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Dungeon Siege III |OT| Obsidian plus complete lack of ambition equals...

Well their website is down (at least for me it is) and motioninjoy needs to connect to their server to function.

The Local mode seems to do anything at all, doesn't show my drivers,most of the menu choices aren't responsive, nada.

Sigh, why does a fucking gamepad driver need a permanent inet connection anyhow, what is this shit.


This game is a disappointment. The game could have been a fun coop game.
There are a few problems for a otherwise awesome game.

1) Camera angles / view. This shit is inexcusable for a 2011 game. I though Monster Hunter for PSP Camera controls were bad, this is 9,000 power level times worse. There is not a decent view of the battlefield. Multiple this by having more players on screen, the camera view becomes EVEN worse as everyone is teetered to everyone's waist and the camera goes bananas even with just 2 people on co-op.

2) No freedom in movement (online coop). I can understand having the characters close together on one screen for LOCAL coop. But for multiplayer ONLINE coop players should have freedom of movement. Just imagine one ranged character and one melee character. The ranged character is firing from far, but the melee character can't reach the enemy as the ranged character is so far back, and the camera is going nuts again!

There are other complaints about save files or characters porting, yes that's a problem but these 2 issues above are the ones that will make this game a rental at best.

The hardest difficulty is challenging and dodging is fun till the cameras goes tits-up. Damnit the game is fun if they fucking fix those 2 issues on top.

Oh yeah pls save often, some of the scripting is broken, but you can't complain as every Obsidian has fucking issues anyways.


Fredescu said:
Could you go into details? I haven't heard of anyone having technical problems yet.

Spoiler. 360 version.

1) First part before going into the first chapterhouse, after killing the mini boss, door does not open. 2) In the battle with Rajavni, she just stands there and all the doors are opened, reloading a save then causes the battle to start normally. Both sessions played on online coop.


bigswords said:
1) First part before going into the first chapterhouse, after killing the mini boss, door does not open. 2) In the battle with Rajavni, she just stands there and all the doors are opened, reloading a save then causes the battle to start normally. Both sessions played on online coop.
Weird, I've done both bits 10+ times without issue. Oh well.


Picked this up Saturday afternoon, About 4 hours in with Lucas. Playing single player on PS3. It runs quite well. There has been a bit of slowdown but nothing worse then i have played in other games and doesn't affect gameplay too much. Love the art in this game although the player models look like shit.

Havent really played a loot game since dungeon siege 1 which i didnt really like and i just picked this up on a whim. But im loving it. Just about to
do the battle of Ravens Hill.
Think i have done all the sidequests so far. the mansion was a fun little diversion. Bosses seem a bit easy. I am playing on hardcore. just roll, slash, slash, special move, roll. Repeat. But its suprisingly addictive. Just picked up a mahoosive shield.

Can't wait to play more tonight.


SneakyStephan said:
Well their website is down (at least for me it is) and motioninjoy needs to connect to their server to function.

The Local mode seems to do anything at all, doesn't show my drivers,most of the menu choices aren't responsive, nada.

Sigh, why does a fucking gamepad driver need a permanent inet connection anyhow, what is this shit.
Offline files: http://forums.motioninjoy.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1421

motioninjoy is still a piece of crap, though


Ok, loving the game so far, but I think I've missed something, How do you use shotguns with Katrina?

I've even (gasp) read the manual, cant find shit on it.


Genjikage said:
Ok, loving the game so far, but I think I've missed something, How do you use shotguns with Katrina?

I've even (gasp) read the manual, cant find shit on it.
Switch the stance (left bumper, if console version). She uses a shotgun paired with a pistol in the close combat stance.


witchedwiz said:
what's the gaf-census on this one?
20$ bin?
good game?
Definitely not worth the full retail price tag or Steam cost.

Unless you are utterly starved for a mid-tier ARPG, wait a month or two.


I'm happy with what I paid, but hey, different strokes for different folks. The game is getting mixed receptions amongst gamers.

I enjoyed the combat, especially fighting bosses. Story isn't anything special, but it's ok, graphics aren't the best, but they are nice looking on my PC. I like the design and music.

What needs to be worked on: Online camera isn't very good, it needs to be more zoomed out. No persistent characters you can have in different online games. A problem for many, but not for me.


