Elder Scrolls 6 revealed early due to fans’ “pitchforks and torches”

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
Elder Scrolls 6 was announced early by Todd Howard and Bethesda because of incredible fan demand, as a former developer at the studio that worked on Skyrim and Starfield outlines how Howard and the team prefer to announce their games, and it’s striking similar to what they did with Fallout 4.

While we all wait, patiently I hope, for the Elder Scrolls 6 release date former Skyrim lead designer and Starfield systems designer Bruce Nesmith has talked about why Todd Howard and Bethesda announced Elder Scrolls 6 as early as they did. Howard and co. prefer a short amount of time between announcement, details, and release of videogames, but felt pressured to at least tell us all that ES6 was on the way, Nesmith says
Nesmith left Bethesda amid Starfield’s development, but he has a storied history at the company making RPG games which he was asked about by MinnMax.

“[Bethesda] took years of hits for not talking about Elder Scrolls 6,” Nesmith explains. “Todd [Howard’s] opinion – one which I share by the way – is that the videogame industry has short memories. Those companies that start touting their games years ahead of time, they screw themselves. The best time to start talking about it is six months before release.”

With Elder Scrolls 6 potentially around three years away, that’ll put around eight years between the official announcement and release. This differs greatly from how Bethesda approached Fallout 4, and it’s the model Nesmith is talking about. Fallout 4 was announced, revealed, and detailed a mere six months before release in 2015. According to Nesmith, this is the cycle he and Howard prefer, which Bethesda may have used for Elder Scrolls 6 if the pressure wasn’t on after Skyrim.

“Only the fact that the pitchforks and torches were out got Todd to say ‘Yes we’re going to do Elder Scrolls 6, it’s for real it’ll happen.’” Nesmith continues. “But I’m betting you don’t hear much in the way of details until six months before release, which is the way it should be. I think that’s the best approach and [Howard’s] proven that works really well, at least for Bethesda.”
Nesmith doesn’t know what ES6 will look like but says the fingerprints of his development on games like Oblivion and Skyrim will likely be seen in the next game in the series.

So Elder Scrolls 6 was announced early, even if it may have already been an open secret across the industry, to stop people from asking about it and to let them know, officially, it’s happening. I loved how Fallout 4 was announced and shown off ahead of release, and while I’d have loved ES6 to remain secret right up until release, this is the next best thing.

With Elder Scrolls 6 development out of the concept phase and in full swing, Bethesda is well on its way, but we should all still exercise some caution and let them diligently get on with it.

demented waffle

Gold Member
At this point I really don't care about games made by Bethesda.
They lost their capability to make interesting games. And their game engine is a pile of crap.

You would think it would be better due to a constant world, but you have to wonder about loading screens and things like RT:GI. If no, RT:GI, no fucks given by me.

Ev1L AuRoN

Ok, Bethesda, give your best shot. I'm not hyped, nor I'll be hyped, I want to go to this one without any expectations and I don't trust you, so I'll not hear your promises this time, just show me the game.
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demented waffle

Gold Member
It's going to be interesting to see the massive gulf of how this game gets received on fan forums vs the shitload of copies it sells on PC.

It might sell a shitload after awhile, but you would have to think of the lukewarm response to Starfield would have to hurt. Maybe they come out with Nvidia-sponsored and push tech. If that old-ass engine allows it, that is.


Identifies as young
Yet they are oblivious to the “pitchforks and torches” surrounding their stupid choice to stick with this ancient engine?

Will Smith Reaction GIF


I’m not going to let my disappointment with Starfield put me off ES6. As long as they don’t set the game on 1000’s of fucking worlds that is. Just one, large, explorable map please, and we’re all good.
It might sell a shitload after awhile, but you would have to think of the lukewarm response to Starfield would have to hurt. Maybe they come out with Nvidia-sponsored and push tech. If that old-ass engine allows it, that is.
Isn't Starfield up there for top selling games year to date while only having come out recently? Bethesda seems like the Game Freak of the PC world were things are a bit rough but people will eat that shit up especially with how well the game can mod out.
At this point I really don't care about games made by Bethesda.
They lost their capability to make interesting games. And their game engine is a pile of crap.

Unless they use a completely different engine, I’m not getting hyped…
Should have not do starfield at all and just focus on elder scrolls and perhaps fallout. As for starfield, they should just release the mod tools then completely forget about it.
Not to be a mean guy, but I feel like Starfield killed a lot of the hype for TES6, at least for now.
If they are in fact using the Creation Engine for TESVI then I’ve lost all interest.
Will prob look and run like shit… i mean who’s complaining it’s Bethesda after all. Amarite?
The damage around Starfield is massive and growing

demented waffle

Gold Member
Isn't Starfield up there for top selling games year to date while only having come out recently? Bethesda seems like the Game Freak of the PC world were things are a bit rough but people will eat that shit up especially with how well the game can mod out.

It's a Bethesda title that only had 10 million players when you have 25 million gamepass subs and probably 4> million steam sales. Not all that great when you think about it. Not a flop by any stretch, just not the success one would hope for after 8 years.
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Linux User
Amazing they "announced" the game 5 years ago, and there still isn't anything else that's been teased since then.

Then once you add on top of that it's been 12 years since ESV came out, and you're like 🤯
This is why MS was able to buy Bethesda: they needed cash.


To be fair, there probably would’ve been less pitchforks had they not released a new, marginally better version of Skyrim every 9 months.


Yeah, always blame the fans. It was our fault TES was announced too early and it was also our fault we had high expectations for Starfield.


I still think there’s zero chance ES6 is half as dull as Starfield, so I’m not too worried about it. The space setting just wasn’t well thought out. Slap a bandaid on that ego and put some dragons in my game, dammit.


Unless they either ditch their engine or completely and seriously rework it, I am not confident in ES6 turning out good. Starfield is a prime example of a game and ambitions being held back by the tech.
Are you ready for woke Tamriel? Maybe in the many years between now and the game's release, the fad of wokeness will pass, and we will be spared. We can only hope and pray.


Are you ready for woke Tamriel? Maybe in the many years between now and the game's release, the fad of wokeness will pass, and we will be spared. We can only hope and pray.
Dunno how you can inject wokeness in a lore where every race is a racist, half breeds don't exist(They always take their mother's race fully), Vivec is a person who has both sexual organs and will fuck and get fucked by anything. Also, Vivec is one of the gods of Dunmer. Khajits are raised to be bi and Argonians are a sexless race that can actually choose their gender any time. The first Vampire is made by raping someone. Interestingly, Vivec allowed himself to be fucked by that same Vampire god.

Both sides can find fault equally in this fucked up but interesting lore.
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In this case, it probably helped them. (Hey, no worries about Starfield, that was a side quest, we are working on ESVI, ya know...the game everyone actually wanted you to make).


It could be announced 6 years from now and still be early. Plus it's one of those complete non-surprises. Like there wouldn't be another Elder Scrolls.


The nicest person on this forum
How is announcing game waaaaaaay too early and taking forever to come out gonna stop the “pitchforks and torches”?

Isn't that gonna make it worse?


At this state, they are boring 🥱. New elder scrolls game will be Skyrim with better graphics and everyone will be yelling “but they have mods, mod community will keep the game alive etc.”. And why all this haopen? Because they don’t innovate anymore. Oblivion and Skyrim were good games because they innovated in their time, but they are outdated by today standards. Todd is not aware of that, he just cries because all the games are pretty much RPGs now and he has serious competition.
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