What are good hard points for the Vulture since it only has two?
Is there anyone here playing Elite on the Vive? I've heard it didn't run so well but with tweaks it is much better. Wondering if anyone here has experience with that.
My friend just bought a vive and tried it out with ED and he says it's absolutely incredible and runs like a dream. He does have a GTX 1060 though.
I wish you could go someplace like Jameson and just collect all your bounties at once. I have like half a dozen random bounties that I'll probably never chase down.
Is that not being added in 2.2? Thought I read on Reddit that it will.
What modifications have you made to the Corvette? Modules etc? I'm about to buy one.
I've used both and know their differences. I prefer the higher DPS and better hardpoint placement and I think that those make it a better combat ship for PVE.
SC stream is making Elite's surfaces look like hot garbage right now. Good lord.
Elite makes Elite's surfaces look like hot garbage.
SC stream is making Elite's surfaces look like hot garbage right now. Good lord.
I just learned about Prismatic Shields. Is this something I should be striving for?
SC stream is making Elite's surfaces look like hot garbage right now. Good lord.
SC stream is making Elite's surfaces look like hot garbage right now. Good lord.
You mean the scripted, partially broken tech demo for which they explicitly have no ETA? Yep, looked like what you get from a pretty handcrafted level. Quit a bit nicer than Elite's surfaces. Only not anywhere near a deliverable game at the moment. Part for the course with everything Star Citizen, I guess. Maybe if we all buy a couple of their nice new .jpeg sale (Polaris, 750$), that 125$Mio. dollar backer money project will move a bit closer to completion.
I want that hover bike in Elite BTW. At least I have reasonable confidence that FDev would manage to get its movement physics into a non janky broken mess state and we could move about at more than snail's p ace without fear of leaving the scripted demo area.The SRV has bloody wheels and we get more air with it than with that thing.
You mean the scripted, partially broken tech demo for which they explicitly have no ETA? Yep, looked like what you get from a pretty handcrafted level. Quit a bit nicer than Elite's surfaces. Only not anywhere near a deliverable game at the moment. Part for the course with everything Star Citizen, I guess. Maybe if we all buy a couple of their nice new .jpeg sale (Polaris, 750$), that 125$Mio. dollar backer money project will move a bit closer to completion.
I wouldn't mind that hover bike in Elite BTW. At least I have reasonable confidence that FDev would manage to get its movement physics into a non janky broken mess state and we could move about at more than snail's pace without fear of leaving the scripted demo area.The SRV has bloody wheels and we get more air with it than with that thing.
Sure took that one a bit seriously. I have no stake in SC besides a starter pack but you have to admit that down to an engine level, it's quite a difference. Hand crafted worlds via paint tools or not, that generation tech is far more convincing than our rolling hills. Physics and control of most of what's in SC is definitely looking real rough.
That is really good to hear. Hard to get a clear take on how it ran currently because so many posts were from several months ago.
I bought a Vive specifically for Elite and whilst the sense of immersion is amazing there are a lot of issues with anti aliasing and general frame rates plus the resolution of the screens make everything a bit blurry no matter what tweaks you make.
I ended up buying a Titan X as my 980ti just wasn't up to it so i would say that if you dont have a monster gpu then Elite just isnt ready for the Vive. Other people do manage to get it working good enough but for me it felt like a real compromise on the graphical side.
I think the next update is supposed to have some fixes but there is a 70+ page thread on the Vive and its issues over on the Elite forums. Wish id read that before buying mine.
https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php/247986-HTC-Vive-resolution-and- focus
It is specific to Vive or does it spread to Oculus too?
Five modular terminals...
My kingdom for 5 modular terminals.
It is specific to Vive or does it spread to Oculus too?
Not sure what to tell you. There's really nothing wrong with Corvette hardpoint placement as long as you're at the correct range. You can use the extra large hardpoints to stomp bots more efficiently I guess but if you're looking to stay in an engagement or zone for longer with multiple enemies on you the vette beats the conda handily IMO. The dps difference doesn't even matter when their shields are popped in seconds with engineer upgrades. Everything dies quick in either ship.
You can fit 2 sidewinders between those hardpoints![]()
On my usual Sothis run I took a Federal Navy mission to acquire some Tea. Then I saw another mission that also wanted some Tea so I thought what the heck, I'll bring back more Tea to get this mission done as well.
Little did I know, that Tea mission spawned a strong Anaconda to fuck me up. After some interdictions I was left at 24% hull integrity before abandoning the mission and despawning the fucker.
Was sweating with millions worth of cargo and a potential 7.5 mil rebuy. Whew.
Up to 77m after this latest run. Should I get another run in or move to a Python for hauling? Is ~20m okay for a hauling build compared to my AspX right now?
I skipped Python and just went for a trade build Anaconda instead.
I'd need a LOT more to buy and properly outfit an Anaconda though right?
150 mil is what it took to fit mine with all the goods. That's like 5 Sothis runs if you're smart with cargo space.
Thanks to the Anaconda I'm at 620 million now. Should reach 1 billion soon doing just two runs a day.
Thanks. Ended up with the Python. Never owned one before. Headed to Elvira now to squeeze more juice out of this FSD then I'll start my Sothis runs in this.
It's more nimble and responsive than I expected. Then again, it's basically the same size as the AspX.
How much was the Python? Wondering what to get next.
It's like 65-69 mil.
48m at Li-Yong Rui stationsGAF helped me out with that tip. 15% off.
-Until the above happens, continue to improve on load times when loading instances (dropping out of cruise, particularly on planets/based)