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Dungeon Siege III |OT| Obsidian plus complete lack of ambition equals...

Clevinger said:
Yeah. I think people are confusing "not buggy as shit" with being "polished."
What exactly is not polished?
- No Bugs so far for me (be it quest, enemies, etc.)
- Stable framerate
- No graphic glitches
- No AI-fuck ups
- No loading times


I really don't see where this game is NOT polished.
zoner said:
so here's my thing that's been bugging me since the demo. How often is your appearance changing based off gear? because it definitely didn't in the demo


That's about 20 minutes from the last boss.


I am 12 hours in and playing on Hardcore difficulty which is great, normal is was too easy for me, very enjoying this game and he are me thoughts:

+ Good flowing combat system.
+ Lots of loot.
+ Side quests are worth doing becuase of great rewards.
+ Cool Bosses.
+ Crash free in Single player (For me anyway).
+ Nice story and characters.
+ Great looking game on High settings.
+ great terrain veraity (Dungeons, Forests Tombes, etc) and each one is not like the other as in DA2.

- Skill system could use some more veraity, some characters are lack of good skills in my opinion.
- Would be great to get extra abilities from Items.
- More puzzles and traps will be welcomed.
- not that comfortable playing on Keyboard + mouse.
- Gear is not so much noticable on character which is :(.


Is there any way to turn off character portraits?

Also, if I'm planning to just play through coop with two accounts on the same console, will both accounts keep progress when playing alone or not?


Been playing this on PC and the Steam achievements are broken.

Also, the amount of running back and forward between some non-combat areas is so stupid it's pretty much a turnoff.

Other than that, I do find myself quite fond of the game.


Played a few more hours and the game is really really starting to grow on me. Katarina is also badass. :p
Finished after exactly 10 hours, lvl 30 and all sidequests done. That is the only big MINUS for me, the short playtime. Now for all lore entrys on my second playthrough on hard... ^^


Tryckser said:
Finished after exactly 10 hours, lvl 30 and all sidequests done. That is the only big MINUS for me, the short playtime. Now for all lore entrys on my second playthrough on hard... ^^
Uh wow, I just finished Stonebridge and I am 13 hours in, I guess I am a slow, then :)
Could not be much more left I guess.


Htown said:
nobody's tried putting the amazon code they bought into Steam? need to know about that Dungeon Siege 1 and 2 thing.
Curious about this as well.

For those that have played it already, outside of co-op, what is the replay value like in the single player? Is the story the same no matter who you start off with?
Effect said:
Is the story the same no matter who you start off with?

The main story line is, but there are parts where your character's history and such come into play. I'm not sure if that affects anything other than a few conversations though.


Tryckser said:
Finished after exactly 10 hours, lvl 30 and all sidequests done. That is the only big MINUS for me, the short playtime. Now for all lore entrys on my second playthrough on hard... ^^



FateBreaker said:
10 hours?? Wow. How long were the originals? I've never played them. (Should I?)

Really depends on how much you travel around and adventure. DS 1 was a pretty short game if you grind your way through it. Like most games of this type, it was the replaying that lengthened the experience.


V_Arnold said:
Thank you, that explains your speed. Hardcore is a bit more time-needing, it seems.
I am playing on normal as well and I am above the 10 hour mark and not finished yet (see above). Makes me wonder how you can be so fast.
My first run was Katarina on Normal and it took about 15 hours. I think it would be pretty easy to do a 10 hour run of you were efficient with questing and turn-ins. I know that I wasted a heap of time going around in circles in the Stonebridge dungeons because I was a little too baked to plan my route properly.

It's a decent game, not much more to say about it. The writing and characters are definitely B-grade, but are more comparable to the difference in quality between A-grade and B-grade in cinematic terms. To clarify, saying a movie has B-grade writing doesn't mean it has to be utter shit; I'd contend that most sci-fi is B-grade for example. In games the drop-off from A-grade to B-grade in terms of writing is far more dramatic, and B-grade becomes a far more harsh label. In game terms, this is more like A-minus-grade or something.