Labadal said:
I'm happy with what I paid, but hey, different strokes for different folks. The game is getting mixed receptions amongst gamers.
Well, yes. I do feel a bit cheated by paying the full price. I did get the two first games for free in Steam for that though.

Combat: I have played mostly with the fatso steampunk mage, Reinhardt, and I like his style. Definitely some experimentation on behalf of the developers, but his powers work.

Story: pointless drivel accentuated by ugly and inconsistent low-res cutscenes that mimick some manner of a painted journal. Either have proper FMVs or have hi-res images that slowly pan across the display. The current solution is fugly.

Camera: I found the best camera height to be the one they used during a specific boss battle, namely
the Dapper Old Gent
fight. More zoom levels would be welcome of course.

Ally AI: my ranged companions were quite fond of shooting the wall when an enemy was behind it. They should also use special abilities more often. When grinding up to level 23, my companion managed to die once.

Control scheme: implement proper mouse controls ffs. I played with the game pad and there was no proper targeting. There isn't one with the mouse either. Arbitrary picking up of loot is pointless - since you have no inventory limit, you WILL pick up EVERYTHING. Why make it necessary to press the buttons then? Just have the loot magically magnetized and picked up immediately, Too Human style.

Repetitive backtracking: horrible. Don't make me run back and forth at a snail's pace to solve simple quests.

Lots of gripes here, but I will push through this.


Got this pre-ordered even before they delayed the game from May to this week and I liked the demo enough so I`m grabbing this tomorrow for sure(360).


I'm not far in, but I'm loving the single player, and the co-op is fun enough. I only play co-op with my wife and my best friend anyways (with these types of games) so it's no biggie that I cant take my character and play it in some one elses game.

I see why it would piss people off, its such a simple thing to implement. But I bought it knowing what it was, and I'm content.
So is the coop drop in/drop out style? Can I play single player and then have another player jump in for coop on the same system and keep our characters consistent?


BattleMonkey said:
So is the coop drop in/drop out style? Can I play single player and then have another player jump in for coop on the same system and keep our characters consistent?

The thing though is if you play with someone else,you can`t use that character,you start with a new one and you never keep the loot etc etc if you keep playing with random people...that is what people hate,if I understood right..if you are the host you keep your stuff but people who join don`t,unlless they play with you again when you host...
Played the demo last night, not sure if I want to pick this up, everything from production values to gameplay is just down-right mediocre.


Ricker said:
The thing though is if you play with someone else,you can`t use that character,you start with a new one and you never keep the loot etc etc if you keep playing with random people...that is what people hate,if I understood right..if you are the host you keep your stuff but people who join don`t,unlless they play with you again when you host...
Yeah, people keep their character at the host. I think its no biggie and works well for those who only play with friends. The coop has bigger problems (screen sharing) I think.
For the ones wondering about my 10 hours, I finish pretty much every game faster than average... I don't know why (for example Platined Castlevania: Lords of Shadows in 30 hours, when some people claimed their first playthrough took them 25 hours...). So don't read too much out of it. I can really recommend the game, it is much fun and replayability with different chars is definitely there.


Ok well I finished the game, last few boss fights where pretty awesome, overall I thought that game was quite good, I doubt I will play through it again or at least not in the near future.

As someone mentioned there is a good bit of attention to detail in the books and scripts you find to read throughout the game.

Would give it 7/10.


during an X360 co-op session this bug appeared.
my char got stuck behind the door... and i couldn't assist my partner.
in the end we had to quit because the camera is restricted around our party and this posed a problem when
Rajavni enters her 2nd phase
. sigh





Not a bad game, the only people I'd warn away are pc gamers who can't stand consolitis because this is definitely the new posterchild for it, surpassing Dragon Age 2 for that crown
Woo-Fu said:
Not a bad game, the only people I'd warn away are pc gamers who can't stand consolitis because this is definitely the new posterchild for it, surpassing Dragon Age 2 for that crown
Eh, I've seen worse, at least the engine is solid as is the save system.

Controls , difficulty/depth, inventory system are terrible though.
ARPGS are usually lowest common denominator bar filling/stat collecting repeatathons anyhow, so in that sense it doesn't feel any more like a console game than other ones.

