Where is my key GMG? I know I know it doesnt unlock for 6 hours, but they have me worried.
Just bought on cdkeys. Got code instantly and registered on steam.
Where is my key GMG? I know I know it doesnt unlock for 6 hours, but they have me worried.
Just bought on cdkeys. Got code instantly and registered on steam.
Got a long weekend coming this week so I shall dedicate myself to the glorious jank.
I thought Risen 3 was pretty great tbh and I enjoyed that almost as much as 1, was only 2 I was really disappointed in.
Same.Where is my key GMG? I know I know it doesnt unlock for 6 hours, but they have me worried.
Not sure why this is 30 bucks more on consoles...? 49.99 on Steam and GoG but 79.99(CAD) on the PS4...I understand the console tax but usually its like 10 or 15 bucks more,but 30...? c'mon man.
My PC is right at the minimum specs(660 2GB),not sure I can run it at 1080p medium with that...anyway,one more reason to wait a bit to play this one.
Where is my key GMG? I know I know it doesnt unlock for 6 hours, but they have me worried.
Just bought on cdkeys. Got code instantly and registered on steam.
Hey Cosmic Guru.Hope you are well. I'm really liking this so far. Enjoy the game my old partner in jank.
Tempted, but I want to buy on PS4 and right now it's nearer £40 which is a bit steep for my liking (yes, even after praising past PB games).
I'm still playing Dragons Dogma right now anyway.
Tempted, but I want to buy on PS4 and right now it's nearer £40 which is a bit steep for my liking (yes, even after praising past PB games).
I'm still playing Dragons Dogma right now anyway.
At least one of the trailers really seems to be aiming for a Fallout 4 vibe. Hopefully it's more like New Vegas, but I'm guessing it's more like neither.
The entire outlaws section is incredibly Fallout 4 like.
Huge Fallout nerd so theres never been any doubt I'll be going with them.Also just got to say. While I like them all Outlaws FOOO LIFE!
WOW!!! Watched a 30 minute opening walkthrough and thought, not bad, I'll buy this when it hits $20 and I don't have anything to play for a month or so but jeez, this just ended my interest completely. Sorry but im not spending twenty hours (give or take) doing all of that just to upgrade a single skill. smh.
Its on Metacritic: http://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-4/elex
Put about 3 hours in so far, and I'm really digging it. It feels a lot like Risen 1 and less like 2 and 3.
Combat seems like It's the best PB had done to date.
Fantastic world building, and the jet pack is a great addition. It makes exploring the world a lot more compelling, finding all sorts of little hidden areas.
I'm playing on a Pro, and I'm pretty sure it's downsampling. Really smooth edges on everything (unfortunately it makes my fans pretty loud as well). The draw distance is pretty bad though... it fogs out too soon.
My only complaint so far is how shitty the map is. Scrolling it around is horrible... it pauses and hitches like it's running at 5-15 fps. And I really wish I could add my own notes.
I'm not quite sure what the reviewer is talking about. You can chose between dozens of skills and every time you level up, you get one ability point to get a new one. You find the trainers just by exploring the cities naturally and sometimes you can do a sidequest for them, but not everytime. They aren't hidden at all. I have no idea what he means when he says it takes "20 hours to get the first skill"? Maybe he means magic specifically?
Well, Magic for the Berserkers or Psi for the Clerics are systems you only get access to when you join one of the factions. That takes quite some time and is one of the main parts of the game - those systems are thus only unlocked later in the game, but there are still dozens of other skills and abilities, upgrading your crafting, lockpickingm dialogue options, endurance, attack power, combo finishers, strength against certain enemies etc. etc. Every time I leveled up I was struggling to pick one ability because there are so many quite useful ones. Even before you get access to these skills via the factions you can find one-time items everywhere in the world with which you can use quite a few Psi abilities though.
See above. It isn't 20 hours to get a single skill.Yeah, that sounds pretty bad.
He didn't talk about exploring the world much. That would be the main draw, for me.
That does it.
I demand that every thread, every last one in the world, about any Bethesda, Biowaregame now be labeled in a)title and b)op as "Amerijank", "Australojank" or "Canadijank". At least one must be picked for addition, to be chosen freely. Suggestion: go by location of origin as it is at hand. But that's not the point. The point is one of these labels must be present by next week, on every related thread. This is not optional.and Silicon Knights
That does it.
I demand that every thread, every last one in the world, about any Bethesda, Biowaregame now be labeled in a)title and b)op as "Amerijank", "Australojank" or "Canadijank". At least one must be picked for addition, to be chosen freely. Suggestion: go by location of origin as it is at hand. But that's not the point. The point is one of these labels must be present by next week, on every related thread. This is not optional.and Silicon Knights
A good portion of the time, I feel like it's used positively. Its always been a term of endearment for me.I know you are joking, but isn't "Eurojank" term used more in a positive way overall, at least within RPG genre? Which wouldn't be the case with your other suggestions. Or did I have the wrong impression about it?
Just some ambitious big RPGs that tend to come out of the region on small budgets and small teams. They got heart and or charm but end up pretty rough around the edges.
I think the interface is designed to work better with a controller, as I think it's fine on PS4.First hour played, feels like Gothic 2/3 in terms of gameplay and scope - I'm hooked!
Finally an open world again, didn't like the islands of Risen 2/3.
The interface is really, really bad though :|
Huge Fallout nerd so theres never been any doubt I'll be going with them.
I don't see the endearment, it's derision of an entire region of origin, and both the term and the implied and spelled out being "rough around the edges" kind of implies a point of reference exists above it that is not met BUT WHERE IS THAT.A good portion of the time, I feel like it's used positively. Its always been a term of endearment for me.
Its not really anybody poking fun at European game development or anything, most of the games that it applies to have cult audiences that use the term and love them.
Just some ambitious big RPGs that tend to come out of the region on small budgets and small teams. They got heart and or charm but end up pretty rough around the edges.
So we liking the gamepad more than m/kb? Will probably hook up pc to tv then.
So we liking the gamepad more than m/kb? Will probably hook up pc to tv then.
Put in an hour and a half. I'm a major PB fan, so of course I'm already in love with it. My single biggest gripe so far: after saving your game, you can't hit B to back all the way out to resume playing hah.