How is the magic in the game?
Does it take forever to unlock like in previous PB games?
Does it take forever to unlock like in previous PB games?
How is the magic in the game?
Does it take forever to unlock like in previous PB games?
You'll find a usable bow in the first 5 minutes.
Guns depends a lot on how fast you progress and with what attributes. I'd say at least 10 hours before you can use a gun.
Maybe it was because I was building my character more as a warrior, but the cultivator's bow felt worthless to me at the start of the game. You just barely scratch enemies and you can do a lot more damage even with a basic axe. I returned to ranged weapons only in late game when I got access to a plasma rifle and a flamethrower, but even then they weren't my primary weapons, because you can run out of ammo very quickly.
Whats up with the ominous letters? I've found two so far
"Fred was here"
Who is Fred and why is he leaving notes
Wondering that as well, haha.
Owners: 99,476 ± 9,667
Sorry to ask it here but Arcania The Complete Tale is on sale on PSN for only 4 bucks. Does it worth it for that price on the PS4? Does it have many bugs? Is the campain and story interesting? Is it a good game for people that love exploring?
I was interested in Elex but the price is too high for me at the moment and i may probabky wait for a sale.
To answer your questions:
- No
- Yes
- No
- No
It was not developed by Piranha Bytes and frankly has no place in the Gothic series. It is uniformly terrible and its name should remain forgotten.
Thanks for the quick answer, mate. I didn't know it was not made by PB. Gonna avoid it and wait for an Elex sale.
If the combat( and horrible gear based stat leveling) was worth a damn for me, I would have never stop playing this game..I agree, Elex is what Gothic 3 was supposed to be. A massive, ambitious open world RPG with the Gothic 2 core values.
They need to patch plenty of flaws, though.
You are fighting against the controls more than you are fighting the enemy. The gifs from earlier in the thread prove they had combat down pat in older games and somehow ended up fudging this up.I hope they don't "fix" the difficulty, that would really be a shame and a bad sign for the sequel.
You are fighting against the controls more than you are fighting the enemy.
You are fighting against the controls more than you are fighting the enemy. The gifs from earlier in the thread prove they had combat down pat in older games and somehow ended up fudging this up.
This isn't a dark souls situation where the difficulty is fair and balanced. This is jank game design that is causing people to give up on what may have been a great experience for them.
Are you so selfish in your lust for jank that you would not want them to fine tune their craft and make it, I don't know, "fun" to fight a high level enemy without cheesing?
Steamspy numbers
You guys are making it real hard holding off for a sale on this...
The controls are not the problem. The problem is that the progression is 100% gear based and many players simply try to kill everything they encounter before they have the needed gear. Which is like 80% of enemies in the starting location.
When you have that gear, which might be 20 hours in or more, you'll realize the combat is fun. No Bloodborne perfection but more than servicable.
I would not be opposed if they added a story mode. But please don't ruin this gem by destroying the balance.
I wanted to join the Clerics but their base is shit. So it'll either be Berserkers or Outlaws (yet to visit).
I wanted to join the Clerics but their base is shit. So it'll either be Berserkers or Outlaws (yet to visit).
How's playing as an Outlaw? Their abilities look pretty terrible from the upgrades screen, just a bunch of chem recipes. I'm never one to really use consumables outside of health potions. Beserker magic looks terrible to use and Cleric's seem ultra cheesy but possibly the strongest?
How's playing as an Outlaw? Their abilities look pretty terrible from the upgrades screen, just a bunch of chem recipes. I'm never one to really use consumables outside of health potions. Beserker magic looks terrible to use and Cleric's seem ultra cheesy but possibly the strongest?
How's playing as an Outlaw? Their abilities look pretty terrible from the upgrades screen, just a bunch of chem recipes. I'm never one to really use consumables outside of health potions. Beserker magic looks terrible to use and Cleric's seem ultra cheesy but possibly the strongest?
How's playing as an Outlaw? Their abilities look pretty terrible from the upgrades screen, just a bunch of chem recipes. I'm never one to really use consumables outside of health potions. Beserker magic looks terrible to use and Cleric's seem ultra cheesy but possibly the strongest?
Only that they are working on itAnything said about a patch yet?
Anything said about a patch yet?
Only that they are working on it
Also wondering this! I'm hoping they support the X close to launch.
So tempting to leave work and go jump back in to magalan, ugh...