Judging from those 360 pics the graphics are much worse on consoles too, the pc version has pretty decent textures and good IQ.


This is great, I already have a badass two handed sword of doom and a chaos ice one handed sword that freezes fools, and I'm an hour at most in.

I decided to switch back down to normal after I got killed by some spiders right at the start, but now it seems slightly too easy, so I might go back to hardcore. One of the side quests was kind of hard on normal though so I'm not sure (assuming you can just switch mid game, it's in the options so hopefully you can)


It unlocked a few minutes ago, just waiting for it to finish here. I fucking hate Steam for this "get it the very second it's released" thing, I have work in the morning. At least they don't seem to make me wait til 3am EST anymore.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Played 4 hours coop with a friend and so far the game is a blast. Refreshing to play an action RPG like this with an interesting story.


bigswords said:
That's fucking generous. This game shouldn't be given more than a 4 honestly. Or shouldn't be released till it has been polished for another 6 months.

When a game can't give you a proper camera angle, it's really a shit game.
Whats wrong with the camera angle? I think it works great.
And a 4... really...
bigswords said:
That's fucking generous. This game shouldn't be given more than a 4 honestly. Or shouldn't be released till it has been polished for another 6 months.

When a game can't give you a proper camera angle, it's really a shit game.

Are you talking about multiplayer here? Because I had no issues with the camera playing single-player.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
bigswords said:
That's fucking generous. This game shouldn't be given more than a 4 honestly. Or shouldn't be released till it has been polished for another 6 months.

When a game can't give you a proper camera angle, it's really a shit game.

The camera is completely fine in single player and coop... do you not know about the zoom out feature or something?


Sinatar said:
The camera is completely fine in single player and coop... do you not know about the zoom out feature or something?

Are you serious? Have you played Multiplayer? You cannot ZOOM nor move 5 steps away from your friend. When you meet mages that cast AOE spells at you, your MP party will cluster fuck and die together.

When you put the camera to manual. You have control over, like you know left and right angle of the camera and that's it.

When you play in MP the camera is not locked onto you at all. It's shit. pure and simple, shit.

Edit: Pray please tell me how to Zoom in MP so that I can eat crow, please do!
IGN said:
The rules of online play also aren't appropriately customizable either, since if you open up your single-player game for another to join, that random person can speed over to a vendor and sell off all your inventory items before bailing out. Such behavior isn't the fault of Obsidian, but failing to put in safeguards against this kind of thing is


I didn't know that. Buyback would make it largely useless, but it's still a bit funny.


Basileus777 said:
Are you talking about multiplayer here? Because I had no issues with the camera playing single-player.

Yes I should re-phase it. Single is ok, MP is a clusterfuck of beyond repair.

As a single player game the 6.5 (maybe 7.5) is well deserved.

For MP and the game is "advertised" as a coop game, it's shit.
Having finished the game, I can say that I enjoyed it, but I'm not entirely sure why. There isn't any particular component of the game that really stands out, but the overall experience was pretty enjoyable. The story isn't bad, but for most of the game it's little more than excuse to get you from one place to another. The companions are handled oddly storywise, other than the companion with you making the occasional comment, the story acts as if they don't exist once they join you. Even the ending doesn't say anything about them. None of the characters have any real depth or substance to them, Jeyne is the only one that's really developed at all. I thought the game had a decent ending though.

The loot isn't all that interesting. The combat/gameplay is merely solid at best, and I eventually started to get bored with it at the end. Playing on hardcore, the game wasn't too difficult, except for one boss. The
Jeyne fight at the top of the Spire was a bitch, her teleport attacks were one hit KOs on me
...thankfully Lucas kept reviving me, giving me a chance to grind out a victory. I ended up finishing it in about 10 hours. There were no real technical issues and only one minor scripting bug.

I think I might try out a different character. Anjali was effective, though the way I built her she ended up as a bit of glass cannon by the end of the game. And I ended up using her Fall from the Heavens ability all the time because I found it to be much more effective than her other options. An AOE attack that does heavy damage, can be triggered from range, and prevents you from being damaged while leaping in the air is much better than her non-empowered fire attacks, especially when the burning damage and regeneration of the fire abiltiies seem entirely useless on hardcore.
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