If anyone is doubting the effect of your choices. The ending is actually done like a Fallout game where it shows you a montage with all of the outcomes of your major decisions, and there are quite a few to be made. During the game there are quite a few spots where it's strongly hinted that the situation would have played out very differently if you had gone another way.

Combat-wise it never really rises far beyond button mashing. Mobility becomes really important later on though, so it's more of a timed button mashing thing. That isn't to say it's not rather fun, but it's a long way from being deep. It's hurt by the fact that targeting specific enemies when you're fighting groups is awkward and harder than it needs to be, so it's not as plausible to use your single-target CCs creatively for example. The proficiency system seems to be designed around this limitation though, since everything can be upgraded to make targeting irrelevant.

The loot does improve a lot, but it's more Titan Quest than Torchlight, in that you're going to find a really sweet new pair of duds and then discover that they look identical to the last pair. There are a wide range of different looks for each character but almost all of the loot in the same area will look the same. Unique items help to break the monotony though, and you start picking them up immediately. And the weapon lens-flares signifying the type of chaos effect are actually kinda cool.

Overall it's a good, solid game with a pretty decent amount of polish. I'll probably give it another run with one or two of my co-op posse depending on who bothers to pick it up, but I don't know if I'd be back for DLC unless it was particularly appealing.


started as the mage guy but i think i might go back to sword guy. i got used to him in the demo and it feels weird being the mage and only having a ranged attack for groups, since most of the enemies seem to move in on you and so your ranged attacks don't help (especially since you have to stop and turn back towards the enemies to use them). even with the AI fighting alongside you, you still get some enemies coming after you so you can't just stand back and magic everyone.

still i really like it, surprised at how negative people are being. i think the graphics are pretty good and it has a great atmosphere.
Aggro is very heavily based around proximity, so if you can get a bit of distance between you and some enemies they'll turn on the AI and you can unload your ranged attacks.


Playing on the 360 w/ Normal difficulty & Lucas. I'm enjoying the game alot more than I inititally suspected. It plays smooth, looks nice and there's loot. What not to like?

Actually I just realized that the last dungeon crawler arpg was actually Diablo 2. Since I'm a bit lacking on the PC front atm my only gaming options are Xbox360 and PS3. After I'm through with DS3, what are my options?
For 360 your best options are probably Torchlight and Sacred 2. The latter is a really odd one, it's pretty love/hate. Torchlight is almost universally adored though, so you can't go wrong with that.


Hesemonni said:
Playing on the 360 w/ Normal difficulty & Lucas. I'm enjoying the game alot more than I inititally suspected. It plays smooth, looks nice and there's loot. What not to like?

Actually I just realized that the last dungeon crawler arpg was actually Diablo 2. Since I'm a bit lacking on the PC front atm my only gaming options are Xbox360 and PS3. After I'm through with DS3, what are my options?

Sacred 2, Torchlight XBLA, Too Human (I know, I know!) Borderlands (Alternative)


I'll give Sacred 2 a try then. I should probably try Too Human too since it's oughta be cheaply available and well, just to see what all the gifs are all about.

Torchlight is unfortunately a no-go since DD titles are out of question. Too bad since it looks awesome. But what can you do since fixations run deep and are rarely rational? :)

Thanks for the suggestions.


V_Arnold said:
Thank you, that explains your speed. Hardcore is a bit more time-needing, it seems.
It is, but you can't trust the timer on the save file for it as it doesn't count your repeated boss attempts in the time. Rajani on hardcore took me... a long long time... but once I finally beat her the save file timer had only progressed ten minutes. I'm playing a co op game occaisionally too, so the Steam timer doesn't give me useful information either. Oh well.
Hesemonni said:
Torchlight is unfortunately a no-go since DD titles are out of question. Too bad since it looks awesome. But what can you do since fixations run deep and are rarely rational? :)

My head = kaboom.