This game is so terrible in so many ways. Horrible voice acting, shitty UI, map that doesn't let you mark spots, horrible inventory, no understanding of character mechanics, dumb as shit AI and companions. Ability to cheese everything from encounters to money.
But yet I haven't stopped playing it since release and I'm totally loving it.
This game is a perfect example of why fun gameplay usually tops everything else.
Well, you only describe bad and unfun aspects. What is then the fun gameplay you're mentioning?
Crash fix for systems with more than 16 logical CPU cores.
If savegame limit is reached, Create new savegame is hidden. (limit is 99)
Fixed saving for all Windows user.
Fixed some freezes in tutorials. The tutorial won't be shown if >the corresponding key bindings are not valid.
Fixed saving after the Big Bang fight was not possible.
Fixed pink water on some older AMD/ATI graphic devices.
Fixed game freeze when you try to interact during an evade roll.
Fixed permanently angry NPCs.
Kral has now a quest marker for the Mana shrine quest.
Jax gets the correct award from Reinhold when joining the Clerics.
Bullet and Lucy don't die immediately when they encounter an enemy.
Fixed quest targets when fighting in the arena.
Trevor now gives Jax the correct reward, depending on his actions.
Mad Bobs dialogue is now in the correct order, taking the Jaxs actions into account.
Jack will change his daily routine if Jax killed Hopkins and his bandits. Furthermore, the dialogue regarding Volkmars weapon now works properly.
The quest involving Riley, Darrel and Paige is closed correctly now. (Might be necessary to sleep in a bed to trigger this fix.)
Fixed a plot killer for a certain ending of the game. Talk to Logan twice, in case of having this issue in your save game.
Bill will now return to his hut after the player killed Vance and talked to him about the situation.
Martha will now not quit the dialogue, after Jax buys food from/trades with her - therefore she will now update the Legate situation if the player choses the ENDE/END dialogue option.
If the player has joined the Clerics and talks with Darrell, he will now offer a quest for the player. If the player already spoke to Darrell and had only his standard sentence to say, he only must talk to Darrell again and then Darrell will offer the quest for the player.
Nasty will no longer interfere in the battle between Player and Kid.
Map Target Ethan/Volkmar will now be removed correctly during the mission: Scrap Delivery.
Jack has now Volkmars Weapon in his inventory.
If you ask Jora if it's lawful to take the laser rifle, while he has a Smalltalk with Stormson, both should continue their Smalltalk. If this situation already happened, Jax must talk to Stormson again until he has nothing to say anymore and Jora will return on his Smalltalk routine.
Now Angrim at waterfall is teleported back to his current daily routine point.
Sometimes Stormson, Eli, Wolf and Oswald were at wrong positions. Now they are teleported back to their daily routine points.
Fixed a bug that prevented Jax from joining the Berserkers.
Fixed Crony U5 mission. Now he won't get lost in certain locations.
Kallax gives additional main plot background information at showdown with him.
Fixed some time related quests.
Removed wrong weather zone in the Hort.
Corrected some items that were stuck in the ground.
Fixed some minor graphical issues with some of the Berserker armor.
Now party members will be more helpful during combat.
Enemies now have better targeting. They shouldn't shoot at walls or objects anymore.
Now there is an option to deactivate the double-click evade roll. To enable this option, you must assign a key to the evade option in the key bindings.
Human enemies can attack with low stamina now. This should prevent some issues with enemies doing nothing while they have low stamina.
Now you can transfer chunks of tens in the trade menu.
Fix for haggler perk. You can buy every item now.
Fixed helmets being in front of the camera while looting a chest.
Exploit fix with crafting energy reserve.
Fixed equipped weapons. They weren't destroyed when you salvage them.
Fix where you get an 2h Hammer instead of an 2h Sword at the crafting table.
Fixed duplicated key binding page.
Fixed the needed skill to upgrade the chain saber.
Fixed evade tutorial. It has caused a slow-motion effect for 10 seconds.
Elex and Elex Potions now show a message that your Cold has increased.
Fixed Perk Bookworm. Now you get XPs for reading letters and books. Reading Letters without the Perk will also give Jax some XP now.
Party members don't move around when the player is in a dialog.
Fix for some wrong loading hints.
"Honorary Citizen" is now given after 80h of playtime, not after 1h
Now party members will be more helpful during combat.