Die Squirrel Die said:Maybe if you'd drained the ocean as you went along and bits of old Hyrule were revealed and you realised that the world was a jigsaw waiting to be pieced back together.
hobbitx said:I want to see some massive desert areas in this game too, I noticed that was the one type of terrain I didn't see in the newer Zeldas. Sure there was the dry mountain areas, but there were no sandy deserts, I'd like to visit a robust desert town and do some desert themed quests.
Die Squirrel Die said:See I thought it was to do with Nintendo wanting to do games with smaller teams, faster and cheaper. I think they just underestimated how much people want their Nintendo games to be the complete package.
Do you count OoT as a newer Zelda, 'cause the Gerudo and Spirit Temple bits were pretty deserty. But I agree that deserts rock.
Scalemail Ted said:Deserty like this:
i can see it selling very well, but not as much as it cvould due to the release of the game being so close to the end of the GC life cycleRed Dolphin said:Is anyone else worried that the game will not sell anywhere near its true potential because it's releasing so late in the GCN's life cycle? I can't see this outselling Wind Waker even though this Zelda game is the Zelda that the casuals and many of us have always wanted.
I don't that this game is a sequel to Wind Waker. I think you play in old hyruleDie Squirrel Die said:I just want something like the light/dark world, or past/future or groundhog day style thing to spice things up. Something that lets the enviroment around you be viewed differently as the game progresses. WW was missing that. Maybe if you'd drained the ocean as you went along and bits of old Hyrule were revealed and you realised that the world was a jigsaw waiting to be pieced back together.
Red Dolphin said:Is anyone else worried that the game will not sell anywhere near its true potential because it's releasing so late in the GCN's life cycle? I can't see this outselling Wind Waker even though this Zelda game is the Zelda that the casuals and many of us have always wanted.
Scalemail Ted said:Deserty like this:
Red Dolphin said:Is anyone else worried that the game will not sell anywhere near its true potential because it's releasing so late in the GCN's life cycle?
DSN2K said:new combat system or least some new moves would be nice.
SantaCruZer said:Aonuma said that there will be a new combat system that fit a more grown up link. He said this at E3.
robertsan21 said:Zelda was born with Miyamoto and should die with Miyamoto
SantaCruZer said:Aonuma said that there will be a new combat system that will fit a more grown up link. He said this at E3.
Chibbi Brady said:Are you kidding? Majora's Mask was a work of genius, besides it's more than just these two guys that make the game. For example Zelda has unbelievable level designers working on it, stuff like the water temple and the stone temple in MM make your jaw drop. Imagine how many sleepless nights those guys had working on those two levels alone.
It is a felony to say that.robertsan21 said:The wind waker>>majoras mask
Mama Smurf said:I don't remember that. I remember talk of new puzzles because Miyamoto asked him to focus on that, I remember talk of the new camera angles in dungeons, of the eye system tracking objects remaining...but I don't remember anything on a new combat system. Outside of fighting on horseback of course.
I'm sure there'll be new elements to the combat, there always are, but I don't think there was any talk of a new combat system.
Feel free to prove me wrong with a link though.
Eiji Aonuma: One of my other ideas in Wind Waker was more simplified control for the game, which was tied to the graphic style and the theme of that game as well. One thing that we're doing right now as we go forward is looking at how we're going to show Link in this more grown up role. We ask questions like what kind of control scheme can we implement that's going to reflect that more grown up Link.
Gahiggidy said:New control scheme, please.
Playing TWW felt too similiar to OoT, IMO.
jarrod said:Majora's Mask is quite possibly the best game to ever come out of EAD.
finally i'd like to see hear a full orchestral score as i nvigate this game. no blips and blops. thnx.
Deg said:It will end up being the biggest GC title if no other bigger game gets announced. Towards the end of the lifecyle the userbase is at its largest. Therfore sales of software will be at their highest.