I kinda despise that. Jank is not good. They have been stagnating and are not willing to get better at what they do.
Blasphemy. We all need more Euro Jank in our lives.
I kinda despise that. Jank is not good. They have been stagnating and are not willing to get better at what they do.
Thanks. I only played Risen 3 for a few hours.Like all their games so far.
Then if he the MC of Gothic/Risen wasn't mute, who am I thinking of?
Thanks everyone btw!
Gordon Freeman
Every protagonist from any Bethesda RPG
I didn't realise this was out so soon. I'll wait for impressions before jumping in, but a good combat focused RPG sounds pretty good right about now tbh
Blasphemy. We all need more Euro Jank in our lives.
If this is anything like the Risen/Gothic series, which I imagine it is, combat is by far the worst part. I would call it an Exploration focused RPG.
If this is anything like the Risen/Gothic series, which I imagine it is, combat is by far the worst part. I would call it an Exploration focused RPG.
Except you're wrong, as are most of the people in the world regarding their combat. Watch this for some more insight into their combat.
It was only trully bad in Gothic 3 and Risen 2. The rest of their games are far more interesting and exciting than superficialy related by the interwebs.
Does it have the most crucial features of their previous games? Namely unlimited inventory space and the ability to loot everything that's not nailed down without any consequence?
Nah I played Risen 3 a few months ago and loved it, but the combat was horrible. Well I was a mage so it was as bit better than melee but I was also so overpowered about 5 hours in.
Does it have the most crucial features of their previous games? Namely unlimited inventory space and the ability to loot everything that's not nailed down without any consequence?
watch the video, you responded too fast to have been able to watch it. The combat is actually teriffic in most of their games, but its different than most games, gamers arent acustomed to it and it requires a particular way of playing. And it evolves continuously as you play, you dont have access to everyting from the start.
Its a common belief their games have bad combat but they do not. They have fantastic combat actually in regards to Gothic 1,2 and Risen 1.
watch the video, you responded too fast to have been able to watch it. The combat is actually teriffic in most of their games, but its different than most games, gamers arent acustomed to it and it requires a particular way of playing. And it evolves continuously as you play, you dont have access to everyting from the start.
Its a common belief their games have bad combat but they do not. They have fantastic combat actually in regards to Gothic 1,2 and Risen 1.
On the gnome doll can you point to where the jank touched you?I kinda despise that. Jank is not good. They have been stagnating and are not willing to get better at what they do.
On the gnome doll can you point to where the jank touched you?
Thanks for the great OT Moff.
Man, I hope my PS4 copy turns up tomorrow. Jank all over my face!
Jaffar is one of the best characters in a game
You won't see an NPC like that in a well-polished Bioware or Bethesda game.
I hope Elex has some riots of NPCs.
Is he seriously good or are you guys trolling?
Wish Risen 3 had come to Xbox One as well. I would have bought it.
it supports ultra wide so everyones aware, something most pb games never have in past
I can't believe how much my interest in this game has been swayed in just the past day or so. I was completely indifferent on it given how Risen 2 and 3 turned out but learning more about the various factions, and seeing that some of the best elements of previous Piranha Bytes classics are in the game, I am eagerly awaiting the release. I've always liked the combat in Gothic 1 & 2 + Risen 1, the combat in this looks really interesting based on the video that was posted.
Launch Trailer was just released
Yeah, pretty much this. Gothic 2 was pretty amazing for its time and really still holds up. Risen 1 was alright but not as good. Everything else pretty much sucked.I kinda despise that. Jank is not good. They have been stagnating and are not willing to get better at what they do.
Launch Trailer was just released
So no Pro support? Did they mention they're going to release a patch?
I've been eyeing this game as my "don't feel like playing anything else right now" go-to, but it would be nice to know when it will have Pro support first.
May have to put this in my wishlist for the time being.
What swayed your opinion? The combat unfortunately still looks more like Risen 2&3 than the Gothics and Risen 1...
I don't even know why but that scene at 0:35 of him touching the car with one hand when running near it really impressed me.
Oh that is actually a nice touch. Reminds me of Tomb Raider where Lara would do that as well and of course Uncharted.
As for the combat, I do recall seeing a video where it seemed you still need to time attacks too. Hope this was the case because I liked that.
Launch Trailer was just released
I'm super interested in this.
I loved Gothic 1 2 and 3, never really played Risen. But I could go for a good ol eurojank RPG.
PB and Larian are 2 parts of the holy trinity of Euro RPG devs. It's amazing we got games from both within a month. If only cd projekt releasedanything this year