There is a retail version of the PC Torchlight, you should be able to grab it on Amazon for about $15. Even people with integrated graphics should be able to run it in netbook mode so unless the controls are a problem for you I'd really seriously recommend that over Sacred 2. Unless you happen to really like Scandinavian hair-metal.


Eh screw game time, the game is fun, that's all that counts.
Would love some coop time after my first playthrough. Sadly all my friends refuse to join me because they thought the demo was bad and the PC version is a console port because there is no drag and drop inventory ;)
derFeef said:
Eh screw game time, the game is fun, that's all that counts.
Would love some coop time after my first playthrough. Sadly all my friends refuse to join me because they thought the demo was bad and the PC version is a console port because there is no drag and drop inventory ;)

Shit there's practically no inventory at all! I mean, it doesn't have weight or slot limits and gear is the only thing you can pick up other than quest items anyway. Also, I didn't realise until the end of my first run but you can "transmute" items into cash directly from the inventory screen so vendors are effectively pointless for selling stuff as well.


jim-jam bongs said:
My head = kaboom.

There is a retail version of the PC Torchlight, you should be able to grab it on Amazon for about $15. Even people with integrated graphics should be able to run it in netbook mode so unless the controls are a problem for you I'd really seriously recommend that over Sacred 2. Unless you happen to really like Scandinavian hair-metal.
...Oh my god, what have I become? I dismissed the PC option infavour of a console one. I really need to update my PC
when Diablo 3 arrives. One to go now that Starcraft 2 is already out

And yes, I like scandinavian metal.
Hesemonni said:
...Oh my god, what have I become? I dismissed the PC option infavour of a console one.

Uh I'm not sure if you think this was why I said what I did, but it's not. Torchlight is the far better game, and since you don't like DD I was trying to be helpful and point you to the retail version, which happens to only be available on PC. Sorry if that wasn't clear.


jim-jam bongs said:
Uh I'm not sure if you think this was why I said what I did, but it's not. Torchlight is the far better game, and since you don't like DD I was trying to be helpful and point you to the retail version, which happens to only be available on PC. Sorry if that wasn't clear.
No sweat, I got it. It's 2 am over here and I'm supposed to be at work in 4 hrs. So this is my bat signal to hit the sack!


What is Dungeon Siege 3?

Sadly, not Dungeon Siege. It's just carrying the name. I can't believe how broken the gameplay mechanics of this game ended up, at least in the demo. The multiplayer was the main reason I wanted this, and yeah, nothing like it was before. The game was at least smooth and I loved the console inventory system, but everything else just fell short as for being a DS title.


DryvBy2 said:
What is Dungeon Siege 3?

Sadly, not Dungeon Siege. It's just carrying the name. I can't believe how broken the gameplay mechanics of this game ended up, at least in the demo.
If that is true it sounds like a perfect successor!

Dungeon Siege 1 and particularly 2 always stood out to me as some of the worst gameplay mechanics in the sea of Diablolikes.
Fredescu said:
The gameplay mechanics aren't "broken" either, so there's that.

Yeah. I'm not sure what he's talking about. If anything, the game is really solid mechanically and very well thought out with its skill system from what I've played so far.
The gameplay isn't broken, but I wouldn't call it particularly deep either. As Anjali, even on hardcore I'm just using ranged normal attacks so I can build up focus to spam Fall from the Heavens and using the occasional defensive or empowered ability. With equipment, I mostly just use stuff that maximizes will/ability DPS.
It's just super shallow and repetitive, not broken.
If the game was longer people would complain about that more.

Anyway, guess I'm done playing, motioninjoy/ds3 tool no longer work for some reason, the motioninjoy website is down and obsidian have the dubious honor of making the very first ARPG ever that does not control well (and better) with M/K
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