7Th said:I played the first game rather recently and slayn is 100% correct, actually.
Oh. Well, I wouldn't know since I maintain my maps religiously. :lol
7Th said:I played the first game rather recently and slayn is 100% correct, actually.
Pureauthor said:Oh. Well, I wouldn't know since I maintain my maps religiously. :lol
syllogism said:This is rather tempting, but I don't think i can get over the inanity of manually mapping the dungeon. I tolerated it for two games, but this is where I'm drawing the line.
slayn said:There's no key because you can use them for whatever you want. I use the 'FOE' icon to merely mark places of interest that I need to return to, or sometimes traps. Or whatever I feel like.
And I use the arrows only for dungeon floors that force you to move in a certain way. I just use doors for the secret passages.
That's how I use them too. For FOEs that move in a straight line I just put the dot near them until I can identify their route, and put arrows on either end. If they do more complicated patterns then I tend to map out the entire path.hikarutilmitt said:I use the arrows for 2 things:
1) mapping out the movement of an FOE that always moves in the same pattern (other than when they chase you, of course). It helped me a lot in 2 to stay away from stupid ones I didn't want to fight.
2) marking hidden passages that I've yet to travel through form the "correct" side. This is nice when I find a passage that I cannot go through yet but found the initial exit, so that when I'm near it on the other side I can remember to check that wall. Big time saver, this. I change it to a two-way arrow once I've gone through once and can thus travel two-way all the time.
Yay, got the mail as well.jaundicejuice said:My order with vg+ has shipped. I'm guessing I'll have it by Monday.
jaundicejuice said:My order with vg+ has shipped. I'm guessing I'll have it by Monday.
Neo C. said:Yay, got the mail as well.
syllogism said:Because, while I can't overstate how terrible mechanic it is, they were otherwise very enjoyable games and dungeon crawler is one of my favorite genres. There's a reason why every crawler has had automapping since Ultima Undeworld introduced the feature. And no, using a stylus instead of pen&paper doesn't make it any better.
Mejilan said:My Amazon order came in. Game and art book.
You know the artwork of that well-endowed EOIII character towards the end of the artbook?
Who's idea was it to write out the word 'HUGE' with an arrow pointing straight to her breasts?
Volcynika said::lol
That was so funny, here it is for people that don't have it
Aeana said:I know I'm quite late to the discussion, but I enjoy drawing maps. Perhaps it has to do with whether you played first-person dungeon crawlers in the 80s, where drawing your own maps on graph paper was a necessity. I've always enjoyed making nice and neat maps, and EO just makes it much more convenient to do so (and easier to make them look nice!).
I wouldn't want every game to have the feature (I'm kind of glad Strange Journey didn't), but it's really nice to have every once in a while.
Strangely, I enjoyed figuring out the warps, automapping that whole area, and trying to remember where they all go. Maybe I should add that to that thread about enjoying mundane things I games.SatelliteOfLove said:On the contrary, Eridanus NEEDED writable addendums for warps badly. :lol
Very glad I did that part in one go.
Unless you turn off 'Auto fill' for your maps in the Options setting.7Th said:You don't really need to manually map the dungeon, it pretty much fills itself while you walk around.
SJ was a game that I wished had at least annotations input. There were many cases where I wish I could mark where certain NPCs were (yes I know most of them were marked with a generic blue circle) or floors where a demon wanted to join me but couldn't because my belt was full. That and the previously mentioned Strat E warp tile map. *shudders*Aeana said:I wouldn't want every game to have the feature (I'm kind of glad Strange Journey didn't), but it's really nice to have every once in a while.
Fixed for obligatory Monty Python reference.Hobbun said:Oh, don't you know, they are referring to the large .... tracts of land she possesses.
lyre said:SJ was a game that I wished had at least annotations input. There were many cases where I wish I could mark where certain NPCs were (yes I know most of them were marked with a generic blue circle) or floors where a demon wanted to join me but couldn't because my belt was full. That and the previously mentioned Strat E warp tile map. *shudders*
Kifimbo said:How did you get the raisins ?
sundrenched said:Just got the game and on the second level now. My party is princess, monk, arbalist, farmer and zodiac.
So far my monk seems much more useful with a weapon than with his bare fists...
Any tips on how to get past the lighthouse bird on the sailing side?
I'm consistenly running out of money but that seems to be typical of every game.
Princes/princess seems to be a popular class but are they worth putting any points into their class skill? I'm concentrating on front/back row but are there any other classes that can increase resistance? Or tp regen? Right Now with my set up my princess is in the front row and it seems like a waste looking at their skill set...
sundrenched said:Oh I see thanks for clearing up some stuff! Didn't know you can just explore around without heading for the lighthouse![]()
I tend to be very attack minded so I like all my party members to have offensive skills. The only exception is my farmer, but I'm gonna try and team up his binding skill with the arbalist attack all binds skill![]()
Right now for my princess I'm using back row/front row to get the attack enemy skill then I'll see how it goes. The spell buffs are mildly useless since I have a zodiac and arbalist who can both use elemental skills. But I'm siding toward the bash skill for the zodiac and general crossbow skill for the arbalist. Sigh so many choices!
Any chance of being able to max out all the skills at max level?
Man God said:This game is amazingly well put together.
Max level is 99. and it doesn't take 29 revocations this time. :lol You also get quite a few extra skill points for retiring at the original max level cap of 70.
Still, not enough to max everything, but you could get most important things.
Althane said:Ah, thank god. I would have never had the patience to do 29 revocations (much less get past the 4th stratum BUT IGNORING THAT)
Also, is anyone else mourning the disappearance of the Medic? I totally am. =(
For some reason, Healer-Monk doesn't seem to quite be the same.
Man God said:If you look at their stat progression and expected loadouts at 50+ they turn out all right.
Princess+Item healing though seems to be the way to go. Princess have great armor, great weapons, buffs, big heals by killing buffs, passive healing in battle and out of battle and debuffing. Sure Monks do great front row damage but you have so many better choices for that position while the princess can slide in whereever and do her job.
Althane said:There's no difference between Prince and Princess, yeah?
NichM said:They're all the same in the dark.
Man God said:Arbalists are some of the best damage in this game, period.
Combine that shit voltron style with a Zodiac's elemental boosting properties for some absurd damage later on.
I do like my Buccaneer a lot more now that She's in the back row, though Hanging is a good fairly reliable head bind.
Farmers are a joke character...outside of farming. When their abilities work (and hitting with them is mostly Luck based which the farmers have a ton of) they work spectacularly.
I have four farmers in my gathering group. :lol