Trade and bounty CG in the same system, reactive armor.
Finally we get a Bounty CG, need to get to Sothis so I can afford a FAS.
What am I looking at?
Trade and bounty CG in the same system, reactive armor.
Finally we get a Bounty CG, need to get to Sothis so I can afford a FAS.
What am I looking at?
When doing sothis runs do yall just sell the reward cargo you get or is any of it very valuable and worth keeping?
Most of the reward cargo is used by engineers. I really wish we could store engineer commodities like RadioActiveLobster suggested because mission rewards are the only way to get some of those commodities. If you have Horizons and a decent sized cargo hold, I'd definitely think about holding on to them even if it means losing out on some big bucks in your long haul runs.
Can the Beluga fight or does it just have to run?
It has five medium hardpoints and it can carry a fighter. So it can defend itself, but I really wouldn't go looking for a fight with it.
That's more than I expected.
Just to be clear: in ED, it's not the number of hardpoints; it's the placement. Don't go in thinking it's got a hardpoint layout like an FdL. It's going to be very difficult to put more than 3 guns on any target at any given time.
Have they nailed down when the update will be yet?
Not yet. They've already confirmed there will be a beta 6 patch, though, so at least 2 more weeks, I'd say.
For the first time ever the CG was only like 30ly from where I was.
Gives us time to do those Sothis runs for some creds.![]()
So now people are talking about setting up shop in Jackson's Lighthouse which is a neutron in the bubble. Using it as a jumping off point with the 300% bonus. Hilarious side effect of FD's decision to fuck white dwarfs IMO.
Could lead to some interesting player and faction interaction. Now certain posters in the FD forums are suggesting this specific neutron should be nerfed or some sort of FSD inhibitor should be placed by the star. AKA nothing can be fun or interesting. Let's see what happens.
So now people are talking about setting up shop in Jackson's Lighthouse which is a neutron in the bubble. Using it as a jumping off point with the 300% bonus. Hilarious side effect of FD's decision to fuck white dwarfs IMO.
Could lead to some interesting player and faction interaction. Now certain posters in the FD forums are suggesting this specific neutron should be nerfed or some sort of FSD inhibitor should be placed by the star. AKA nothing can be fun or interesting. Let's see what happens.
So now people are talking about setting up shop in Jackson's Lighthouse which is a neutron in the bubble. Using it as a jumping off point with the 300% bonus. Hilarious side effect of FD's decision to fuck white dwarfs IMO.
Could lead to some interesting player and faction interaction. Now certain posters in the FD forums are suggesting this specific neutron should be nerfed or some sort of FSD inhibitor should be placed by the star. AKA nothing can be fun or interesting. Let's see what happens.
absolutely.I think it's great having resources that funnel players closer to each other.
I remember suggesting landing pads designated to you should turn blue for easier spotting in VR (I know the compass points towards it, but on certain planetary bases it can be difficult to read the numbers from a distance), and basically every poster was nearly insulted that I'd even suggest it.Could lead to some interesting player and faction interaction. Now certain posters in the FD forums are suggesting this specific neutron should be nerfed or some sort of FSD inhibitor should be placed by the star. AKA nothing can be fun or interesting. Let's see what happens.
When doing sothis runs do yall just sell the reward cargo you get or is any of it very valuable and worth keeping?
I still think hotspot bubbles in the galaxy map where players are or have been lately would be cool. Conceptually they'd look like powerplay bubbles, but for concentrations of players instead, colored on a typical heatmap type of scale. Maybe updated every 10 minutes or something. That way we'd all be able to find human players if we want to, and it could serve as a reminder that there really are other people playing the game (it can feel quite lonely sometimes).
Gives us time to do those Sothis runs for some creds.![]()
Haha, bingo! Gonna do 2-3 more on X1 then I gotta start my PC grind until 2.2 hits.
Yeah, Im doing Sothis until 2.2. Im up to 200 mil now. Its not so bad because I just do one run per day, at this rate Ill probably be close to one billion by the time 2.2 is released.
Yeah, going to do 2 maaaaaybe 3 runs per day to avoid being completely burned out.
I hate the mission board grinding as much as the AI interdictions.
I actually dont mind the mission board grinding, it helps a lot with my fed rank. I might just say fuck the Beluga and just go straight for a Corvette now. Ive been gaining a lot of rank doing this.
I'm still not sure how ranking up works in 2.1. Back when I played in 1.3 you had to do those federal navy rank up missions to jump a rank. Does it still work that way?
Could lead to some interesting player and faction interaction. Now certain posters in the FD forums are suggesting this specific neutron should be nerfed or some sort of FSD inhibitor should be placed by the star. AKA nothing can be fun or interesting. Let's see what happens.
Yeah it's the same. You just fill up the bar until it's at 100%. After that a fed rank up mission will appear and you just do it to rank up. The nice part is that the experience carries over, so even if you're stuck at 100% for a while with no mission that experience will carry over to the next rank.
What am I looking at?
Is there a good reason why you can't land on landing pads facing either direction? I mean the thing even rotates! In 99% of cases it isn't a problem but with some outposts you have awkward placements that require really weird approaches. Like if there's a huge tower right in front of the pad.
