Etrian Odyssey Community Thread |OT| I gotta lady boner harder dan steel for dat stuff!
Or just another Fight and Heal joke.
Or just another Fight and Heal joke.
speaking of cute ones, so far i encountered this cute little red enemy once on the overworld, i defeated it in one hit, nothing happened... there anything more to these guys than meets the eye?
Etrian Odyssey Community Thread: The Ongoing Adventures of Fight and Heal
Etrian Odyssey Community Thread: Into the Labyrinth
Etrian Odyssey Community Thread: Even in this thread, FOE!
Etrian Odyssey Community Thread: Welcome to the Explorer's Guild
Etrian Odyssey Community Thread: Beware the Cute Ones
Etrian Odyssey Community Thread |OT| I gotta lady boner harder dan steel for dat stuff!
Or just another Fight and Heal joke.
Etrian Odyssey Community Thread: The Ongoing Adventures of Fight and Heal
Etrian Odyssey Community Thread: Your Princess is in Another Labyrinth
What do binds do exactly? I keep hearing about them but i am not sure what they are and whether they are important or not.
What do binds do exactly? I keep hearing about them but i am not sure what they are and whether they are important or not.
thanks! aren't there sub-classes later on though? Maybe i can still have binds if i give one of my guys a subclass that has bind then?
Dandy Crocodile, you still up for supplying some artwork and stuff? If so I will focus on just informational/text stuff for now and not fire up good ol' GIMP today.
ok got most of that, thinking of exchanging my medic for an arcanist soon... but then i won't have a healer at ALL until i learn sub classes right? well except for my dancer but thats just support healing hmmm
Battle system probably should be a bit more generalized like Game systems or Mechanics, as a new player to the series fairly recently, a bunch of stuff confused me a bit:
- Binds(as seen on this very page a few posts up, system isn't obvious and isn't explained in detail in the game)
- FOEs
- Retiring, Subclass/Grimoire
- Rows(specifically how they function in these games compared to others in the genre, back row can get hit, just less often, back row can melee front row, back rows take less damage)
- Speed/Turn Order(and the dependance on weapons "weight" to determine your speed, though not sure that's the same in every game, but again something that's not explained anywhere)
ok got most of that, thinking of exchanging my medic for an arcanist soon... but then i won't have a healer at ALL until i learn sub classes right? well except for my dancer but thats just support healing hmmm
ok got most of that, thinking of exchanging my medic for an arcanist soon... but then i won't have a healer at ALL until i learn sub classes right? well except for my dancer but thats just support healing hmmm
Battle system probably should be a bit more generalized like Game systems or Mechanics, as a new player to the series fairly recently, a bunch of stuff confused me a bit:
- Binds(as seen on this very page a few posts up, system isn't obvious and isn't explained in detail in the game)
- FOEs
- Retiring, Subclass/Grimoire
- Rows(specifically how they function in these games compared to others in the genre, back row can get hit, just less often, back row can melee front row, back rows take less damage)
- Speed/Turn Order(and the dependance on weapons "weight" to determine your speed, though not sure that's the same in every game, but again something that's not explained anywhere)
Then it wouldn't be a class-based system. It's like a FPS without guns.
He's not stating an opinion on the game design, he's replying to my post above talking about the heading of "Battle System" should be generalized into "Game Mechanics" with a "Battle" section under that along with another section for stuff that isn't directly related to the combat.
You'll get arcanist after end of 2nd land.
I'm currently leveling one! Keep changing party members to give everyone a shot. Game is just sooo good. Tell me eo v is coming someday.
Play EO3 when you're done with IV, it's considered by many to be the best of the series.
Or wait for the eventual remake in probably 2-4 years.
Alright, so i was gonna switch to Arcanist earlier only to figure out i don't HAVE Arcanist on my list yet so at what point in the game will i unlock him?
Also: Did i screw myself this time? In Lush Woodlands, i managed to have the bear chase me all over the place to open up the blocked passages EXCEPT for one (the one all the way to the right), he just wouldn't follow me that far and i tried a lot of times too... so i just killed the bastard in the end ( was a messy fight but i came out on top) now he's gone and won't respawn ;( I have no other way to go in this labyrinth and it seems that was the only way to do it... does the game screw you like that on occasions or is there another way out?
Also: It seems i did all the quests so far and i simply won't get new ones at the dancing peacock... what gives?
If you sleep, FOEs respawn. Or well they respawn after a day or something, so you could just run around for a while.
right, i can do that BUT how am i supposed to lure him to said spot? He will follow up to a door or a corner, then quit chasing me, this basically locks up the entire Lush Woodlands dungeon for me since i can't progress past the only place that is left to explore since the way is barred
Quests are tied to your missions progress. Basically you'll need to complete whatever mission you're on right now to get more sidequests of appropriate level.
I only got the the first Outland Count mission so far which i completed a long time ago, got some sidequests, which i completed also and that's it, not more new mission
And as said, Arcanist is unlocked later on, around lvl 25-30 or so, until then you'll just medic.
got it
edit: THIS damn game!!! I just went through Lush Woodlands again and i noticed i forgot to map out one TINY pathway which i must have overlooked... yeah, figures it's the one that takes me to a second bear FOE which then breaks the barrier and also to a set of stairs which led to advancing the story and probably the missions etc. as well DOH, you gotta be REALLY thorough with this it seemsmy own damn fault though...
I haven't touched IV in a while, so someone correct me if I'm wrong, but FOEs respawn every seven days, while bosses respawn every fourteen. As for the side quests, I think you basically unlock at least one new one every time you reach a new mini-dungeon/stratum floor.If you sleep, FOEs respawn. Or well they respawn after a day or something, so you could just run around for a while.
Quests are tied to your missions progress. Basically you'll need to complete whatever mission you're on right now to get more sidequests of appropriate level.
And as said, Arcanist is unlocked later on, around lvl 25-30 or so, until then you'll just medic.
You might already have this covered, but be sure to mention the difference between how the grimoires in Untold and 2 Untold work, as well as the King Grimoires. As for the speed bonus, I'm pretty sure that its been additive as of 3, while it was multiplicative in 1 and 2.Battle system probably should be a bit more generalized like Game systems or Mechanics, as a new player to the series fairly recently, a bunch of stuff confused me a bit:
- Binds(as seen on this very page a few posts up, system isn't obvious and isn't explained in detail in the game)
- FOEs
- Retiring, Subclass/Grimoire
- Rows(specifically how they function in these games compared to others in the genre, back row can get hit, just less often, back row can melee front row, back rows take less damage)
- Speed/Turn Order(and the dependance on weapons "weight" to determine your speed, though not sure that's the same in every game, but again something that's not explained anywhere)
Etrian Odyssey Community Thread: The Ongoing Adventures of Fight and Heal
Etrian Odyssey Community Thread: Your Princess is in Another Labyrinth