I haven't used 2 of any class in the same party yet.
I haven't used 2 of any class in the same party yet.
I'm running I/N F/D I/N, S/A A/M at the moment, where one Imperial is setup for elemental damage and the other for non-elemental. It worked out well enough for getting my level cap to 99 since the big drives do a lot of damage once Ignition kicks in. But it's not as fun for general exploration since I'm bouncing back and forth with Impulse edge during random encounters to keep my TP supply up.
When I finally retire everyone for a "New Game Plus" run, I'll probably bring back a Bushi because it's nice to have a full-time damage machine upfront without a lot of cooldown time.
do bushis actually do a lot of damage? whenwas in my party, I wasn't too impressed with his damage output. maybe he just had the wrong build?kibasami
also, do legendary foods respawn? I'm assuming so, because that would be stupid if not, but I just got the 2nd altitude upgrade and am going around collecting all the shit I couldn't and filling the maps of the lands out. another thing, is there an upgrade so you can go against the wind gusts that push you one way?
I thought mine did pretty well when coupled with a Nightseeker subclass and dual-wielding. You can use the high-speed katana attack several times in a row for hundreds of points per slash (which often triggers twice for another half damage swing), attack once or twice normally to refill TP, then go right back again. Their total output likely doesn't match an Imperial or Lendshnerk statistically, but it's very reliable and the class is quite durable.do bushis actually do a lot of damage? whenwas in my party, I wasn't too impressed with his damage output. maybe he just had the wrong build?kibasami
There's a demo if you want to try it out before buying. All progress there can be carried forward onto the actual game.
Don't let the artstyle fool you, it's a pretty challenging dungeon crawler that can easily kick your ass if you are not careful. But just take it slow, explore everywhere, and read whatever the game tells you, and you should be fine. There's no need to grind in this game, you get all the XP you need from doing quests and just killing all the enemies while exploring. If you have any problems just ask us! We're happy to help.
Oh and always carry a Ariadne Thread with you. It will save your life. Though you don't really need it in casual since the game gives it to you for free...
I forgot there was a demo for this game, I'll download it when I get home.
Also, more games need to actually save your progress when playing a demo. It is an awful feeling to replay a section of a game that was in a demo.
Remember that at any point in the game you can jump from normal to casual (you need to be in the main city though) so be sure to try both modes.
Two quests on the third maze.
Ice Stone?
Also, what are the spots for Fire Fungus? I know that I have one already from random checking...
This was my first EO game. For all the talk of difficulty, I surprised how easy the game is. I've died quite a few times, but more often than not it's just because I was being stupid. As long as I take it slow, I seem to do just fine. But hey I'm only a bit into land 3.... maybe something happens to cause a difficulty spike.
I've noticed that nobody seemed to reply to my question about two quests in the third maze. Let me quote that.
I've noticed that nobody seemed to reply to my question about two quests in the third maze. Let me quote that.
The Ice Stoneis in C3 on B1F, at the third from the left square, at the top (next to an ice patch). When you get it, you'll have someone asking for it. Deny his requests until he has lost hope (lol), then say yes and hand it over. This'll net you the biggest reward.
As for Fire Fungus,I've found at least two places where they are:
B1F, C4, 5th from the left, 2nd from the top. I think it's behind a scale.
B2F, C6, 5th from the left, 2nd from the top. You can get here easily from the top shortcut to the left of the Geomagnetic Pole.
Also in EO3 there was a random encounter in B1F (again, since there are no caves, the tutorial is here) that could one hit KO most of your party at levels 1-3.
Well earlier games where really unfair, with brick wall bosses, or iirc from a post in this thread, venom was pretty common on your first time at a maze (there where no caves) and it would kill you in 1 or 2 turns. Also in EO3 there was a random encounter in B1F (again, since there are no caves, the tutorial is here) that could one hit KO most of your party at levels 1-3.
Huh I think I got the wrong quest name then. I was thinking about the quest for the vessel that ask you for ice.
