great. It's not very high tech but it's stable and fast. It feels like it's been made with Obsidian games in mind, because stuff like the dialogue UI is really slick. It could probably do with better facial animation for speech but all in all it looks good, runs fast, doesn't crash and gets the job done.


jim-jam bongs said:
Just defeated the first proper boss and I'm still having fun. Once you get a few abilities for each stance and get used to mixing it up in combat it's pretty fun in a mindless action kind of way.

Also the engine is great. It's not very high tech but it's stable and fast. It feels like it's been made with Obsidian games in mind, because stuff like the dialogue UI is really slick. It could probably do with better facial animation for speech but all in all it looks good, runs fast, doesn't crash and gets the job done.

While it does start off a little mashy, once you get a few more abilities it really does pay to mix things up a little, especially if enemies are long range or close range.

While not the most amazing engine, it is still really pretty. Some of the locals are really nice and atmospheric. Music is pretty solid and the sound effects are pretty good.

Ploughed (haha) a few more hours into all the classes and I am still enjoying it. Some really tense fights and some of the side quests are fun to do.


The bosses are great in this game, so do the side mission folks!
Almost 9 hours in now and still enjoying the hell out of it.
I'm amazed by the technical qualities of this Obsidian game: Absent or short loading times, very fast saving times, and no glitches so far.
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