Q: How does ranking work with crew? Does the ranking increase go 100% to the one who delivered the killer shot, or do both CMDR and crew get a share, or an equal amount?
A: As long as your pilot is out they can earn some XP. They don't get as big a share as you.
Q: The 30 item storage limit, is that just a beta thing, or a server load thing? Is it likely to go up at any point?
A: It's more of a UI thing. The more we add to the current UI, the more of a giant list it becomes. No ETA/guarantees, but hopefully in the future there'll be a better display. We may still tweak it before end of Beta, and if so the number will go up.
Q: Are Geysers (Geezers ) broken? They seem very hard to find...there is even a post from someone with geological experience and they are not able to find the geysers either. Some of the geysers, like the ones on Enceledeus should be viewable from space. Any chance of geysers of this size being introduced into the game?
A: At the moment no set plans to have geysers visible from space, but wasn't dismissed by the team. Definitely something we're considering. Existing geysers are hard to find because for technical reasons can't have as many as you'd naturally find. They are appearing, where possible, in the right places. Considering, not for 2.2, ways to help players discover them.
^ Question was poorly worded, which is a shame, as I believe he was asking about engineer items taking up cargo space.Q: With limitations on numbers of modules that can be stored, how about Engineers Recipes being stored as Data alongside module storage to free up physical storage space?
A: Don't really understand this sorry, sounds like it bypasses the idea of Engineers, but one thing we are excited about is commodity storage at Engineers.
^ Good! It's pretty weak that the engineers don't offer any interesting effects for those modules.Q: The placeholder engineering mods for certain things like weightless fuel scoops getting a lightweight upgrade... Anything you can share about the plans for what cool stuff may or may not come (no guarantees) sooner or later (No ETA)??
A: Without going into details, we have been talking about experimental effects on modules other than weapons. Watch this space.
^ So they're open to changing it but likely won't tweak it anymore, it sounds like.Q: Are Frontier happy with the numbers for the neutron star.
A: We're reasonably happy with the numbers. Really cool feedback on the neutron highways, but we want to make baby steps and see how people are using those changes. Feel it's in a safe place to leave and bed in. Not to say it won't change in the future as a lot of interesting ideas were raised.
Q: Compass, bookmarks on planet surface?
A: Compass I think is in. Bookmarks is a cool idea but not 2.2
^ One of the cooler things of the new tutorial. Sounds like they're moving in the direction of having more interesting locations with more traffic/structures.Q: Will RES locations have the centre point as the mini outpost object, as there is in the new tutorials? Or even better a variety of outpost style or CQC objects (depending on RES type)?
A: Posssssibly. We want to improve the locations that you visit. It might be impossible, but we want to improve (he's not sure), and we've got the foundations of the new locations to build on.
^ Yesssss reminds me of FTL.Q: Now that escape pods are no longer illegal cargo, have you thought about giving pilots who pick one up a wrinkle rescue mission to take them to a given starport? the pod you just picked up would be the unique cargo for the mission. It makes more sense than just selling them, and it feels more like you're rescuing people than scavenging.
A: Yeah we've literally talked about things almost identical to that. Who knows. It's a cool idea, I rescue someone and it leads to something nicer. No ETA no guarantees. [And at 45:00 the idea that recused pilot could join your crew has been discussed]
Q: Will we see major overhauls to Power Play and Military careers before the end of this season?
A: No comment on careers. Powerplay I really want to improve. The long and short is that it's hard to dedicate the time it needs to a one portion of the community, but not giving up on it.
Yeah it's the same. You just fill up the bar until it's at 100%. After that a fed rank up mission will appear and you just do it to rank up. The nice part is that the experience carries over, so even if you're stuck at 100% for a while with no mission that experience will carry over to the next rank.
what in the actual fuck?!! so you have to do say a fed navy mission in order to rank up? this is why I have been at 100% for like 2 weeks when grinding fed missions? dear god why doesn't the game tell you this.....
Yeah, the mission will be called like "federal blah blah." You have to do those ones to actually rank up. However, your experience carries over to the next rank. So it's really not that big of a deal. You'll probably jump a rank or two since you been at 100% for two weeks grinding them.
holy shit that's hilarious ... I was just about to google whether I had a glitch or something in my game. I've seen those missions pop up for weeks but was like "meh I can find something better"......
It's funny as hell because most of the time the rank up missions spawn on agents that you're not cordial with since you just started doing missions in that area.
So naturally your first 2 rank up missions are a significantly larger pain in the ass to get because you have not done enough missions for these factions.
I remember going insane when grinding fed rep because after doing a full lap i would finally find a guy with a federal navy mission only to find he wasn't offering it to me because we weren't bros. So I accept his missions to become bros and when I return he is no longer offering it. I just about lost my mind.
So when doing rep runs it's best to stick to 2 systems at most early on lmao.
ah thanks for the tip. I should be good because I spam skimmer missions all the time so I have a couple stations where I am allied with every faction.
Oooh where are you good for al those skinner missons? I have been wanting a place that spawns them in large amounts.
shu babassi is good for empire ranks