I just got the Arcanist (damn that boss was a bitch, kept suddenly killing off my party when it was almost dead). How is Arcanist for dealing damage? I ask because I really liked her for her circles, but the person on my team she'd probably replace is my sniper, and he's my third damage dealer. My party right now is Land, Fort, Dance, Rune, Sniper, with Land and Rune doing the most damage, followed by Sniper.
I'm in the postgame maze and my Arcanist is still cleaning out random encounters. On the first turn I put up a maxed poison circle which usually hits at least somebody, I get some of my TP back and they take 300HP at the end of the around. On the second turn I'll Dismiss Blast them for several hundred more HP and I get another chunk of TP back. And there usually isn't a turn three.I just got the Arcanist (damn that boss was a bitch, kept suddenly killing off my party when it was almost dead). How is Arcanist for dealing damage? I ask because I really liked her for her circles, but the person on my team she'd probably replace is my sniper, and he's my third damage dealer.
I wound up swapping out my Landshark for a Bushi with a Nightseeker subclass. The Bushi's HP/TP restore-on-normal-attack skills combined with Nightseeker's dual-wielding gives you an infinite supply of elemental and non-elemental Bushi attacks. It's a fun combination, but doesn't shine until some skills open up at level 40.also what would you guys suggest replacing with a bushi?
Look what I just got! Looks so good. Sadly I can't open it, it's not mine :C (I have a digital copy)
Now you can listen to the save tune music just a bit longer.
But it's not mine D=. I really want to open it!
I wound up swapping out my Landshark for a Bushi with a Nightseeker subclass. The Bushi's HP/TP restore-on-normal-attack skills combined with Nightseeker's dual-wielding gives you an infinite supply of elemental and non-elemental Bushi attacks. It's a fun combination, but doesn't shine until some skills open up at level 40.
2nd tier Ice >>>> 3rd tier Ice
why? I'd rather have a skill that attacks all enemies rather than one that can only hit 2 enemies.
Venomflies in the 1st Stratum of EO1.
On the first floor.
As an Ambush.
There's three quests he can potentially be asking about.
Just to cover all the bases here, the one asking for an Elemental Stone merely needs you to kill one of the (large) Elemental Spawn enemies with a non-Fire, Ice, or Volt attack. If you bring both back, you get a better reward.
Why yes, I would like to rest in the peaceful clearing. What could go wrong?
I believe the quest he is asking about is the underground lake one? If so it's just south of the pedestal.
I'm thinking of maxing out the crit/Attack potential of my Sniper along with Squall Volley for exactly this purpose.Strictly for bosses, the "random hit" spells deal a lot more damage overall than the "hit all" ones.
I don't think about the normal mobs because I steamroll them no matter what I do.
Wow, (5th dungeon)and poison are rocking my world right now. So much damage...Venomflies
I like how they justas the final barrier, lol.put EO1 enemies
Do you think I'll run out of things to do eventually? It seems like there is a big treadmill of grinding especially if you retire level 99's to 30 and farm for Pooka books...Seems like those are the two things to do at the end...and kill bosses. Also farming for equips/forges.
I like the game so much, I wish there was a way it was infinitely replayable. I've even thought of getting a second copy.
The real meat of the game is in the story mode, while the postgame stuff is for hardcore min/maxers who enjoy the challenge of pushing numbers as high as they'll go. Since my level 75-76 party is still getting wiped by random encounters in the 6th maze, that tells me I've got a lot of work left to do. But it's a little lonely once the bar quests dry up and there's no one left to help out.Do you think I'll run out of things to do eventually? It seems like there is a big treadmill of grinding especially if you retire level 99's to 30 and farm for Pooka books...Seems like those are the two things to do at the end...and kill bosses. Also farming for equips/forges.
The skill simulator has now been updated with the official English translations for everything, which makes it easier to apply builds to the game.
Ok, I finally hit a wall with my F/N/N | A/M setup. I guess I gotta retrain a new party for the final post-game boss because my 92 LUC 76 TEC Arcanist can only land a status on the boss itself less than 20% of the time. That makes my party kinda shitty.![]()
finally. holy crap it was way too difficult for me to switch between the game and the site lol.
also I'd like to see damage calcs for tier 2 vs tier 3 ice. because if an enemy is weak to ice, blizzard does 1k+, but I don't know about glacier.